exprfile.icn: Procedures to produce programs on the fly

procedure exprfile:        pipe for Icon expression
procedure exec_expr:       execute expression in lists
procedure plst2pstr:       convert program list to string
procedure pstr2plst:       convert program string to list
procedure ucode:           create ucode file

link exprfile
August 5, 1997; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: system(), pipes, /tmp
This file is in the public domain.

exprfile(exp, link, ...)
                produces a pipe to a program that writes all the
                results generated by exp.  The trailing arguments
                name link files needed for the expression.

                exprfile() closes any previous pipe it opened
                and deletes its temporary file.  Therefore,
                exprfile() cannot be used for multiple expression

                If the expression fails to compile, the global
                expr_error is set to 1; otherwise 0.

exec_expr(expr_list, links[])
                generates the results of executing the expression
                contained in the lists expr_list with the specified

plst2pstr(L)    converts the list of Icon programs lines in L to a
                string with separating newlines.

pstr2plst(s)    converts the string of Icon program lines (separated
                by newlines) to a list of lines.

ucode(file)     produces a ucode file from the Icon program in file.

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