imrutils.icn: Procedures to deal with image records

procedure imrcath:         horizontally concatenate image records
procedure imrcatv:         vertically concatenate image records
procedure imrdraw:         draw image record
procedure imrflipd:        flip image record diagonally
procedure imrfliph:        flip image record horizontally
procedure imrflipv:        flip image record vertically
procedure imrnegative:     form negative of image record
procedure imropen:         open window with image record
procedure imrpshift:       map shifted palette
procedure imrrot180:       rotate image record 180 degrees
procedure imrrot90cw:      rotate image record 90 deg. clockwise
procedure imrshifth:       shift image record horizontally
procedure imrshiftv:       shift image record vertically
procedure imrtoims:        convert image record to image string
procedure imstoimr:        convert image string to image record
procedure imror:           form inclusive "or" of two images

link imrutils
January 23, 2002; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.

Procedures to manipulate image strings as records.

     imrcath(imr1, imr2)
                     concatenates imr1 and imr2 horizontally

     imrcatv(imr1, imr2)
                     concatenates imr1 and imr2 vertically

     imrcopy(imr)    create copy of imr

     imrdraw(win, x, y, imr)
                     draws an image record

     imrfliph(imr)   flips an image record horizontally

     imrflipv(imr)   flips an image record vertically

                     produces "negative" of image; intended for
                     grayscale palettes

     imropen(imr)    opens a hidden window with an image record

     imror(imr)      forms inclusive "or" of two images

     imrpshift(imr, ir)
                     shifts colors by mapping rotated palette

                     rotates an image record 180 degrees

                     rotates an image record 90 degrees clockwise

     imrshifth(imr, i)
                     shifts an image record horizontally by i pixels
                     with wrap-around; positive i to the right,
                     negative to the left.

     imrshiftv(imr, i)
                     shifts an image record vertically by i pixels
                     with wrap-around; positive i to the top,
                     negative to the bottom.

     imstoimr(s)     converts an image string to an image record

     imrtoims(imr)   converts an image record to an image string

Note:  All the procedures that produce image records modify their
argument records; they do not return modified copies.

Possible additions:

     Make stripes from one (or more) rows/columns.

     Convert from one palette to another.

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