polydemo.icn: Program to demonstrate polynomial library

May 23, 1994; Erik Eid
This file is in the public domain.
    This program is an example for the use of the polystuf library.  The
user is given a number of options that allow the creation, output,
deletion, or operations on up to 26 polynomials, indexed by letter.

Available commands:
    (R)ead      - allows input of a polynomial by giving pairs of
                  coefficients and exponents.  For example, entering
                  5, 6, 2, and 3 will create 5x^6 + 2x^3.  This polynomial
                  will be stored by an index which is a lower-case letter.
    (W)rite     - outputs to the screen a chosen polynomial.
    (A)dd       - adds two polynomials and defines the sum as a third
    (S)ubtract  - subtracts two polynomials and defines the difference as
                  a third.
    (M)ultiply  - multiplies two polynomials and defines the product as a
    (E)valuate  - gives the result of setting x in a polynomial to a value
    (C)lear     - deletes one polynomial
    (H)elp      - lists all commands
    (Q)uit      - end the demonstration

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