repeater.icn: Program to repeat image

May 2, 2001; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.
This program repeats images a specified number of times.  The image
names are given on the command line.

The supported options are:

     -h i    repeat horizontally i times, default 1.
     -v i    repeat vertically i times, default 1.
     -a i    repeat i times perpendicular to smallest dimension;
             default 10; and 1 time perpendicular to the largest dimension;
             overrides -h and 0v.
     -l i    limit size in repeat direction to i; default 256; only applies
             if -a is in force.
     -p s    prefix to prepend to image name, default "rep_".  Can
             be empty string, in which case the input image is

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