Colloquium Speaker

Douglas Merrill, VP of Engineering, Google
Job Opportunities at Google
Date: Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Place: Gould-Simpson, Room 906
Refreshments will be served on the 9th floor "atrium" of Gould-Simpson at 10:45AM



We are very excited to move into our space on the ASU campus in Tempe. We will be located in the University Services building on Apache and Rural and plan to move in around mid June, after the tenant improvements are finished. Our Tempe facility will be a full- fledged engineering office, much like the ones we have around the world. This office will be responsible for designing and building products, as well as providing support for our current products and services. We are currently interviewing the best and brightest software engineers to join us in solving interesting and challenging problems. We are looking for a variety of people, ranging from researchers and database managers, to new CS graduates, to various types of engineers.

Please see Google for more information on job openings.



Google Abstract #2