2024-12-14 6:10 p.m. -- Here are the course grades, and the final exam scores. My grading program doesn't show all of the scores at the end of the semester, for privacy reasons. The final exam histogram is at the bottom, as usual. The exam average was a bit higher than those of the second and third midterms, which is good, as the final is comprehensive, and longer. The number of `E' grades is high, but note that a significant quantity of them show a score of 0 on the final. (Zeroes are not included in the exam statistics, BTW.) For a variety of reasons, every semester quite a few students stop turning in assignments and stop taking exams, but don't withdraw from their classes. Reminder: I will not be 'publishing' the final exam in Gradescope. This is common practice for many faculty, and this semester some of those colleagues requested that I not publish mine for this class, starting this semester. If you're concerned that a grading mistake may have cost you a higher course grade, read on! As promised, I reviewed the exams of students who were close to reaching the next-higher letter grade. If you are just below a letter-grade cutoff, rest assured that I did review your final. If there's a student earning a grade of B, C, D, or E, there will be a student with the top B/C/D/E. Being one of those students does not entitle you to the next-higher grade. (If it did, after enough iterations, everyone would end up with an 'A'!) I reviewed 10 such exams, about 15% of the total. Demanding that I review or re-review your exam because you worked really hard, or you would lose your 4.0 GPA if you get a 'B', or anything of the sort, aren't valid justifications to change your final exam score or your class grade. When looking at the final exam scores, please note: The max score possible was 135, not 100, and not 85 like the midterms. That means an exam score of 90, say, isn't as good as it looks at first glance. (90/135 is 66.7%, a mid 'D'.) Final detail: I will not be uploading course grades to UAccess immediately. I'll probably do that sometime tomorrow. You get to see them before the University does. Best of luck on the rest of your final exams, and I wish you all a good, if brief, semester break! --lim P.S. BTW, the SCS response rate ended up being 79.45%. Thanks in advance for your anonymous feedback ... which I can't read yet! (Instructors don't get to see the feedback until sometime -- days or weeks, it varies -- after we submit class grades to the university.) =============================================================================== Class: CSc 144, Discrete Math for CS I (Fall,2024) NOTE: The "replace the lowest midterm with a percentage-equivalent copy of the final exam score" policy is in effect; these scores reflect this adjustment. Final Exam Grade Final Course IDENTIFIER (135 points) Course Average Grade ------------------------------------------------------------- 189273 130 98.18 A 404415 127 96.40 A 079015 129 96.10 A 958021 129 95.89 A 778147 126 92.87 A 752701 134 92.56 A 937132 122 92.12 A ------------------------------------------------------------- 041629 112 89.22 B 648379 123 89.04 B 635948 112 88.47 B 491170 122 88.00 B 361423 114 87.51 B 415670 124 86.96 B 641398 126 86.56 B 051908 113 85.25 B 893399 115 84.43 B 251763 103 83.00 B 076282 121 82.48 B 402218 103 81.52 B 487167 94 80.62 B 464241 107 80.47 B 426027 103 79.80 B ------------------------------------------------------------- 446387 85 79.25 C 443739 102 78.24 C 503358 109 78.08 C 462144 107 77.78 C 266576 99 77.33 C 190782 82 76.24 C 353276 91 75.90 C 157633 99 75.30 C 113657 92 75.19 C 462958 98 74.87 C 613067 86 74.13 C 085131 78 73.93 C 840875 96 73.61 C 209384 88 73.53 C 643084 87 72.58 C 335119 102 72.35 C 279526 94 72.11 C 386123 86 71.84 C 489086 97 71.83 C 410526 86 71.52 C 260233 86 71.00 C 246424 81 70.96 C 976108 91 70.68 C 378380 79 70.68 C 780527 76 70.23 C ------------------------------------------------------------- 826825 91 69.19 D 005148 82 68.70 D 329573 100 67.94 D 135954 56 67.57 D 772739 70 66.54 D 780894 70 66.11 D 595888 77 63.86 D 737688 59 63.65 D 195432 62 60.06 D ------------------------------------------------------------- 590239 79 57.40 E 376473 72 57.14 E 952735 60 56.58 E 228332 66 55.48 E 313048 89 54.38 E 698463 68 54.37 E 445550 63 52.00 E 281813 54 51.76 E 582481 34 43.73 E 296470 0 41.71 E 409231 28 40.50 E 574965 30 31.25 E 133062 0 28.20 E 908789 0 23.39 E 315632 0 22.00 E 656123 0 19.86 E 658743 0 1.60 E ------------------------------------------------------------- Class Averages: 92.18(68.28%) 69.47 Class Std. Devs.: 24.62 19.63 Course: CSc 144, Discrete Math for CS I Exam: FINAL Section: All Date: 12/13 Semester: Fall,2024 Weight: 14% 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | # 3 | # # # 2 | # # # # # ## # # # # # # # 1 |# ## ## #### #### # # ## ##### # ## ##### ## #### # # # # ## ## # # # # # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+-- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 4 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 8 High Score: 134 (of 135) Class Average: 92.18 (68.28%) Low Score: 28 Std. Deviation: 24.62 Grade Range #Students ----- ------------- --------- A 135.0 - 120.8 12 B 120.7 - 107.3 6 C 107.2 - 93.8 15 D 93.7 - 80.3 15 E 80.2 - 0.1 19 (not including the 6 scores of 0)