strpchrt.icn: Procedure for dynamic stripchart for windows

procedure stripchart:      create stripchart
procedure sadvance:        advance stripchart
procedure smark:           mark stripchart

link strpchrt
August 14, 1996; Gregg M. Townsend
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.

A stripchart models a continuous roll of paper that is marked along
the right edge while it moves continuously to the left.  This is
also known as a chart recording.

stripchart(window, x, y, width, height) creates a stripchart.

sadvance(sc)                            advances a stripchart.

smark(sc, y1, y2)                       marks a stripchart.

stripchart(window, x, y, width, height)

    establishes a stripchart and returns a record sc for use with
    other procedures.

    The chart can be marked by calling smark() or by drawing directly
    at location (sc.x, y) where y is arbitrary.


    advances the stripchart by one pixel.

smark(sc, y1, y2)

    marks the current position of the stripchart from y1 to y2.  y2 may
    be omitted, in which case a single pixel at (sc.x, y1) is marked.

    If the chart has not been advanced since the last mark at y1,
    nothing happens.

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