picktile.icn: Program to pick a tile out of an image

May 2, 2001; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.
This program provides an optionally magnified view of an image file.
Clicking on a pixel produces a pattern specification for the tile
with the selected upper-left corner.

Options are:

     -z i    zoom factor, default 1 (no magnification)
     -f      use fixed size tiles rather than selection; default selection
     -w i    width of tile, default 32
     -h i    height of tile, default width
     -I      pick tiles to make icons; implies -z2, -f, -w38, -w38 (the
               larger size leaves room for error and trimming)
     -R i    specs for ResEdit files; i = 32 or 16
     -t      trim whitepace around tile

Typical usage is

     picktile image.xbm >image.tle

The program terminates if "q" is pressed when in the image window.

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