iplindex.icn: Program to produce indexed listing of the program library

March 3, 1996; Ralph E. Griswold
This file is in the public domain.
The following options are supported:

     -k i    width keyword field, default 16
     -p i    width of field for program name, default 12

   Some noise words are omitted (see "exceptions" in the program text).
If a file named except.wrd is open and readable in the current directory,
the words in it are used instead.

   This program is pretty simple.  Possible extensions include ways
of specifying words to be omitted, more flexible output formatting, and
so on.  Another "embellisher's delight".

   This program was derived from kwic.icn by Steve Wampler.

   The format of the output was suggested by Gregg Townsend.

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