polynom.icn: Procedures to manipulate multi-variate polynomials

procedure str2poly:        convert string to polynomial
procedure polyadd:         add polynomials
procedure polymod:         polynomial modular reduction
procedure polysub:         subtract polynomials
procedure polymul:         multiply polynomials
procedure polyexp:         exponentiate polynomial
procedure poly2str:        polynomial to string
procedure polydiff:        polynomial differentiation
procedure polyintg:        polynomial integration
procedure peval:           string polynomial simplification
procedure poper:           find polynomial operation
procedure pform:           polynomial formation
procedure poly2profile:    polynomial to profile sequence
procedure poly2profilelen: polynomial to profile sequence

link polynom
October 1, 2001; Ralph E. Griswold
This file is in the public domain.

The format for strings omits symbols for multiplication and
exponentiation.  For example, 3*a^2 is entered as 3a2.

A polynomial is represented by a table in which each term, such as 3xy,
the xy is #  a key and the corresponding value is the coefficient, 3 in
this case.  If a variable is raised to a power, such as x^3, the key
is the product of the individual variables, xxx in this case.

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