ifilter.icn: Program to filter lines of file

January 21, 1999; Ralph E. Griswold
This file is in the public domain.
This program applies the operation given as a command-line argument
to each line of standard input, writing out the results.  For example,

     ifilter reverse <foo

writes out the lines of foo reversed end-for-end.

Trailing arguments can be given on the command line, as in

     ifilter right 10 0 <foo         # right(*, "10", "0")
     ifilter "%" 11 <foo             # * % "11"

The modules strings and numbers are linked to provide access to the
procedures they contain.  Except for these and operators and (built-in)
functions, this program needs to be linked with procedures to be
used with it.

The following options are supported:

     -a i    argument position for strings read in; default 1
     -o i    resolution of ambiguous operator string names, 1 for unary, 2
               for binary; default 2
     -l i    limit on generation, with nonpositive indicating
               no limitation; default 1

Note:  This is a renaming of an earlier program, filter.icn, to
avoid name collisions on systems where there already is a utility
named filter.

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