mszip.icn: Program to ZIP a directory for MS-DOS use

June 23, 2000; Gregg M. Townsend
Requires: UNIX, zip program
This file is in the public domain.
usage:  mszip [options] root-directory zip-file
     -n      no action: just report; zip-file may be omitted
     -v      verbose commentary: list individual file types
     -i      check filenames for ISO 9660 (CD-ROM) legality

Mszip stuffs the contents of a directory into a ZIP archive file,
translating text files to CRLF form.  Pipes are opened that
require find, sort, and zip in the search path.

The default report gives an inventory of files by extension.  This
can be useful even without creating a ZIP file ("mszip -n dir").

File types on the verbose report are:
     x       unreadable file
     e       empty file
     b       binary file
     c       text file with CRLFs
     n       text file with newlines
A file is "binary" if it contains more than 1% unexpected characters.

Symlinks, FIFOs, device files etc. are reported and not archived.
Files with illegal MS-DOS names are reported but still archived.

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