Colloquium Speaker

Speaker:Len Bass
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Topic:The Architecture Trade-Off Analysis Method (ATAM)
Date:Tuesday, February 9, 1999
Time:9:30 AM
Place:Gould-Simpson, Room 701

Refreshments will be served in the 7th-floor lobby of Gould-Simpson at 9:15 AM


The software architecture of a system is the first artifact that reflects the trade off decisions that have been made. As such, it is suitable for analysis to determine how well the architecture will enable the achievement of the quality goals for the system. ATAM is a method that has been under development at the Software Engineering Institute for several years and that is being evolved through evaluations of actual large systems.

This talk will discuss software architecture and the quality attributes that are the intellectual underpinnings of ATAM. It will also discuss the ATAM method and give an example of the type of conclusions that can be reached through its use.