ihelp.icn: Program to give on-line help for Icon

December 5, 1989; Robert J. Alexander
This file is in the public domain.
ihelp -- Program to display "help" information

     ihelp [-f helpfile] [item] [keyword ...]

The optional item name specifies the section of the help file which
is to be displayed.  If no item name is specified a default section
will be displayed, which usually lists the help items that are
available.  An initial substring of the item name that differentiates
it from other items is sufficient.

If keyword(s) are specified, then only lines that contain all of the
keywords, in any order, are displayed.  The keywords do not have to
correspond to whole words in the help text; only to text fragments.

All item name and keyword matches are case independent.

The help file name is taken from environment variable "HELPFILE".  If
HELPFILE is not in the environment, file "help" in the current
directory is used.  A help file name specified in the -f option

The help files are formatted as follows:

     default text lines
     item "one" text lines
     item "two" text lines

Sections are separated by lines containing a single "-".  Item names
are the first line following a separator line.

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