imagetyp.icn: Program to show types of image files

May 2, 2001; Ralph E. Griswold
This file is in the public domain.
This program accepts file names from standard input and writes their
image type to standard output.

imagetyp(s) attempts to determine the type of image file named s.
This is, of course, problematical and corrupted or fake files can
easily fool it.  Furthermore, examples of some image files types
were not available for testing.

The types presently recognized are:

     value returned          image file type

     ps                      PostScript document
     cgm text                Computer Graphics Metafile, text
     cgm binary              Computer Graphics Metafile, binary
     cgm char                Computer Graphics Metafile, character
     sundraw                 SunDraw document
     ras                     UNIX raster image
     iris                    Iris image
     rle                     UNIX RLE image
     pbm                     PBM image
     pgm                     PGM image
     ppm                     PPM image
     xwd                     X Window dump
     gif                     Compuserv GIF image
     bmp                     BMP image
     xmp                     XMP image
     xpm                     XPM image
     pcx                     PCX image
     tiff                    TIFF image
     iff                     IFF/ILBM image
     ?                       unknown type

If the file cannot be opened or is empty, imagetyp() fails.

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