ddfread.icn: Procedures for reading ISO 8211 DDF files

procedure ddfopen:         open DDF file
procedure ddfread:         read DDF record
procedure ddfclose:        close DDF file

link ddfread
August 2, 2001; Gregg M. Townsend
This file is in the public domain.

These procedures read DDF files ("Data Descriptive Files",
ISO standard 8211) such as those specified by the US Geological
Survey's "Spatial Data Transfer Standard" for digital maps.
ISO8211 files from other sources may contain additional data
encodings not recognized by these procedures.

ddfopen(filename) opens a file and returns a handle.
ddfdda(handle) returns a list of header records.
ddfread(handle) reads the next data record.
ddfclose(handle) closes the  file.

ddfopen(filename) opens a DDF file, decodes the header, and
returns an opaque handle for use with subsequent calls.  It
fails if any problems are encountered.  Instead of a filename,
an already-open file can be supplied.

ddfdda(handle) returns a list of records containing data
from the Data Descriptive Area (DDA) of the file header.
Each record contains the following fields:

        tag     DDR entry tag
        control field control data
        name    field name
        labels  list of field labels
        format  data format

The records may also contain other fields used internally.

ddfread(handle) reads the next data record from the file.
It returns a list of lists, with each sublist containing
a tag name followed by the associated data values, already
decoded according to the specification given in the header.

ddfclose(handle) closes a DDF file.

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