interact.icn: Procedures to support interactive applications

procedure edit_file:       editor launch
procedure edit_list:       edit lines dialog
procedure error_notice:    error alert
procedure execute:         command-line launch
procedure list_win:        window for list of strings
procedure expose:          expose window
procedure load_file:       load dialog
procedure open_image:      open image
procedure ExitNotice:      notice dialog that fails
procedure FailNotice:      notice dialog that fails
procedure save_as:         save-as dialog
procedure save_file:       save dialog
procedure save_list:       save list dialog
procedure select_dialog:   select dialog for many items
procedure snapshot:        snapshot dialog
procedure unsupported:     unsupported feature alert

link interact
August 7, 2001; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.

edit_file(s)    launches an editor, default vi, for the file named

edit_list(L)    provides edit dialog for the strings in the list L.

error_notice(i, x, s)
                produces a notice dialog noting a run-time
                error.  It can be used to handle procedure
                errors by runerr := error_notice.

execute()       provides a dialog for specifying a command.

expose(win)     attempt to make win the active window for the
                window manager.

load_file(s, n) presents a standard open dialog with the caption s.
                and suggest name n.

                If the user specifies a file that can be opened,
                dialog_value is set to it.  Otherwise, the dialog
                is presented again.  The name of the selected
                button is returned.

open_image(s)   presents a standard open dialog with the caption s.
                If the user specifies a file that can be opened as
                an image in a window, the window is opened.  Otherwise
                the dialog is presented again.

ExitNotice(s[]) Notice() that exits.

FailNotice(s[]) Notice() that fails.

save_as(s, n)   presents a standard save dialog with the caption s
                and suggested name n.  If the user specifies a file
                that can be written, the file is assigned to
                dialog_value.  Otherwise the dialog is presented
                again.  save_as() fails if the user cancels.

save_file(s, n) presents a standard save dialog with the caption s
                and suggested name n.  If the user specifies a file
                that can be written, the file is returned.
                Otherwise, save_as() is called.  The name of
                the selected button is returned.

save_list(s, L) provides dialog for saving list items in a file.

select_dialog(s, L, d)
                provides a dialog for selecting from a list of
                items.  d is the default selection.

snapshot(win, x, y, w, h, n)
                writes an image file for the specified portion of
                the window.  The name for the file is requested from
                the user via a dialog box.  If there already is a
                file by the specified name, the user is given the
                option of overwriting it or selecting another name.
                The procedure fails if the user cancels.  n sets
                the width of the text-entry field.

unsupported()   provides Notice() for unsupported feature.

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