tieutils.icn: Procedures related to weaving tie-ups

procedure imr2tie:         convert image record to tie-up
procedure pat2tie:         convert pattern to tie-up string
procedure pat2tier:        convert pattern to tie-up record
procedure showpat:         image of bi-level pattern
procedure testtie:         test validity of tie-up s
procedure tie2imr:         convert tie-up to image record
procedure tie2pat:         convert tie-up record to ims
procedure tie2tier:        create 0/1 tie-up record
procedure tie2coltier:     create color tie-up record
procedure tier2string:     convert tie-up record to string
procedure twill:           twill tie-up
procedure direct:          direct tie-up
procedure satin:           satin tie-up
procedure tabby:           tabby tie-up
procedure general:         general tie-up
procedure exptie:          expression tie-up

link tieutils
September 15, 2001; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.

imr2tie(imr)    converts g2 image record to tie-ip

pat2tie(pat)    converts bi-level pattern to tie-up string

pat2tier(pat)   converts bi-level pattern to tie-up record

showpat(pat, size, fg, bg)
                produces a hidden window for the pattern as a matrix
                with the specified foreground and background colors

str2matrix(shafts, treadles, s)
                produce matrix from binary string

testtie(s)      succeeds if s is a valid tie-up but fails otherwise

tie2imr(s)      converts tie-up to g2 image record

tie2pat(i, j, tie)
                converts tie-up to bi-level pattern

tie2coltier(s)  creates a black/white color tieup-record for
                  tie-up s

tie2tier(s)     creates a 0/1 tie-up record for tie-up s

tier2rstring(r) creates a tie-up string from a tie-up record

twill(pattern, shift, shafts)
                twill tie-up

overunder(pattern, treadles)
                over/under tie-up structure

direct(shafts, treadles)
                direct tie-up

satin(counter, shafts, treadles)
                satin tie-up

tabby(shafts, treadles)
                tabby tie-up

general(pattern, shift, rep, shafts)
                general tie-up

exptie(expression, shafts, treadles)
                expression tie-up

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