filecnvt.icn: Program to convert line terminators

August 14, 1996; Beth Weiss
This file is in the public domain.
   This program copies a text file, converting line terminators. It is
called in the form

     filecnvt [-i s1] [-o s2] infile outfile

The file name "-" is taken to be standard input or output, depending
on its position, although standard input/output has limited usefulness,
since it translates line terminators according the the system
being used.

   The options are:

     -i s1   assume the input file has line termination for the
               system designated by s1. The default is "u".

     -o s2   write the output file with line terminators for the
               system designated by s2. The default is "u".

The designations are:

     d       MS-DOS ("\n\r"); also works for the Atari ST
     m       Macintosh ("\r")
     u       UNIX ("\n"); also works for the Amiga

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