zipread.icn: Procedures for reading files from ZIP archives

procedure iszip:           check for ZIP archive
procedure zipdir:          open ZIP directory
procedure zipfile:         open member of ZIP archive

link zipread
March 5, 2000; Gregg M. Townsend
Requires: UNIX with "unzip" utility.
This file is in the public domain.

These Unix procedures read files from ZIP format archives by
opening pipes to the "unzip" utility.  It is assumed that
"unzip" is in the shell search path.

iszip(zname) succeeds if zname is a ZIP archive.
zipdir(zname) opens a ZIP archive directory.
zipfile(zname, fname) opens a member of a ZIP archive.

iszip(zname) succeeds if the named file appears to be
a ZIP format archive file.

zipdir(zname) returns a pipe from which the members of the
ZIP archive can be read, one per line, as if reading a
directory.  It is assumed that zname is a ZIP archive.

zipfile(zname, fname) returns a pipe from which the
file fname within the ZIP archive zname can be read.
It is assumed that zname and fname are valid.

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