About the Icon Analyst

Ralph E. Griswold

Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona

March 19, 1996

The Icon Analyst is a newsletter designed and written for persons interested in the Icon programming language. It features articles relating to the technical aspects of Icon: programming techniques, in-depth coverage of language features, applications, and so forth. Each 12-page issue is packed with useful information.

If you are interested in the Icon programming language and especially if you program in Icon, this is the newsletter for you, whether you're a novice or expert.

The Analyst is written by Ralph E. Griswold, Madge T. Griswold, and Gregg M. Townsend, editors of The Icon Newsletter, which features matters of topical interest.

The Icon Analyst is published 6 times a year. The first issue appeared in August, 1990.

Topics planned for future issues
Dynamic program analysis
Visual interface tools
Building visual interfaces
Program anatomies
Names and variables
Graphics applications
Symbolic mathematics
The implementation of structures
Efficient programming
Programming quizzes
Avoiding bugs
Programming with structures
Dynamic hashing
Programming with co-expressions
Using the null value
Comparative expression timings
Writing bulletproof programs

The subscription rate is $25 per year in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, which includes first-class postage. The rate is $35 per year to other countries, which includes air-mail postage.

Back issues of the Analyst also are available while supplies last. Back issues are $5 each, with a $2 air-mail shipping charge per order to countries other than the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

To subscribe to the Analyst, complete the form on the back of this sheet and return it to the Icon Projectwith your payment.

Payment must be in U.S. dollars. Checks must be written on a bank with a branch in the United States. Payment also may be made by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Purchase orders must be prepaid.
Icon Project
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210077
Tucson, AZ 85721-0077

(520) 621-6613 (voice)

(520) 621-4246 (fax)


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