randweav.icn: Program to create random weavable patterns

April 6, 1999; Gregg M. Townsend
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.
Randweav is an interactive program for generating random
weavable patterns.  The top and left rows of the displayed
pattern are a "key" to the vertical and horizontal threads
of an imaginary loom.  The colors of the other cells are chosen
so that each matches either the vertical or horizontal thread
with which it is aligned.

The interactive controls are as follows:

Colors  Specifies the number of different colors from which
        the threads are selected.

        If "cycle warp" is checked, the vertical thread colors
        repeat regularly.  If "cycle weft" is checked, the
        horizontal thread colors repeat regularly.

RENDER  When pressed, generates a new random pattern.
        Pressing the Enter key or space bar does the same thing.

Side    Specifies the number of threads along each side
        of the pattern.  The pattern is always square.

Bias    Specifies as a percentage the probability that the
        vertical thread will determine the color of a pixel.

        If "perfect" is checked, vertical and horizontal
        threads alternate perfectly, ignoring the bias value.

Save    Brings up a dialog for saving the pattern as an image.

Quit    Exits the program.

Note that the mouse must be over a numeric field to type in
a new value.

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