The Icon Program Library; Version 9.3

Ralph E. Griswold and Gregg M. Townsend

Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona

November 25, 1996

Note: This is an abbreviated description without a contents listing. The full version is given in IPD279.

1. Introduction

The Icon program library consists of Icon programs, procedures, documentation, and data. Version 9.3 of Icon is required for some parts of the library of the library [1,2].

2. Library Reorganization

With this release of the Icon program library, we are continuing the reorganization of library procedures into modules by topic. If you have been using an earlier version of the Icon program library, you may need to make some changes to link declarations in your programs. If you get error messages because of missing files, check the following modules to locate the procedures you need:
convert    type conversion and formatting procedures
datetime   date and time procedures
factors    procedures related to factoring and prime numbers
io         procedures related to input and output
lists      list manipulation procedures
math       procedures for mathematical computation
numbers    procedures for numerical computation and formatting
random     procedures related to random numbers
scan       scanning procedures
sets       set manipulation procedures
sort       sorting procedures
strings    string manipulation procedures
tables     table manipulation procedures

3. Unloading the Library

Note: The complete library, when unloaded, requires about 8.5MB of disk space. In particular, some documents in PostScript form are quite large. If your disk space is limited, take this into consideration before starting to unload.

The library is designed to be unloaded in a hierarchy that contains separate directories for different kinds of material. Material that requires graphics [2] is in separate directories whose names begin with g. If Icon doesn't support graphics on your platform, you can ignore these directories.

The directory structure for this version of the library is
        |--data                    data
        |--docs                    documentation
        |--incl                    include files
        |--packs                   packages
        |--procs                   procedures
        |--progs                   programs
        |--gdata                   as above, but for graphics
        |--cfuncs                  loadable C functions

The packages contain material that is too complex fit into other parts of the hierarchy or that does not conform to the library structure.

The loadable C functions are for platforms on which Icon supports the built-in function loadfunc(). See the README in that directory for more information.

The library files are packaged in different ways for different platforms. See the installation instructions for your platform.

4. Link and Include Search Paths

Many library programs link procedures. For example, options() is used by many programs for processing command-line options and is linked from "ucode" files obtained from translating options.icn.

Icon searches for ucode files first in the current directory and then in directories specified by the IPATH environment variable. IPATH consists of a sequence of blank-separated path names. The search is in the order of the names. For example, on a UNIX system running csh,
setenv IPATH "../procs /usr/icon/ilib"
results in a search for file names in link declarations first in the current directory, then in ../procs, and finally in /usr/icon/ilib.

Files included by the preprocessor directive $include are searched for on LPATH. It has the same form as IPATH.

The method of setting IPATH and LPATH varies from system to system.

Since the current directory always is searched first, IPATH and LPATH need not be set if ucode and include files are placed in the same directory as the program files. See the next section.

5. Installing the Library

Installing the Icon program library consists of two steps: (1) translating the procedure files to produce ucode files and (2) translating and linking the programs.

Ucode files are produced by translating the procedure files with the -c option to icont, as in
icont -c options
which translates options.icn. The result is two ucode files named options.u1 and options.u2. The .u1 file contains the procedure's code and the .u2 file contains global information about the procedure. It is these files that a link declaration such as
link options

Scripts for translating the procedure files are provided with the distribution. Once the procedure files have been translated, the ucode files can be moved to any place that is accessible from IPATH.

The programs are translated and linked using icont without the -c option, as in
icont deal
which translates and links deal.icn, a program that produces randomly selected bridge hands.

The result of translating and linking a program is an "icode" file. On some platforms, the name of the icode file is the same as the name of the program file with the .icn suffix removed (for example, deal). On other platforms, the icode file name has the suffix .exe in place of .icn (for example, deal.exe). Scripts for translating and linking the programs are provided with distributions for individual platforms. Instructions for building the programs contained in separate packages are included with those packages.

Some platforms (UNIX and MS-DOS, for example) support the direct execution of icode files. On such systems, an icode file can be run just by entering its name on the command line, as in
On other systems, it is necessary to run iconx with the icode file as an argument, as in
iconx deal
(This also works on systems that support direct execution.) Note that the suffix (if any) need not be mentioned.

Many library programs take arguments and options from the command line. Options are identified by dashes. For example, in
deal -h 10
the -h 10 instructs deal to produce 10 hands.

Icode files can be moved to any location accessible from your PATH. Ucode and include files are needed only during linking. They need not be accessible when icode files are run.

6. Usage Notes

It is important to read the documentation at the beginning of programs and procedures in the library. It includes information about special requirements, limitations, known bugs, and so forth.

Some of the programs in the Icon program library are quite large and may require more memory than is available on some platforms.

7. Disclaimer

The material in the Icon program library is contributed by users. It is in the public domain and can be freely copied, although author information should be left intact and any modifications should be properly attributed.
Neither the Icon Project nor the authors of material in the Icon program library assume any responsibility as to its correctness or its suitability for any purpose. The responsibility for use of the Icon program library lies entirely with the user.

8. Contents

Programs, procedures, definitions, and C functions are listed in a separate set of web pages. These pages include indices with links to detailed descriptions and source code.

The library also includes the following additional directories.

8.1 Data -- data

*.csg         data for csg.icn
*.krs         data for kross.icn
*.lbl         data for labels.icn
*.rsg         data for rsg.icn
*.tok         sample output of syntactic token counting
*.tur         data for turing.icn
*.txt         plain text
chart.gmr     data for ichartp.icn
conman.sav    data for conman.icn
farber.sen    "Farberisms"
header        skeleton header for Icon program files
hebcalen.dat  data read by hebcalen.dat
hebcalen.hlp  help file for hebcalen.dat
hebcalpi.hlp  data read by ProIcon version of hebcalen.dat
icon.wrd      English words containing the substring "icon"
ihelp.dat     data for ihelp.icn
linden.dat    input to xlinden.dat
noci.wrd      English words containing the substring "noci"
palin.sen     Palindromic sentences
pas128.cpt    Pascal triangle carpet to 128
pt*.gmr       data for pt.icn
sample.grh    sample data for graphpak.icn
skeleton.icn  skeleton used to create/update Icon programs
termcap.dos   termcap data for MS-DOS
termcap2.dos  alternative termcap data for MS-DOS
verse.dat     vocabulary for verse.icn

8.2 Data -- gdata

*.clr         color lists, mostly from Icon palettes as named
*.gif         GIF images
*.iml         lists of image strings
*.ims         image strings in Icon code format
*.lch         data for gpacks/tiger/tgrmap.icn
*.pts         data for facebend.icn
gpxtest.gif   GIF image from gpxtest.icn
gxplor.dat    test script for gxplor.icn
linden.dat    input to linden.icn
uix.dat       data for testing XIB-to-VIB conversion
vibapp.icn    sample VIB application
xibapp.icn    sample XIB application
xnames.ed     ed(1) script to convert 8.10 function names to 9.0

8.3 Documentation -- docs

address.doc   documentation for address procedures
hebcalen.hlp  documentation for hebcalen.icn
hebcalpi.hlp  documentation for hebcalpi.icn
iconmake.doc  make skeleton for Icon
ipp.doc       supplementary documentation for ipp.icn        manual page for mr.icn
post.1        manual page source for post.icn
polywalk.txt  description of polynomial programs
procs.pdx     index to procedures        manual page for pt.icn
*.fdx         indexes to files

8.4 Documentation -- gdocs

gprocs.pdx    index to procedures
gtrace.doc    documentation for graphic traces   PostScript documentation for penelope.icn        PostScript documentation for interface builder    PostScript documentation for vidgets
*.fdx         indexes to files

8.5 Packages -- packs

ftrace        function tracing
ibpag2        LR-based parser generator
idol          Idol; object-oriented Icon written in Icon
itweak        interactive debugger
loadfunc      C functions loaded dynamically
skeem         Scheme language, implemented in Icon

8.6 Packages -- gpacks

ged           window-based editor
tiger         map drawing from Census TIGER data
vib           graphics interface builder

9. Contributions to the Icon Program Library

New material for the Icon program library always is welcome. See Reference 3 for guidelines and submission instructions.

10. Feedback

If you encounter problems with material in the Icon program library, please let us know. If you can provide corrections or improvements to library material, please send them by electronic mail or on a diskette.

We can be reached as follows:
Icon Project
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210077
Tucson, AZ 85721-0077 U.S.A.

(520) 621-6613 (voice)

(520) 621-4246 (fax)


Dozens of persons have contributed material to this release of the Icon program library. See the program material itself for authorship information.


1. R. E. Griswold, C. L. Jeffery and G. M. Townsend, Version 9.3 of the Icon Programming Language, The Univ. of Arizona Icon Project Document IPD278, 1995.

2. G. M. Townsend, R. E. Griswold and C. L. Jeffery, Graphics Facilities for the Icon Programming Language; Version 9.1, The Univ. of Arizona Icon Project Document IPD281, 1995.

3. R. E. Griswold, Icon Program Library Submissions, The Univ. of Arizona Icon Project Document IPD151. 1996.

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