calendar.icn: Procedures for data and time calculation and conversion

procedure Cal_Init:        initialize calendar globals
procedure Cal_IsLeapYear:  determine if year is leap
procedure Cal_IsDST:       determines if seconds (local) is DST
procedure Cal_NthWeekdayTo gets seconds of nth specified weekday of month
procedure Cal_DateLineToSe convert &dateline to seconds
procedure Cal_DateToSec:   convert &date to seconds
procedure Cal_SecToDate:   convert seconds to &date
procedure Cal_SecToDateLin convert seconds to &dateline
procedure Cal_SecToUnixDat convert seconds to UNIX time
procedure Cal_ClockToSec:  convert &date to seconds
procedure Cal_SecToClock:  convert seconds to &clock

link calendar
March 25, 2002; Robert J. Alexander
See also: datetime.icn, datefns.icn
This file is in the public domain.

Procedures in this file supersede several procedures in datetime.icn.

Setting up
You will probably want to set a platform environment variable
"Cal_TimeZone" to an appropriate local time zone ID string
before using this library. Look at the time zone data at the
end of this source file and choose an ID for your locale.
Common ones for USA are "PST", "MST", "CST", and "EST", although
there are more specific ones such as "America/Arizona" that
handle special rules. If environment variables are not supported
for your platform or your implementation of Icon, explicitly specify
the default time zone in your program: e.g.

        Cal_CurrentTimeZone := Cal_GetTimeZone("PST").

If your system uses a base year for date calculation that is
different from 1970, your can specify it in an environment
variable "Cal_DateBaseYear" or set it directly in the global
variable by the same name. Unix and Windows use the library's
default value of 1970, but Macintosh used to use 1984 (I'm
not sure if Apple have yet seen fit to conform to
the 1970 quasi-standard). This setting doesn't matter unless you
want your "seconds" values to be the same as your system's.

GMT and local time
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is a universal time standard (virtually
equivalent to "Coordinated Universal Time" (UTC), except for some
millisecond differences).

Time forms
There are two fundamental date/time forms supported by this
library: a form in which computation is easy (the "seconds" form)
and a form in which formatting is easy (the "calendar record"
  - Seconds -- the time is be represented as an integer that is
    the number of seconds relative to the beginning of
    Cal_DateBaseYear, GMT. Cal_DateBaseYear is
    usually 1970, but can be changed). The "seconds" form is
    a universal time, independent of locale.
  - Cal_Rec -- a "calendar record", which has fields for date and
    time components: year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds,and
    The "Cal_Rec" form is usually in terms of local time, including
    accounting for daylight savings time according to local rules.

  - Several procedures have a final "timeZone" parameter. In those
    procedures the timeZone parameter is optional and, if omitted,
    Cal_CurrentTimeZone is used.

  - The time zone table and list consume around 30KB that can be
    "freed" by setting both Cal_TimeZoneTable and Cal_TimeZoneList
    to &null. Procedures Cal_GetTimeZoneTable() and
    Cal_GetTimeZoneList() will re-create the structures and assign
    them back to their globals. For many applications, those
    structures are no longer needed after program initialization.

  - The global variables are automatically initialized by
    the Cal_ procedures. However, if you want to use the globals
    before using any procedures, they must be explicitly initialized
    by calling Cal_Init().

  - Time zone records in the time zone structures should be viewed
    as read-only. If you want to make temporary changes to the
    fields, copy() the time zone record.

Global variables
The following global variables are useful in date and time
operations (R/O means please don't change it):

  - Cal_SecPerMin       - (R/O) Seconds per minute.
  - Cal_SecPerHour      - (R/O) Seconds per hour.
  - Cal_SecPerDay       - (R/O) Seconds per day.
  - Cal_SecPerWeek      - (R/O) Seconds per week.
  - Cal_MonthNames      - (R/O) List of month names.
  - Cal_DayNames        - (R/O) List of day names.
  - Cal_CurrentTimeZone - Current default time zone record --
                          can be changed at any time. Initialized
                          to the time zone whose ID is in
                          environment variable "Cal_TimeZone" if
                          set, or to GMT.
  - Cal_TimeZoneGMT     - (R/O) The GMT time zone record. Can be used
                          as a timeZone parameter to "turn off"
                          conversion to or from local.
  - Cal_DateBaseYear - The base year from which the "seconds"
                          form is calculated, initialized to
                          the value of environment variable
                          "Cal_DateBaseYear" if set, or 1970 (the
                          year used by both Unix and MS-Windows)
  - Cal_TimeZoneTable - A table of time zones keyed by the
                          time zone's ID string
  - Cal_TimeZoneList - A list of time zones ordered by
                          increasing offset from GMT

Initialization procedure
        Initializes global variables. Called implicitly by
        the Cal_ procedures.

Cal_Rec (calendar record) procedures
Cal_Rec(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,weekday)                     =20
        Cal_Rec record constructor. All values are integers in
        customary US usage (months are 1-12, weekdays are 1-7 with
        1 -> Sunday)

        Converts seconds to a Cal_Rec, applying conversion rules
        of "timeZone". To suppress conversion, specify timeZone =

        Converts a Cal_Rec to seconds, applying conversion rules
        of "timeZone". To suppress conversion, specify timeZone =

Time zone procedures
        Gets a time zone given a time zone ID string. Fails if
        a time zone for the given ID cannot be produced.

        Returns the tine zone list that is the value of
        Cal_TimeZoneList, unless that global has been explicitly
        set to &null. If the global is null, a new list is built,
        assigned to Cal_TimeZoneList, and returned.

        Returns the tine zone table that is the value of
        Cal_TimeZoneTable, unless that global has been explicitly
        set to &null. If the global is null, a new table is built,
        assigned to Cal_TimeZoneTable, and returned. In building
        the table, Cal_GetTimeZoneList() is called so global
        variable Cal_TimeZoneList is also set.

Date/time calculation procedures
        Converts seconds from local to GMT using the rules of

        Converts seconds from GMT to local using the rules of

        Returns the number of seconds in a day if year is a leap
        year, otherwise fails.

        Returns the count of leap years in the range of years n
        where loYear <= n < hiYear.

        Returns the DST offset in hours if seconds (local time)
        is in the DST period, otherwise fails.

        Returns seconds of nth specified weekday of month, or fails
        if no such day. This is mainly an internal procedure for
        DST calculations, but might have other application.

Date/time formatting procedures
        Converts a date in something like Icon's &dateline format
        (Wednesday, February 11, 1998  12:00 am) to "seconds" form.

        Converts a date string in something like Icon &date format
        (1998/02/11) to "seconds" form.

        Converts "seconds" form to a string in Icon's
        &date format (1998/02/11).

        Converts "seconds" form to a string in Icon's &dateline
        format (Wednesday, February 11, 1998  12:00 am).

        Converts "seconds" form to a string in typical UNIX
        date/time format (Jan 14 10:24 1991).

Time-only formatting procedures
        Converts a time in the format of &clock (19:34:56) to
        seconds past midnight.

        Converts seconds past midnight to a string in the format of
        &clock (19:34:56).

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