Colloquium Speaker

Speaker:Nigel Davies
Sony US Research Labs
San Jose, California
Topic:Experiments in Mobile Context-Sensitive Computing: The GUIDE Project
Date:Thursday, September 14, 2000
Time:11:00 AM
Place:Gould-Simpson, Room 701

Refreshments will be served in the 7th-floor lobby of Gould-Simpson at 10:45 AM


The GUIDE system has been developed to provide city visitors with a hand-held context-aware tourist guide, enabling research into the practical issues surrounding the design, development, deployment and use of such systems. The system has been successfully rolled out in a major tourist destination and is currently at the stage where it is publicly available to visitors who wish to explore the city. Reaching this point has been the culmination of a number of distinct research efforts. In more detail, the development of GUIDE has involved: capturing application requirements, investigating the properties of a cell-based wireless communications technology in a built-up environment, deploying a network based on this technology around the city, designing and populating an information model for context-sensitive applications, developing a distributed application and associated protocols running across portable GUIDE units and stationary cell-servers and, finally, evaluating the entire system during an extensive field-trial study.

In this talk I will report on our results in each of the above areas and discuss the implications for mobile context-sensitive computing research. Background material can be found in our papers in this year's CHI and MOBICOM conferences.