ipxref.icn: Program to cross reference Icon program

June 14, 1994; Allan J. Anderson
This file is in the public domain.
   This program cross-references Icon programs. It lists the
occurrences of each variable by line number. Variables are listed
by procedure or separately as globals.  The options specify the
formatting of the output and whether or not to cross-reference
quoted strings and non-alphanumerics. Variables that are followed
by a left parenthesis are listed with an asterisk following the
name.  If a file is not specified, then standard input is cross-

Options: The following options change the format defaults:

     -c n The column width per line number. The default is 4
          columns wide.

     -l n The starting column (i.e. left margin) of the line
          numbers.  The default is column 40.

     -w n The column width of the whole output line. The default
          is 80 columns wide.

   Normally only alphanumerics are cross-referenced. These
options expand what is considered:

     -q   Include quoted strings.

     -x   Include all non-alphanumerics.

Note: This program assumes the subject file is a valid Icon pro-
gram. For example, quotes are expected to be matched.

Bugs:  In some situations, the output is not properly formatted.

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