kaleid.icn: Program to produce kaleidoscope

November 22, 2009; Stephen B. Wampler
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.
   Lots of options, most easily set by with the interface after
   startup.  The only one that isn't set that way is -wn where 'n' is
   the size of the kaleidoscope window (default is 600 square).

   Terminology (and options):

      Window_size (-wN): How big of a display window to use.
          At the current time, this can only be set via a
          command line argument.

      Density (-dN): How many circles per octant to keep on display
          at any one time.  There is NO LIMIT to the density.

      Duration (-lN): How long to keep drawing circles (measured in
          in circles) once the density is reached.  There is NO LIMIT
          to the duration.

      MaxRadius (-MN): Maximum radius of any circle.

      MinRadius (-mN): Preferred minimum radius.  Circles with centers
          near the edge have their radii forced down to fit entirely
          on the display

      MaxOffset (-XN): Maximum offset from center of display (may wrap).

      MinOffset (-xN): Minimum offset

      Skew (-sN): Shift probability of placing a circle at a 'typical'

      Fill (-F): Turns off filling the circles.

      Clear (-C): After the duration, reduces density back to 0 before

      Random Seed: (-rN): Sets the random number seed.

Thanks to Jon Lipp for help on using vidgets, and to Mary Camaron
  for her Interface Builder.

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