Summary Documentation: Basic Procedures

Icon version 9.5.20f

abkform.icn: Procedures to process HP95LX appointment books

 Procedures set to read and write HP95LX appointment book (.abk) files.


1. Files created by the Appointment Book application may contain
some padding following the last field of some data records.  Hence,
the RecordLength field must be used to determine the start of the
next record.  Appointment book files created by other programs need not
have any padding.

2. ApptState has several bit fields.  Only bit 0 is meaningful to software
processing an appointment book file.  Bit 0 being set or cleared
corresponds to the alarm being enabled or disabled, respectively.
Programs creating Appointment book files should clear all bits, except
perhaps bit 0.

3. ToDoState has two one-bit bit fields.  Bit 0 being set or cleared
corresponds to carry forward being enabled or disabled for this todo
item, respectively.  Bit 1 being set or cleared corresponds to the doto
being checked off or not checked off, respectively.

4. Appointment and ToDo texts are each limited to a maximum of 27

5. Note text is limited to a maximum of 11 lines of 39 characters per line
(not counting the line terminator).

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adjuncts.icn: Procedures for gettext and idxtext

Pretty mundane stuff.  Set_OS(), Basename(), Pathname(), Strip(), and
   a utility for creating index filenames.

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adlutils.icn: Procedures to process address lists

Procedures used by programs that process address lists:

   nextadd()              get next address
   writeadd(add)          write address
   get_country(add)       get country
   get_state(add)         get state (U.S. addresses only)
   get_city(add)          get city (U.S. addresses only)
   get_zipcode(add)       get ZIP code (U.S. addresses only)
   get_lastname(add)      get last name
   get_namepfx(add)       get name prefix
   get_title(add)         get name title
   format_country(s)      format country name

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allof.icn: Procedure for conjunction control operation

allof{expr1,expr2} -- Control operation that performs iterative

   Iterative conjunction permits a conjunction expression to be built
at run time which supports full backtracking among the created terms
of the expression.  The computed expression can be of arbitrary
length, and is built via an iterative loop in which one term is
appended to the expression (as if connected with a "&" operator) per

   Expr1 works like the control expression of "every-do"; it controls
iteration by being resumed to produce all of its possible results.
The allof{} expression produces the outcome of conjunction of all of
the resulting instances of expr2.

   For example:

     global c
     pattern := "ab*"
     "abcdef" ? {
        allof { c := !pattern ,
           if c == "*" then move(0 to *&subject - &pos + 1) else =c
           } & pos(0)

This example will perform a wild card match on "abcdef" against
pattern "ab*", where "*" in a pattern matches 0 or more characters.
Since pos(0) will fail the first time it is evaluated, the allof{}
expression will be resumed just as a conjunction expression would,
and backtracking will propagate through all of the instances of
expr2; the expression will ultimately succeed (as its conjunctive
equivalent would).

   Note that, due to the scope of variables in co-expressions,
variables shared between expr1 and expr2 must have global scope,
hence c in the above example must be global.

   The allof{} procedure models Icon's expression evaluation
mechanism in that it explicitly performs backtracking.  The author of
this procedure knows of no way to invoke Icon's built-in goal
directed evaluation to perform conjunction of a arbitrary number of
computed expressions (suggestions welcome).

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allpat.icn: Procedure to produce all n-character patterns of characters

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ansi.icn: Procedures for ANSI-based terminal control

   This package of procedures implements a subset of the ANSI terminal
control sequences.  The names of the procedures are taken directly from
the ANSI names.  If it is necessary to use these routines with non-ANSI
devices, link in iolib.icn, and (optionally) iscreen.icn as well.  Use
will be made of whatever routines are made available via either of these
libraries.  Be careful of naming conflicts if you link in iscreen.icn.
It contains procedures like "clear" and "boldface."

      CUB(i)         Moves the cursor left i columns
      CUD(i)         Moves the cursor down i rows
      CUF(i)         Moves the cursor right i columns
      CUP(i,j)       Moves the cursor to row i, column j
      CUU(i)         Moves the cursor up i rows
      ED(i)          Erases screen: i = 0, cursor to end; i = 1,
                        beginning to cursor; i = 2, all (default 2)
      EL(i)          Erases data in cursor row: i = 0, cursor to
                        end; i = 1, beginning to cursor; i = 2, all
                        (default 0)
      SGR(i)         Sets video attributes: 0 = off; 1 = bold; 4 =
                        underscore; 5 = blink; 7 = reverse (default

   Note that not all so-called ANSI terminals support every ANSI
screen control sequence - not even the limited subset included in
this file.

   If you plan on using these routines with non-ANSI magic-cookie
terminals (e.g. a Wyse-50) then it is strongly recommended that you
link in iolib or itlib *and* iscreen (not just iolib or itlib by
itself).  The routines WILL WORK with most magic cookie terminals;
they just don't always get all the modes displayed (because they
are basically too busy erasing the cookies).

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apply.icn: Procedure to apply a list of functions to an argument

This procedure applies a list of functions to an argument.  An example is

     apply([integer, log], 10)

which is equivalent to integer(log(10)).

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argparse.icn: Procedure to parse pseudo-command-line

argparse(s) parses s as if it were a command line and puts the components in
in a list, which is returned.

At present, it does not accept any escape conventions.

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array.icn: Procedures for n-dimensional arrays

create_array([lbs], [ubs], value) creates a n-dimensional array
with the specified lower bounds, upper bounds, and with each array element
having the specified initial value.

ref_array(A, i1, i2, ...) references the i1-th i2-th ... element of A.

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asciinam.icn: Procedure for ASCII name of unprintable character

asciiname(s) returns the mnemonic name of the single unprintable
ASCII character s.

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base64.icn: Procedures for base64 encodings for MIME (RFC 2045)


base64encode( s1 ) : s2

   returns the base64 encoding of a string s1

base64decode( s1 ) : s2

   returns the base64 decoding of a string s1
   fails if s1 isn't base64 encoded

references:  MIME encoding Internet RFC 2045

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basename.icn: Procedures to produce base name of a file

This procedure is based on the UNIX basename(1) utility.  It strips off
any path information and removes the specified suffix, if present.

If no suffix is provided, the portion of the name up to the first
"." is returned.

It should work under UNIX, MS-DOS, and the Macintosh.

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binary.icn: Procedures to pack and unpack values

This is a collection of procedures that support conversion of Icon
data elements to and from binary data formats.  The purpose is to
facilitate dealing with binary data files.

The procedures can be used individually or via the "control"
procedures pack() and unpack().

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bincvt.icn: Procedures to convert binary data

unsigned() -- Converts binary byte string into unsigned integer.
Detects overflow if number is too large.

This procedure is normally used for processing of binary data
read from a file.

raw() -- Puts raw bits of characters of string s into an integer.  If
the size of s is less than the size of an integer, the bytes are put
into the low order part of the integer, with the remaining high order
bytes filled with zero.  If the string is too large, the most
significant bytes will be lost -- no overflow detection.

This procedure is normally used for processing of binary data
read from a file.

rawstring() -- Creates a string consisting of the raw bits in the low
order "size" bytes of integer i.

This procedure is normally used for processing of binary data
to be written to a file.

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binop.icn: Procedure to apply binary operation to list of values

This procedure applies a binary operation to a list of arguments.
For example,

     binop("+", 1, 2, 3)

returns 6.

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bitint.icn: Procedures to convert integers and bit strings

int2bit(i) produces a string with the bit representation of i.

bit2int(s) produces an integer corresponding to the bit representation i.

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bitstr.icn: Procedures for bits in Icon strings

Procedures for working with strings made up of numeric values
represented by strings of an arbitrary number of bits, stored without
regard to character boundaries.

In conjunction with the "large integers" feature of Icon, this
facility can deal with bitstring segments of arbitrary size.  If
"large integers" are not supported, bitstring segments (i.e.  the
nbits parameter of BitStringGet and BitStringPut) wider that the
integer size of the platform are likely to produce incorrect results.

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bitstrm.icn: Procedures to read and write strings of bits in files

Procedures for reading and writing integer values made up of an
arbitrary number of bits, stored without regard to character

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bkutil.icn: Procedures for HP95LX phone books and appointment books

Utility procedures for HP95LX phone book and appointment book processing.

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bold.icn: Procedures to embolden and underscore text

These procedures produce text with interspersed characters suit-
able for printing to produce the effect of boldface (by over-
striking) and underscoring (using backspaces).

     bold(s)        bold version of s

     uscore(s)      underscored version of s

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boolops.icn: Procedure to perform Boolean operations on row patterns

Limitation:  Assumes square patterns.

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bufread.icn: Procedures for buffered read and lookahead


    bufopen(s)      Open a file name s for buffered read and lookahead
    bufread(f)      Read the next line from file f
    bufnext(f, n)   Return the next nth record from file f
                    without changing the next record to be read by
    bufclose(f)     Close file f

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calendar.icn: Procedures for data and time calculation and conversion

Procedures in this file supersede several procedures in datetime.icn.

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calendat.icn: Procedure to get date from Julian Day Number

calendat(j) return a record with the month, day, and year corresponding
to the Julian Date Number j.

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calls.icn: Procedures for calls as objects

These procedures deal with procedure invocations that are encapsulated
in records.

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capture.icn: Procedures to echo output to a second file

Capture is initially called by the user with one argument, the open file
to contain the echoed output. Then it places itself and several shadow
procedures between all calls to write, writes & stop.  The user never
need call capture again.

Subsequently, during calls to write, writes, and stop, the appropriate
shadow procedure gains control and calls capture internally.  Capture
then constructs a list of only those elements that direct output to
&output and calls the original builtin function via the saved name.
Upon return the shadow routine calls the the original builtin function
with the full list.

A series of uncaptured output functions have been added to allow output
to be directed only to &output.  These are handy for placing progress
messages and other comforting information on the screen.


   otherfile := open(...,"w")

   capfile :=  capture(open(filename,"w"))

   write("Hello there.",var1,var2," - this should be echoed",
      otherfile,"This should appear once in the other file only")

   uncaptured_writes("This will appear once only.")

   every i := 1 to 10000 do
      if ( i % 100 ) = 0 then

         uncaptured_writes("Progress is ",i,"\r")


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cartog.icn: Procedures for cartographic projection

These procedures project geographic coordinates.

rectp(x1, y1, x2, y2, xm, ym) defines a rectangular projection.
pptrans(L1, L2) defines a planar projective transformation.
utm(a, f) defines a latitude/longitude to UTM projection.

project(p, L) projects a list of coordinates.
invp(p) returns the inverse of projection p.
compose(p1, p2, ...) creates a composite projection.

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caseless.icn: Procedures to perform caseless scanning

These procedures are analogous to the standard string-analysis
functions except that uppercase letters are considered equivalent to
lowercase letters.

anycl(c, s, i1, i2)     succeeds and produces i1 + 1, provided
                        map(s[i1]) is in cset(map(c)) and i2 is
                        greater than i1.  It fails otherwise.

balcl(c1, c2, c3, s, i1, i2)    generates the sequence of integer
                                positions in s preceding a
                                character of cset(map(c1)) in
                                map(s[i1:i2]) that is balanced with
                                respect to characters in cset(map(c2))
                                and cset(map(c3)), but fails if there
                                is no such position.

findcl(s1, s2, i1, i2)  generates the sequence of integer positions in
                        s2 at which map(s1) occurs as a substring
                        in map(s2[i1:i2]), but fails if there is no
                        such position.

manycl(c, s, i1, i2)    succeeds and produces the position in s
                        after the longest initial sequence of
                        characters in cset(map(c)) within
                        map(s[i1:i2]).  It fails if map(s[i1]) is not
                        in cset(map(c)).

matchcl(s1, s2, i1, i2) produces i1 + *s1 if
                        map(s1) == map(s2[i1+:=*s1]) but fails

uptocl(c, s, i1, i2)    generates the sequence of integer positions in
                        s preceding a character of cset(map(c)) in
                        map(s[i1:i2]).  It fails if there is no such

Defaults:       s, s2   &subject
                i1      &pos if s or s2 is defaulted; otherwise 1
                i2      0
                c1      &cset
                c2      '('
                c3      ')'

Errors: 101     i1 or i2 not integer
        103     s or s1 or s2 not string
        104     c or c1 or c2 or c3 not cset

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codeobj.icn: Procedures to encode and decode Icon data

   These procedures provide a way of storing Icon values as strings and
retrieving them.  The procedure encode(x) converts x to a string s that
can be converted back to x by decode(s). These procedures handle all
kinds of values, including structures of arbitrary complexity and even
loops.  For "scalar" types -- null, integer, real, cset, and string --

     decode(encode(x)) === x

   For structures types -- list, set, table, and record types --
decode(encode(x)) is, for course, not identical to x, but it has the
same "shape" and its elements bear the same relation to the original
as if they were encoded and decode individually.

   No much can be done with files, functions and procedures, and
co-expressions except to preserve type and identification.

   The encoding of strings and csets handles all characters in a way
that it is safe to write the encoding to a file and read it back.

   No particular effort was made to use an encoding of value that
minimizes the length of the resulting string. Note, however, that
as of Version 7 of Icon, there are no limits on the length of strings
that can be written out or read in.

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colmize.icn: Procedures to arrange data into columns

colmize() -- Arrange data into columns.

Procedure to arrange a number of data items into multiple columns.
Items are arranged in column-wise order, that is, the sequence runs
down the first column, then down the second, etc.

This procedure goes to great lengths to print the items in as few
vertical lines as possible.

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complete.icn: Procedure to complete partial input string

complete(s,st)  completes a s relative to a set or list of strings, st.
                Put differently, complete() lets you supply a
                partial string, s, and get back those strings in st
                that s is either equal to or a  substring of.

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complex.icn: Procedures to perform complex arithmetic

The following procedures perform operations on complex numbers.

     complex(r,i)    create complex number with real part r and
                     imaginary part i

     cpxabs(z)       compute absolute value of complex number z

     cpxadd(z1, z2)  add complex numbers z1 and z2

     cpxconj(z)      compute conjugate of complex number z

     cpxdiv(z1, z2)  divide complex number z1 by complex number z2

     cpxmul(z1, z2)  multiply complex number z1 by complex number z2

     cpxsub(z1, z2)  subtract complex number z2 from complex number z1

     cpxstr(z)      convert complex number z to string representation

     strcpx(s)      convert string representation s of complex
                    number to complex number

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conffile.icn: Procedures to read initialization directives

Thanks to Clint Jeffery for suggesting the Directive wrapper and
making defining a specification much cleaner looking and easier!

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converge.icn: Procedure to produce continued-fraction convergents

This procedure produces continued-fraction convergents from a list
of partial quotients.

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convert.icn: Procedures for various conversions

     exbase10(i, j)  converts base-10 integer i to base j.

     inbase10(s, i)  convert base-i integer s to base 10.

     radcon(s, i, j) convert base-i integer s to base j.

There are several other procedures related to conversion that are
not yet part of this module.

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core.icn: Procedures for general application

Links to core modules of the basic part of the library, as defined
in the Icon Language book (3/e, p.179) and Graphics book (p.47).

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created.icn: Procedure to determine number of structures created

This program returns the number of structures of a given type that have
been created.

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currency.icn: Procedures for formatting currency

currency() -- Formats "amount" in standard American currency format.
"amount" can be a real, integer, or numeric string.  "width" is the
output field width, in which the amount is right adjusted.  The
returned string will be longer than "width" if necessary to preserve
significance.  "minus" is the character string to be used for
negative amounts (default "-"), and is placed to the right of the

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curves.icn: Procedures to generate points on plain curves

This file links procedure files that generate traces of points on various
plain curves.

The first two parameters determine the defining position of the

     x       x coordinate
     y       y coordinate

The meaning of "definition position" depends on the curve.  In some
cases it is the position at which plotting starts.  In others, it
is a "center" for the curve.

The next arguments vary and generally refer to parameters of the
curve.  There is no practical way to describe these here.  If they
are not obvious, the best reference is

     A Catalog of Special Plane Curves, J. Dennis Lawrence,
     Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1972.

This book, which is in print at the time of this writing, is a
marvelous source of information about plane curves and is inexpensive
as well.

The trailing parameters give the number of steps and the end points
(generally in angles) of the curves:

     steps   number of points, default varies
     lo      beginning of plotting range, default varies
     hi      end of plotting range, default varies

Because of floating-point roundoff, the number of steps
may not be exactly the number specified.

Note:  Some of the curves may be "upside down" when plotted on
coordinate systems in which the y axis increases in a downward direction.

Caution:  Some of these procedures generate very large values
in portions of their ranges.  These may cause run-time errors when
used in versions of Icon prior to 8.10.  One work-around is to
turn on error conversion in such cases.

Warning:  The procedures that follow have not been tested thoroughly.
Corrections and additions are most welcome.

These  procedures are, in fact, probably most useful for the parametric
equations they contain.

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datefns.icn: Procedure for dates

datefns.icn - a collection of date functions

Adaptor:  Charles L Hethcoat III
June 12, 1995
Taken from various sources as attributed below.

All date and calendar functions use the "date_rec" structure defined

Note:  I adapted the procedures "julian" and "unjulian" sometime in 1994
from "Numerical Recipes in C."  Some time later I discovered them
(under slightly different names) in Version 9 of the Icon Library
(Ralph Griswold, author).  I am including mine for what they are worth.
That'll teach me to wait!

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datetime.icn: Procedures for date and time operations

        - the default value for function parameters named
          "hoursFromGmt" is the value of global variable
          "HoursFromGmt" if nonnull, or environment variable
          "HoursFromGmt" if set, or 0.
        - The base year from which the "seconds" representation
          of a date is calculated is by default 1970 (the ad hoc
          standard used by both Unix and MS-Windows), but can be
          changed by either setting the global variable
          "DateBaseYear" or environment variable "DateBaseYear".
        - There are some procedures not mentioned in this summary
          that are useful: DateRecToSec(), SecToDateRec(). See the
          source code for details.

        converts a time in the format of &clock to seconds past

        converts a date in &dateline format to seconds since start of

        converts a date string in Icon &date format (yyyy/mm/dd)
        to seconds past DateBaseYear.

        converts seconds past midnight to a string in the format of

        converts seconds past DateBaseYear to a string in Icon
        &date format (yyyy/mm/dd).

        produces a date in the same format as Icon's &dateline.

        returns a date and time in typical UNIX format:
        Jan 14 10:24 1991.

        succeeds if year is a leap year, otherwise fails.

        returns a record with the month, day, and year corresponding
        to the Julian Date Number j.

date()  natural date in English.

dayoweek(day, month, year)
        produces the day of the week for the given date.
        Note carefully the parameter order.

full13th(year1, year2)
        generates records giving the days on which a full moon occurs
        on Friday the 13th in the range from year1 though year2.

julian(m, d, y)
        returns the Julian Day Number for the specified
        month, day, and year.

pom(n, phase)
        returns record with the Julian Day number of fractional
        part of the day for which the nth such phase since
        January, 1900.  Phases are encoded as:

                0 - new moon
                1 - first quarter
                2 - full moon
                3 - last quarter#

        GMT is assumed.

        computes the time in natural English.  If an argument is
        supplied it is used as a test value to check the operation
         the program.

        produces the number of seconds since midnight.  Beware
        wrap-around when used in programs that span midnight.

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ddfread.icn: Procedures for reading ISO 8211 DDF files

These procedures read DDF files ("Data Descriptive Files",
ISO standard 8211) such as those specified by the US Geological
Survey's "Spatial Data Transfer Standard" for digital maps.
ISO8211 files from other sources may contain additional data
encodings not recognized by these procedures.

ddfopen(filename) opens a file and returns a handle.
ddfdda(handle) returns a list of header records.
ddfread(handle) reads the next data record.
ddfclose(handle) closes the  file.

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dif.icn: Procedure to check for differences

     dif(stream, compare, eof, group)
             generates a sequence of differences between an  arbitrary
             number of input streams.  Each result is returned as a list
             of diff_recs, one for each input stream, with each diff_rec
             containing a list of items that differ and their position
             in the input stream.

The diff_rec type is declared as:

             record diff_rec(pos,diffs)

dif() fails if there are no differences, i.e. it produces an empty
result sequence.

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digitcnt.icn: Procedure to count number of digits in file

This procedure counts the number of each digit in a file and returns
a ten-element list with the counts.

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dijkstra.icn: Procedures for Dijkstra's "Discipline" control structures

The procedures do_od and if_fi implement the "do ... od" and "if ... fi"
control structures used in the book "A Discipline of Programming" by
Edsger W. Dijkstra. This book uses a programming language designed to
delay implementation details, such as the order in which tests are

Dijkstra's programming language uses two non-ASCII characters, a box and
a right arrow. In the following discussion, the box and right arrow
characters are represented as "[]" and "->" respectively.

The "if ... fi" control structure is similar to multi-branch "if" statements
found in many languages, including the Bourne shell (i.e. the
"if / elif / fi" construct). The major difference is that in Dijkstra's
notation, there is no specified order in which the "if / elif" tests are
performed. The "if ... fi" structure has the form

            Guard1 -> List1
         [] Guard2 -> List2
         [] Guard3 -> List3
         [] GuardN -> ListN


     Guard1, Guard2, Guard3 ... GuardN are boolean expressions, and
     List1, List2, List3 ... ListN are lists of statements.

When this "if ... fi" statement is performed, the guard expressions are
evaluated, in some order not specified by the language, until one of the
guard expressions evaluates to true. Once a true guard is found, the list
of statements following the guard is evaluated.  It is a fatal error
for none of the guards in an "if ... fi" statement to be true.

The "do ... od" control is a "while" loop structure, but with multiple
loop conditions, in style similar to "if ... fi". The form of a Dijkstra
"do" statement is

            Guard1 -> List1
         [] Guard2 -> List2
         [] Guard3 -> List3
         [] GuardN -> ListN


     Guard1, Guard2, Guard3 ... GuardN are boolean expressions, and
     List1, List2, List3 ... ListN are lists of statements.

To perform this "do ... od" statement, the guard expressions are
evaluated, in some order not specified by the language, until either a
guard evaluates to true, or all guards have been evaluated as false.

- If all the guards are false, we exit the loop.
- If a guard evaluates to true, then the list of statements following this
  guard is performed, and then we loop back to perform this "do ... od"
  statement again.

The procedures if_fi{} and do_od{} implement Dijkstra's "if ... fi" and
"do ... od" control structures respectively. In keeping with Icon
conventions, the guard expressions are arbitrary Icon expressions. A guard
is considered to be true precisely when it succeeds. Similarly, a statement
list can be represented by a single Icon expression. The Icon call

          Guard1, List1,
          Guard2, List2,
          GuardN, ListN

suspends with each result produced by the expression following the true
guard. If none of the guards succeed, runerr() is called with an appropriate

Similarly, the Icon call

          Guard1, List1,
          Guard2, List2,
          GuardN, ListN

parallels the "do ... od" statement. As long as at least one guard
succeeds, another iteration is performed. When all guards fail, we exit
the loop and do_od fails.

The test section of this file includes a guarded command implementation of
Euclid's algorithm for calculating the greatest common denominator. Unlike
most implementations of Euclid's algorithm, this version handles its
parameters in a completely symmetrical fashion.

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divide.icn: Procedure to perform long division

Doesn't get the decimal point.  Not sure what the padding does;
to study.

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ebcdic.icn: Procedures to convert between ASCII and EBCDIC

These procedures assist in use of the ASCII and EBCDIC character sets,
regardless of the native character set of the host:

Ascii128()    Returns a 128-byte string of ASCII characters in
              numerical order.  Ascii128() should be used in
              preference to &ascii for applications which might
              run on an EBCDIC host.

Ascii256()    Returns a 256-byte string representing the 256-
              character ASCII character set.  On an EBCDIC host,
              the order of the second 128 characters is essentially

Ebcdic()      Returns a 256-byte string of EBCDIC characters in
              numerical order.

AsciiChar(i)  Returns the character whose ASCII representation is i.

AsciiOrd(c)   Returns the position of the character c in the ASCII
              collating sequence.

EbcdicChar(i) Returns the character whose EBCDIC representation is i.

EbcdicOrd(c)  Returns the position of the character c in the EBCDIC
              collating sequence.

MapEtoA(s)    Maps a string of EBCDIC characters to the equivalent
              ASCII string, according to a plausible mapping.

MapAtoE(s)    Maps a string of ASCII characters to the equivalent
              EBCDIC string, according to a plausible mapping.

Control(c)    Returns the "control character" associated with the
              character c.  On an EBCDIC host, with $ representing
              an EBCDIC character with no 7-bit ASCII equivalent,
              Control("$") may not be identical to "\^$", as
              translated by ICONT (and neither result is particularly

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

echo.icn: Procedure to perform "variable interpolation" a la Perl

echo() substitutes global variables for occurrences of $name in &subject,
and writes the result to standard output.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

empgsup.icn: Procedure to support empg

This procedure is called by timing programs produced by empg.  It
a "delta" timing value used to adjust timings.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

emptygen.icn: Procedures for meta-translation code generation

This program is designed to be linked with the output of the meta-
translator.  As given here, they produce an identity translation.
Modifications can be made to effect different translations.

The procedures here are just wrappers.  This file is a skeleton that
can be used as a basis for code-generation procedures.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

equiv.icn: Procedure to compare structures

equiv(s,y)      compare arbitrary structures x and y

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

escape.icn: Procedures to interpret Icon literal escapes

The procedure escape(s) produces a string in which Icon quoted
literal escape conventions in s are replaced by the corresponding
characters.  For example, escape("\\143\\141\\164") produces the
string "cat".

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

escapesq.icn: Procedures to deal with character string escapes

Procedure kit for dealing with escape sequences in Icon character
string representations.  Note that Icon escape sequences are
very similar to C escapes, so this works for C strings, too.

escapeseq() -- a matching procedure for Icon string escape sequences

escchar() -- produces the character value of an Icon string escape sequence

escape() -- converts a string with escape sequences (as in Icon string
            representation) to the string it represents with escape

quotedstring() -- matching routine for a quoted string.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

eval.icn: Procedure to evaluate string as a call

This procedure analyzes a string representing an Icon function or
procedure call and evaluates the result.  Operators can be
used in functional form, as in "*(2,3)".

This procedure cannot handle nested expressions or control structures.

It assumes the string is well-formed.  The arguments can only be
Icon literals. Escapes, commas, and parentheses in strings literals
are not handled.

In the case of operators that are both unary and binary, the binary
form is used.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

evallist.icn: Procedure to produce a list generated by expression

This procedure takes an expression, produces a program encapsulating it,
and puts the results written by the program in a list.

It is called as evallist(expr, n, ucode, ...) where expr is an expression
(normally a generator), n is the maximum size of the list, and the
trailing arguments are ucode files to link with the expression.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

eventgen.icn: Procedures for meta-variant code generation

This program is designed to be linked with the output of the meta-variant

It is designed to insert event-reporting code in Icon programs.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

everycat.icn: Procedure for generating all concatenations

 everycat(x1, x2, ...) generates the concatenation of every string
 from !x1, !x2, ... .

 For example, if

     first := ["Mary", "Joe", "Sandra"]
     last := ["Smith", "Roberts"]


     every write(everycat(first, " ", last))


     Mary Smith
     Mary Roberts
     Joe Smith
     Joe Roberts
     Sandra Smith
     Sandra Roberts

Note that x1, x2, ... can be any values for which !x1, !x2, ... produce
strings or values convertible to strings.  In particular, in the example
above, the second argument is a one-character string " ", so that !" "
generates a single blank.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

expander.icn: Procedures to convert character pattern expressions

pfl2str(pattern) expands pattern-form expressions, which have the form


to the corresponding string.

The value of <op> determines the operation to be performed.

pfl2gxp(pattern) expands pattern-form expressions into generators
that, when compiled and evaluated, produce the corresponding

pfl2pwl(pattern) converts pattern-form expressions to Painter's
weaving language.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

exprfile.icn: Procedures to produce programs on the fly

exprfile(exp, link, ...)
                produces a pipe to a program that writes all the
                results generated by exp.  The trailing arguments
                name link files needed for the expression.

                exprfile() closes any previous pipe it opened
                and deletes its temporary file.  Therefore,
                exprfile() cannot be used for multiple expression

                If the expression fails to compile, the global
                expr_error is set to 1; otherwise 0.

exec_expr(expr_list, links[])
                generates the results of executing the expression
                contained in the lists expr_list with the specified

plst2pstr(L)    converts the list of Icon programs lines in L to a
                string with separating newlines.

pstr2plst(s)    converts the string of Icon program lines (separated
                by newlines) to a list of lines.

ucode(file)     produces a ucode file from the Icon program in file.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

factors.icn: Procedures related to factors and prime numbers

This file contains procedures related to factorization and prime

     divisors(n)     generates the divisors of n.

     divisorl(n)     returns a list of the divisors of n.

     factorial(n)    returns n!.  It fails if n is less than 0.

     factors(i, j)   returns a list containing the prime factors of i
                     limited to maximum value j; default, no limit.

     genfactors(i, j)
                     like factors(), except factors are generated as
                     they are found.

     gfactorial(n, i)
                     generalized factorial; n x (n - i) x (n - 2i) x ...

     ispower(i, j)   succeeds and returns root if i is k^j

     isprime(n)      succeeds if n is a prime.

     nxtprime(n)     returns the next prime number beyond n.

     pfactors(i)     returns a list containing the primes that divide i.

     prdecomp(i)     returns a list of exponents for the prime
                     decomposition of i.

     prime()         generates the primes.

     primel()        generates the primes from a precompiled list.

     primorial(i,j)  product of primes j <= i; j defaults to 1.

     sfactors(i, j)  as factors(i, j), except output is in string form
                     with exponents for repeated factors

     squarefree(i)   succeeds if the factors of i are distinct

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

fastfncs.icn: Procedures for integer functions using fastest method

These procedures implement integer-valued using the fastest
method known to the author.  "Fastest" does not mean "fast".

     acker(i, j)      Ackermann's function
     fib(i)           Fibonacci sequence
     g(k, i)          Generalized Hofstader nested recurrence
     q(i)             "Chaotic" sequence
     robbins(i)       Robbins numbers

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

feval.icn: Procedure to evaluate string as function call

This procedure analyzes a string representing an Icon function or
procedure call and evaluates the result.

It assumes the string is well-formed.  The arguments can only be
Icon literals. Escapes, commas, and parentheses in strings literals
are not handled.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

filedim.icn: Procedure to compute file dimensions

filedim(s, p) computes the number of rows and maximum column width
of the file named s.  The procedure p, which defaults to detab, i
applied to each line.  For example, to have lines left as is, use

     filedim(s, 1)

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

filenseq.icn: Procedure to get highest numbered filename in a sequence

This procedure is useful when you need to create the next file
in a series of files (such as successive log files).


fn := nextseqfilename( ".", "$", "log")

returns the (non-existent) filename next in the sequence .\$*.log
(where the * represents 1, 2, 3, ...) or fails

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

filesize.icn: Procedure to get the size of a file

filesize(s)  returns the number of characters in the file named s; it
             fails if s cannot be opened.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

findre.icn: Procedure to find regular expression

DESCRIPTION:  findre() is like the Icon builtin function find(),
except that it takes, as its first argument, a regular expression
pretty much like the ones the Unix egrep command uses (the few
minor differences are listed below).  Its syntax is the same as
find's (i.e. findre(s1,s2,i,j)), with the exception that a no-
argument invocation wipes out all static structures utilized by
findre, and then forces a garbage collection.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

ftype.icn: Procedure to produce type for file

This procedure returns the file identification produced by file(1).

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

fullimag.icn: Procedures to produce complete image of structured data

fullimage() -- enhanced image()-type procedure that outputs all data
contained in structured types.  The "level" argument tells it how far
to descend into nested structures (defaults to unlimited).

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gauss.icn: Procedures to compute Gaussian distributions

gauss_random(x, f) produces a Gaussian distribution about the value x.
The value of f can be used to alter the shape of the Gaussian
distribution (larger values flatten the curve...)

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gdl.icn: Procedures to get directory lists

Gdl returns a list containing everything in a directory (whose name
must be passed as an argument to gdl).  Nothing fancy.  I use this file
as a template, modifying the procedures according to the needs of the
program in which they are used.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gdl2.icn: Procedures to get directory lists

 Gdl returns a list containing everything in a directory (whose name
 must be passed as an argument to gdl).  Nothing fancy.  I use this file
 as a template, modifying the procedures according to the needs of the
 program in which they are used.

NOTE: MSDOS results are all in lower case

1) Fixed MSDOS routines.
2) Added gdlrec which does same thing as gdl except it recursively descends
  through subdirectories.  May choose which Unix utility to use by passing
  in method parameter.  See below.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gedcom.icn: Procedures for reading GEDCOM files

These procedures read and interpret GEDCOM files, a standard
format for genealogy databases.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gen.icn: Procedures for meta-variant code generation

These procedures are for use with code produced by a meta-variant
translator.  As given here, they produce an identity translation.
Modifications can be made to effect variant translations.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gener.icn: Procedures to generate miscellaneous sequences

These procedures generate sequences of results.

     days()          days of the week.

     hex()           sequence of hexadecimal codes for numbers
                     from 0 to 255

     label(s,i)      sequence of labels with prefix s starting at i

     multii(i, j)    sequence of i * j i's

     months()        months of the year

     octal()         sequence of octal codes for numbers from 0 to 255

     star(s)         sequence consisting of the closure of s
                     starting with the empty string and continuing
                     in lexical order as given in s

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

genrfncs.icn: Procedures to generate sequences

These procedures generate sequences of results.

arandseq(i, j)       arithmetic sequence starting at i with randomly
                     chosen increment between 1 and j

arithseq(i, j)       arithmetic sequence starting at i with increment j

beatty1seq()         Beatty's first sequence i * &phi

beatty2seq()         Beatty's second sequence i * &phi ^ 2

catlnseq(i)          sequence of generalized Catalan numbers

cfseq(i, j)          continued-fraction sequence for i / j

chaosseq()           chaotic sequence

chexmorphseq()       sequence of centered hexamorphic numbers

connellseq(p)        generalized Connell sequence

dietzseq(s)          Dietz sequence for polynomial

dressseq(i)          dress sequence with increment i, default 1 (Schroeder)

eisseq(i)            EIS A sequence for i

factseq()            factorial sequence

fareyseq(i, k)       Farey fraction sequence; k = 0, the default, produces
                     numerator sequence; k = 1 produces denominator

fibseq(i, j, k, m)   generalized Fibonacci sequence (Lucas sequence)
                     with initial values i and j and additive constant
                     k.  If m is supplied, the results are produced
                     mod m.

figurseq(i)          series of ith figurate number

fileseq(s, i)        generate from file s; if i is null, lines are generated.
                     Otherwise characters, except line terminators.

friendseq(k)         generate random friendly sequence from k values, 1 to k
                     (in a friendly sequence, successive terms differ by 1).

geomseq(i, j)        geometric sequence starting at i with multiplier j

hailseq(i)           hailstone sequence starting at i

irepl(i, j)          j instances of i

lindseq(f, i)        generate symbols from L-system in file f; i if
                     present overrides the number of generations specified
                     in the L-system.

logmapseq(k, x)      logistic map

lrrcseq(L1, L2)
                     generalized linear recurrence with constant
                     coefficients; L1 is a list of initial terms,
                     L2 is a list of coefficients for n previous values,
                     where n = *L2

meanderseq(s, n)     sequences of all characters that contain all n-tuples
                     of characters from s

mthueseq()           Morse-Thue sequence

mthuegseq(i)         Morse-Thue sequence for base i

multiseq(i, j, k)    sequence of (i * j + k) i's

ngonalseq(i)         sequence of the ith polygonal number

                     generalized Fibonacci sequence that sums the
                     previous n terms, where n = *values.

partitseq(i, j, k)   sequence of integer partitions of i with minimum j
                     and maximum k

pellseq(i, j, k)     generalized Pell's sequence starting with i, j and
                     using multiplier k

perrinseq()          Perrin sequence

polyseq(coeff[])     polynomial in x evaluated for x := seq()

primeseq()           the sequence of prime numbers

powerseq(i)          sequence n ^ i, n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ...

powersofseq(i)       sequence i ^ n, n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ...n

rabbitseq()          rabbit sequence

ratsseq(i)           versumseq() with sort

signaseq(r)          signature sequence of r

spectseq(r)          spectral sequence integer(i * r), i - 1, 2, 3, ...

srpseq(n, m)         palindromic part of the continued-fraction sequence
                     for sqrt(n^2+m)

versumseq(i, j)      generalized sequence of added reversed integers with
                     seed i (default 196) and increment j (default 0)

versumopseq(i, p)    procedure p (default 1) applied to versumseq(i)

vishwanathseq()      random variation on Fibonacci sequence

zebra(values[])      zebra colors, alternating 2 and 1, for number of
                     times given by successive values

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

geodat.icn: Procedures for geodetic datum conversion

These procedures provide "projections" that convert among geodetic
datums, which relate locations on the earth's surface to longitude
and latitude coordinates.  As measurement techniques improve,
newer datums typically give slightly different values from older
ones.  The values returned here are used with the project()
procedure of cartog.icn.

geodat(s1, s2) defines a geodetic datum conversion.
molodensky() performs an algorithmic datum conversion.
nadcon(s1, s2) uses data files for more precise conversion.

ellipsoid(s) return the parameters of the named ellipsoid.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

getchlib.icn: Procedures for getch for UNIX

Implementing getch() is a much, much more complex affair under UNIX
than it is under, say, MS-DOS.  This library represents one,
solution to the problem - one which can be run as a library, and
need not be compiled into the run-time system.  Note that it will
not work on all systems.  In particular, certain Suns (with a
screwy stty command) and the NeXT 1.0 OS (lacking the -g option for
stty) do not run getchlib properly.  See the bugs section below for

Four basic utilities are included here:

     getch()         - waits until a keystroke is available &
         returns it without displaying it on the screen
     getche()        - same as getch() only with echo
     getse(s)        - like getche() only for strings.  The optional
         argument s gives getse() something to start with.  Use this
         if, say, you want to read single characters in cbreak mode,
         but get more input if the character read is the first part
         of a longer command.  If the user backspaces over everything
         that has been input, getse() fails.  Returns on \r or \n.
     reset_tty()     - absolutely vital routine for putting the cur-
         rent tty line back into cooked mode; call it before exiting
         or you will find yourself with a locked-up terminal; use it
         also if you must temporarily restore the terminal to cooked

Note that getse() *must* be used in place of read(&input) if you
are planning on using getch() or getche(), since read(&input)
assumes a tty with "sane" settings.

Warning:  The routines below do not do any sophisticated output
processing.  As noted above, they also put your tty line in raw
mode.  I know, I know:  "Raw is overkill - use cbreak."  But in
a world that includes SysV, one must pick a lowest common denomi-
nator.  And no, icanon != cbreak.

BUGS: These routines will not work on systems that do not imple-
ment the -g option for the stty command.  The NeXT workstation is
an example of such a system.  Tisk, tisk.  If you are on a BSD
system where the network configuration makes stty | more impossible,
then substitute /usr/5bin/stty (or whatever your system calls the
System V stty command) for /bin/stty in this file.  If you have no
SysV stty command online, then you can try replacing every instance
of "stty -g 2>&1" below with "stty -g 2>&1 1> /dev/tty" or
something similar.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

getkeys.icn: Procedures to get keys for a gettext file

Getkeys(FNAME) generates all keys in FNAME in order of occurrence.
See gettext.icn for a description of the requisite file structure
for FNAME.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

getmail.icn: Procedure to parse mail file

The getmail procedure reads a Unix/Internet type mail folder
and generates a sequence of records, one per mail message.
It fails when end-of-file is reached.  Each record contains the
message header and message text components parsed into separate
record fields.  The entire uninterpreted message (header and text)
are also stored in the record.  See the description
of message_record below.

The argument to getmail is either the name of a mail folder or
the file handle for a mail folder which has already been opened
for reading.  If getmail is resumed after the last message is
generated, it closes the mail folder and returns failure.

If getmail generates an incomplete sequence (does not close the
folder and return failure) and is then restarted (not resumed)
on the same or a different mail folder, the previous folder file
handle remains open and inaccessible.  This may be a problem if
done repeatedly since there is usually an OS-imposed limit
on number of open file handles.  Safest way to use getmail
is using one of the below forms:

    message := message_record()
    every message := !getmail("folder_name") do {

            process message ...


    message := message_record()
    coex := create getmail("folder_name")
    while message := @coex do {

            process message ...


Note that if message_record's are stored  in a list, the records
may be sorted by individual components (like sender, _date, _subject)
using sortf function in Icon Version 9.0.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

getpaths.icn: Procedure to generate elements in path

    Suspends, in turn, the paths supplied as args to getpaths(),
then all paths in the PATH environment variable.  A typical
invocation might look like:

   open(getpaths("/usr/local/lib/icon/procs") || filename)

Note that getpaths() will be resumed in the above context until
open succeeds in finding an existing, readable file.  Getpaths()
can take any number of arguments.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gettext.icn: Procedures for gettext (simple text-base routines)

 Gettext() and associated routines allow the user to maintain a file
 of KEY/value combinations such that a call to gettext(KEY, FNAME)
 will produce value.  Gettext() fails if no such KEY exists.
 Returns an empty string if the key exists, but has no associated
 value in the file, FNAME.

 The file format is simple.  Keys belong on separate lines, marked
 as such by an initial colon+colon (::).  Values begin on the line
 following their respective keys, and extend up to the next
 colon+colon-initial line or EOF.  E.g.

   ::sample.1  ::sample.2

   Notice how the key above, sample.1, has :: prepended to mark it
   out as a key.  The text you are now reading represents that key's
   value.  To retrieve this text, you would call gettext() with the
   name of the key passed as its first argument, and the name of the
   file in which this text is stored as its second argument (as in

 For faster access, an indexing utility is included, idxtext.  Idxtext
 creates a separate index for a given text-base file.  If an index file
 exists in the same directory as FNAME, gettext() will make use of it.
 The index becomes worthwhile (at least on my system) after the text-
 base file becomes longer than 5 kilobytes.

     1) Don't nest gettext text-base files.
     2) In searches, surround phrases with spaces or tabs in
       key names with quotation marks:   "an example"
     3) Don't modify indexed files in any way other than to append
        additional keys/values (unless you want to re-index).

 This program is intended for situations where keys tend to have
 very large values, and use of an Icon table structure would be

 BUGS:  Gettext() relies on the Icon runtime system and the OS to
 make sure the last text/index file it opens gets closed.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

gobject.icn: Declarations for geometrical objects

These declarations are provided for representing geometrical objects
as records.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

graphpak.icn: Procedures for manipulating directed graphs

The procedures here use sets to represent directed graphs.  See
The Icon Programming Language, second edition, pp. 195-198.

A value of type "graph" has two components: a list of nodes and
a two-way lookup table.  The nodes in turn contain pointers to
other nodes.  The two-way table maps a node to its name and

Graph specifications are give in files in which the first line
is a white-space separated list of node names and subsequent lines
give the arcs, as in

     Tucson Phoenix Bisbee Douglas Flagstaff

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

hetero.icn: Procedures to test structure typing

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

hexcvt.icn: Procedures for hexadecimal conversion

hex(s) -- Converts string of hex digits into an integer.

hexstring(i,n,lc) -- Returns a string that is the hexadecimal
representation of the argument.  If n is supplied, a minimum
of n digits appear in the result; otherwise there is no minimum,
and negative values are indicated by a minus sign.  If lc is
non-null, lowercase characters are used instead of uppercase.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

hostname.icn: Procedures to produce host name

This procedure determines the name of the current host.  It takes no
arguments.  Aborts with an error message if the necessary commands
are not found.  Geared specifically for UNIX machines.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

html.icn: Procedures for parsing HTML

These procedures parse HTML files:

htchunks(f)     generates the basic chunks -- tags and text --
                that compose an HTML file.

htrefs(f)       generates the tagname/keyword/value combinations
                that reference other files.

These procedures process strings from HTML files:

httag(s)        extracts the name of a tag.

htvals(s)       generates the keyword/value pairs from a tag.

urlmerge(base,new) interprets a new URL in the context of a base.

canpath(s)      puts a path in canonical form

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

ibench.icn: Procedures to support Icon benchmarking

Procedures to support benchmarking of Icon programs:

   Init__(prog)           initialize for benchmarking
   Term__()               terminate benchmarking
   Allocated__()          get amounts allocated
   Collections__()        get collections
   Regions__()            get regions
   Signature__()          show program/environment information
   Storage__()            get storage
   Time__()               show elapsed time
   Display__(data,name)   show information

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

ichartp.icn: Procedures for a simple chart parser


    Ichartp implements a simple chart parser - a slow but
easy-to-implement strategy for parsing context free grammars (it
has a cubic worst-case time factor).  Chart parsers are flexible
enough to handle a lot of natural language constructs.  They also
lack many of the troubles associated with empty and left-recursive
derivations.  To obtain a parse, just create a BNF file, obtain a
line of input, and then invoke parse_sentence(sentence,
bnf_filename, start-symbol).  Parse_sentence suspends successive
edge structures corresponding to possible parses of the input
sentence.  There is a routine called edge_2_tree() that converts
these edges to a more standard form.  See the stub main() procedure
for an example of how to make use of all these facilities.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

identgen.icn: Procedures for meta-translation code generation

This program is designed to be linked with the output of the meta-
translator.  As given here, they produce an identity translation.
Modifications can be made to effect different translations.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

identity.icn: Procedures to produce identities for Icon types

This procedure produces an "identity" value for types that have one.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

ifncs.icn: Procedure wrappers for function tracing

These are procedure wrappers for use in Icon function tracing.  Don't let
the apparent recursion fool you.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

iftrace.icn: Procedures to trace Icon function calls

  These procedures provide tracing for Icon functions by using procedure
wrappers to call the functions.

   iftrace(fncs[]) sets tracing for a list of function names.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

image.icn: Procedures to produce images of Icon values

The procedure Image(x,style) produces a string image of the value x.
The value produced is a generalization of the value produced by
the Icon function image(x), providing detailed information about
structures. The value of style determines the formatting and
order of processing:

   1   indented, with ] and ) at end of last item (default)
   2   indented, with ] and ) on new line
   3   puts the whole image on one line
   4   as 3, but with structures expanded breadth-first instead of
       depth-first as for other styles.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

inbits.icn: Procedure to read variable-length characters

This procedure, inbits(), re-imports data converted into writable
form by outbits().  See the file outbits.icn for all the whys and

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

indices.icn: Procedure to produce indices

indices(spec, last)
                produces a list of the integers given by the
                specification spec, which is a common separated list
                of either positive integers or integer spans, as in

                        "1,3-10, ..."

                If last is specified, it it used for a span of
                the form "10-".

                In an integer span, the low and high values need not
                be in order.  For example, "1-10" and "10-1"
                are equivalent.  Similarly, indices need not be
                in order, as in "3-10, 1, ..."

                And empty value, as in "10,,12" is ignored.

                indices() fails if the specification is syntactically
                erroneous or if it contains a value less than 1.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

inserts.icn: Procedures to build tables with duplicate keys

inserts() -- Inserts values into a table in which the same key can
have more than one value (i.e., duplicate keys).  The value of each
element is a list of inserted values.  The table must be created
with default value &null.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

intstr.icn: Procedure to create string from bits

intstr() -- Creates a string consisting of the raw bits in the low
order "size" bytes of integer i.

This procedure is normally used for processing of binary data
to be written to a file.

Note that if large integers are supported, this procedure still
will not work for integers larger than the implementation defined
word size due to the shifting in of zero-bits from the left in the
right shift operation.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

io.icn: Procedures for input and output

They provide facilities for handling input, output, and files.

There are other modules in the Icon program library that deal with
input and output.  They are not included here because they conflict
with procedures here or each other.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

iolib.icn: Procedures for termlib support

The following library represents a series of rough functional
equivalents to the standard UNIX low-level termcap routines.  It is
not meant as an exact termlib clone.  Nor is it enhanced to take
care of magic cookie terminals, terminals that use \D in their
termcap entries, or archaic terminals that require padding.  This
library is geared mainly for use with ANSI and VT-100 devices.
Note that this file may, in most instances, be used in place of the
older UNIX-only itlib.icn file.  It essentially replaces the DOS-
only itlibdos routines.  For DOS users not familiar with the whole
notion of generalized screen I/O, I've included extra documentation
below.  Please read it.

The sole disadvantage of this over the old itlib routines is that
iolib.icn cannot deal with archaic or arcane UNIX terminals and/or
odd system file arrangements.  Note that because these routines
ignore padding, they can (unlike itlib.icn) be run on the NeXT and
other systems which fail to implement the -g option of the stty
command.  Iolib.icn is also simpler and faster than itlib.icn.

I want to thank Norman Azadian for suggesting the whole idea of
combining itlib.icn and itlibdos.icn into one distribution, for
suggesting things like letting drive specifications appear in DOS
TERMCAP environment variables, and for finding several bugs (e.g.
the lack of support for %2 and %3 in cm).  Although he is loathe
to accept this credit, I think he deserves it.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

iscreen.icn: Procedures for screen functions

    This file contains some rudimentary screen functions for use with
itlib.icn (termlib-like routines for Icon).

    clear()              - clears the screen (tries several methods)
    emphasize()          - initiates emphasized (usu. = reverse) mode
    boldface()           - initiates bold mode
    blink()              - initiates blinking mode
    normal()             - resets to normal mode
    message(s)           - displays message s on 2nd-to-last line
    underline()          - initiates underline mode
    status_line(s,s2,p)  - draws status line s on the 3rd-to-last
      screen line; if s is too short for the terminal, s2 is used;
      if p is nonnull then it either centers, left-, or right-justi-
      fies, depending on the value, "c," "l," or "r."
    clear_emphasize()    - horrible way of clearing the screen to all-
      emphasize mode; necessary for many terminals

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

iterfncs.icn: Procedures for recursive functions using iteration

These procedures implement commonly referenced ``text-book''
recursively defined functions, but using iteration.

     acker(i, j)       Ackermann's function
     fib(i, j)         Generalized Fibonacci (Lucas) sequence

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

itlib.icn: Procedures for termlib-type tools

The following library represents a series of rough functional
equivalents to the standard UNIX low-level termcap routines.  They
are not meant as exact termlib clones.  Nor are they enhanced to
take care of magic cookie terminals, terminals that use \D in their
termcap entries, or, in short, anything I felt would not affect my
normal, day-to-day work with ANSI and vt100 terminals.  There are
some machines with incomplete or skewed implementations of stty for
which itlib will not work.  See the BUGS section below for work-

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

itlibdos.icn: Procedures for MS-DOS termlib-type tools

The following library represents a series of rough functional
equivalents to the standard UNIX low-level termcap routines.  They
are not meant as exact termlib clones.  Nor are they enhanced to
take care of magic cookie terminals, terminals that use \D in their
termcap entries, or, in short, anything I felt would not affect my
normal, day-to-day work with ANSI and vt100 terminals.  At this
point I'd recommend trying iolib.icn instead of itlibdos.icn.  Iolib
is largely DOS-UNIX interchangeable, and it does pretty much every-
thing itlibdos.icn does.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

itokens.icn: Procedures for tokenizing Icon code

This file contains itokens() - a utility for breaking Icon source
files up into individual tokens.  This is the sort of routine one
needs to have around when implementing things like pretty printers,
preprocessors, code obfuscators, etc.  It would also be useful for
implementing cut-down implementations of Icon written in Icon - the
sort of thing one might use in an interactive tutorial.

Itokens(f, x) takes, as its first argument, f, an open file, and
suspends successive TOK records.  TOK records contain two fields.
The first field, sym, contains a string that represents the name of
the next token (e.g. "CSET", "STRING", etc.).  The second field,
str, gives that token's literal value.  E.g. the TOK for a literal
semicolon is TOK("SEMICOL", ";").  For a mandatory newline, itokens
would suspend TOK("SEMICOL", "\n").

Unlike Icon's own tokenizer, itokens() does not return an EOFX
token on end-of-file, but rather simply fails.  It also can be
instructed to return syntactically meaningless newlines by passing
it a nonnull second argument (e.g. itokens(infile, 1)).  These
meaningless newlines are returned as TOK records with a null sym
field (i.e. TOK(&null, "\n")).

NOTE WELL: If new reserved words or operators are added to a given
implementation, the tables below will have to be altered.  Note
also that &keywords should be implemented on the syntactic level -
not on the lexical one.  As a result, a keyword like &features will
be suspended as TOK("CONJUNC", "&") and TOK("IDENT", "features").

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

itrcline.icn: Procedure to filter out non-trace lines

itrcline(f)     generates lines from the file f that are Icon
                trace messages.  It can, of course, be fooled.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

ivalue.icn: Procedures to convert string to Icon value

This procedure turns a string from image() into the corresponding Icon
value.  It can handle integers, real numbers, strings, csets, keywords,
structures, and procedures.  For the image of a structure, it produces a
result of the correct type and size, but any values in the structure
are not likely to be correct, since they are not encoded in the image.
For procedures, the procedure must be present in the environment in
which ivalue() is evaluated.  This generally is true for built-in
procedures (functions).

All keywords are supported even if image() does not produce a string
of the form "&name" for them.  The values produced for non-constant
keywords are, of course, the values they have in the environment in
which ivalue() is evaluated.

ivalue() also can handle non-local variables (image() does not produce
these), but they must be present in the environment in which ivalue()
is evaluated.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

jumpque.icn: Procedure to jump element to head of queue

jumpque(queue, y) moves y to the head of the queue if it is in queue
but just adds y to the head of the queue if it is not already in
the queue.  A copy of queue is returned; the argument is not modified.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

kmap.icn: Procedure to map keyboard letter forms into letters

This procedure maps uppercase letters and the control modifier key
in combination with letters into the corresponding lowercase letters.

It is intended for use with graphic applications in which the modifier
keys for shift and control are encoded in keyboard events.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

labeler.icn: Procedure to produce successive labels

This procedure produces a new label in sequence each time it's called.
The labels consist of all possible combinations of the characters given
in the argument the first time it is called.  See star(s) in gener.icn
for a generator that does the same thing (and much more concisely).

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lastc.icn: Procedures for string scanning


lastc( c, s, i1, i2 ) : i3

   succeeds and produces i1, provided either
   -  i1 is 1, or
   -  s[i1 - 1] is in c and i2 is greater than i1

   defaults:   same as for any
   errors:     same as for any

findp( c, s1, s2, i1, i2 ) : i3, i4, ..., in

   generates the sequence of positions in s2 at which s1 occurs
   provided that:
   -  s2 is preceded by a character in c,
      or is found at the beginning of the string
   i1 & i2 limit the search as in find

   defaults:   same as for find
   errors:     same as for find & lastc

findw( c1, s1, c2, s2, i1, i2 ) : i3, i4, ..., in

   generates the sequence of positions in s2 at which s1 occurs
   provided that:
   -  s2 is preceded by a character in c1,
      or is found at the beginning of the string;
   -  s2 is succeeded by a character in c2,
      or the end of the string
   i1 & i2 limit the search as in find

   defaults:   same as for find
   errors:     same as for find & lastc

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lastname.icn: Procedure to produce last name

Produces the last name of a name in conventional form.  Obviously, it
doesn't work for every possibility.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lcseval.icn: Procedure to evaluate linear congruence parameters

rcseval(a, c, m) evaluates the constants used in a linear congruence
recurrence for generating a sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
a is the multiplicative constant, c is the additive constant, and
m is the modulus.

Any line of output starting with asterisks indicates a problem.

See Donald E. Knuth, "Random Numbers" in The Art of Computer Programming,
Vol. 2, Seminumerical Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
1969, pp. 1-160.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

levensht.icn: Procedure to compute Levenshtein edit distance

The procedure levenshtein(s1, s2) returns the minimum number of edit
operations needed to transform string s1 into s2.

   levenshtein("day", "may") produces 1
   levenshtein("cat", "dog") produces 3

Now, those are easy examples, but consider:
   levenshtein("Saturday", "Sunday") produces 3

 Yes, 3.  Delete "a" and "t" from Saturday (Surday),
 then change the "r" to an "n", and you have Sunday!

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lindgen.icn: Procedures for rewriting 0L-systems

lindgen() assumes a "full" mapping table; lindgenx() does not.

Note that the first argument is a single character.  At the top level
it might be called as

     lindgen(!axiom, rewrite, gener)

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lindstrp.icn: Procedure to interpret L-system output as striped pattern

Lindenmayer systems are usually are interpreted as specifications
for drawing plant-like objects, fractals, or other geometric designs.
This procedure illustrates that L-systems can be interpreted in other
ways -- as striped patterns, for example.

The procedure is called as lindstrp(prod, band_tbl) where prod is a
"production" that is interpreted as being a sequence of one-character
symbols, and band_tbl is a table with these symbols as keys whose
corresponding values are specifications for bands of the form
"color:width". An example of a table for the symbols A, B, and C is:

     band_tbl := table()

     band_tbl["A"] := "blue:3"
     band_tbl["B"] := "red:10"
     band_tbl["C"] := "black:5"

With a table default of null, as above, symbols in prod that are not
table keys are effectively ignored.  Other table defaults
can be used to produce different behaviors for such symbols.

An example of a production is:


The result is a string of band specifications for the striped pattern
represented by prod.  It can be converted to an image by using
strplang.icn, but graphics are not necessary for the use of this
procedure itself.

One thing this procedure is useful for is developing an understanding
of how to construct L-systems for specific purpose:  L-systems for
plant-like objects and fractals are require specialized knowledge and
are difficult to construct, while stripes are simple enough for
anyone to understand and develop L-systems for.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

list2tab.icn: Procedure to write list as tab-separated string

This procedure writes a list as a tab-separated string.
Carriage returns in files are converted to vertical tabs.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lists.icn: Procedures to manipulate lists

file2lst(s)     create list from lines in file

imag2lst(s)     convert limage() output to list

l_Bscan(e1)     begin list scanning

l_Escan(l_OuterEnvir, e2)
                end list scanning

                any() for list scanning

                bal() for list scanning

                find() for list scanning

                many() for list scanning

                match() for list scanning

l_move(i)       move() for list scanning

l_pos(i)        pos() for list scanning

l_tab(i)        tab() for list scanning

                upto() for list scanning

lclose(L)       close open palindrome

lcomb(L,i)      list combinations

lcompact(L)     compact list, mapping out missing values

ldecollate(I, L)
                list decollation

ldelete(L, spec)
                list deletion

ldupl(L, i)     list term duplication

lequiv(L1, L2)  list equivalence

levate(L, m, n) list elevation

lextend(L, i)   list extension

lfliph(L)       list horizontal flip (reversal)

lflipv(L)       list vertical flip

limage(L)       unadorned list image

lindex(L, x)
                generate indices of L whose values are x

lcollate(L1, L2, ...)
                list collation; like linterl() except stops on
                short list

lconstant(L)    succeeds and returns element if all are the same

linterl(L1, L2) list interleaving

llayer(L1, L2, ...)
                layer and interleave L1, L2, ...

llpad(L, i, x)  list padding at left

lltrim(L, S)    list left trimming

lmap(L1,L2,L3)  list mapping

lpalin(L, x)    list palindrome

lpermute(L)     list permutations

lreflect(L, i)  returns L concatenated with its reversal to produce
                palindrome; the values of i determine "end
                conditions" for the reversal:

                        0       omit first and last elements; default
                        1       omit first element
                        2       omit last element
                        3       don't omit element

lremvals(L, x1, x2, ...)
                remove values from list

lrepl(L, i)     list replication

lresidue(L, m, i)
                list residue

lreverse(L)     list reverse

lrotate(L, i)   list rotation

lrpad(L, i, x)  list right padding

lrundown(L1, L2, L3)
                list run down

lrunup(L1, L2, L3)
                list run up

lrtrim(L, S)    list right trimming

lshift(L, i)    shift list terms

lst2str(L)      string from concatenated values in L

lswap(L)        list element swap

lunique(L)      keep only unique list elements

lmaxlen(L, p)   returns the size of the largest value in L.
                If p is given, it is applied to each string as
                as a "length" procedure.  The default for p is
                proc("*", 1).

lminlen(L, p)   returns the size of the smallest value in L.
                If p is given, it is applied to each string as
                as a "length" procedure.  The default for p is
                proc("*", 1).

sortkeys(L)     returns list of keys from L, where L is the
                result of sorting a table with option 3 or 4.

sortvalues(L)   return list of values from L, where L is the
                result of sorting a table with option 3 or 4.

str2lst(s, i)   creates list with i-character lines from s.  The
                default for i is 1.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

longstr.icn: Procedure to match longest string

longstr(l,s,i,j) works like any(), except that instead of taking a
cset as its first argument, it takes instead a list or set of
strings (l).  Returns i + *x, where x is the longest string in l
for which match(x,s,i,j) succeeds.  Fails if no match occurs.

    s     &subject
    i     &pos if s is defaulted, otherwise 1
    j     0

    The only manual error-checking that is done is to test l to
    be sure it is, in fact, a list or set.  Errors such as non-
    string members in l, and non-integer i/j parameters, are
    caught by the normal Icon built-in string processing and sub-
    scripting mechanisms.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lrgapprx.icn: Procedure to approximate integer values

This procedure produces an approximate of an integer value in the
form n.nx10^n.

It is primarily useful for large integers.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lstfncs.icn: Procedures to produce lists from sequences

Links:  genrfncs, numbers

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lterps.icn: Procedure to interpret L-system output

Links:  numbers

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

lu.icn: Procedures for LU manipulation

lu_decomp(M, I) performs LU decomposition on the square matrix M
using the vector I.  Both M and I are modified in the process.  The
value returned is +1 or -1 depending on whether the number of row
interchanges is even or odd.  lu_decomp() is used in combination with
lu_back_sub() to solve linear equations or invert matrices.

lu_decomp() fails if the matrix is singular.

lu_back_sub(M, I, B) solves the set of linear equations M x X = B.  M
is the matrix as modified by lu_decomp().  I is the index vector
produced by lu_decomp().  B is the right-hand side vector and return
with the solution vector. M and I are not modified by lu_back_sub()
and can be used in successive calls of lu_back_sub() with different

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

makelsys.icn: Procedures to convert L-Systems to records

These procedures coverts a list corresponding to an L-System into an
L-System record.

See lindsys.icn for documentation about format.

See linden.dat for an example of input data.

See also linden.icn for a graphics version.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

mapbit.icn: Procedures to map string into bit representation

   The procedure mapbit(s) produces a string of zeros and ones
corresponding to the bit patterns for the characters of s.  For
example, mapbit("Axe") produces "010000010111100001100101".

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

mapstr.icn: Procedure for map() for strings

Mapstrs(s, l1, l2) works like map(), except that instead of taking
ordered character sequences (strings) as arguments 2 and 3, it
takes ordered string sequences (lists).

Suppose, for example, you wanted to bowdlerize a string by
replacing the words "hell" and "shit" with "heck" and "shoot."  You
would call mapstrs as follows:

    mapstrs(s, ["hell", "shit"], ["heck", "shoot"])

In order to achieve reasonable speed, mapstrs creates a lot of
static structures, and uses some extra storage.  If you want to
replace one string with another, it is overkill.  Just use the IPL
replace() routine (in strings.icn).

If l2 is longer than l1, extra members in l2 are ignored.  If l1 is
longer, however, strings in l1 that have no correspondent in l2 are
simply deleted.  Mapstr uses a longest-possible-match approach, so
that replacing ["hellish", "hell"] with ["heckish", "heck"] will
work as one would expect.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

matchlib.icn: Procedures for lexical matching

   These procedures perform low-level "lexical" matching for
recursive-descent pattern matchers.

     rb_()           match right bracket
     lb_()           match left bracket
     rp_()           match right parenthesis
     lp_()           match left parenthesis
     vb_()           match vertical bar
     nl_()           match newline
     empty_()        match empty string

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

math.icn: Procedures for mathematical computations

binocoef(n, k)  produces the binomial coefficient n over k.  It
                fails unless 0 <= k <= n.

cosh(r)         produces the hyperbolic cosine of r.

sinh(r)         produces the hyperbolic sine of r.

tanh(r)         produces the hyperbolic tangent of r.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

matrix.icn: Procedures for matrix manipulation

This file contains procedures for matrix manipulation.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

matrix2.icn: Procedures for matrix transposition and scalar multiplication

transpose_matrix(M) : L  - produces a matrix R that is the transpose of M:
                              R[j][i] = M[i][j]

numeric_matrix(M) : L    - produces a matrix R that is a copy of M except
                           each element has been subjected to the
                           numeric(x) function; if numeric fails for any
                           element, numeric_matrix fails:
                              R[i][j] = numeric(M[i][j])

scale_matrix(M,mult) : L - produces a new matrix R each of whose elements
                           is mult times larger than its peer in M:
                               R[i][j] := mult * M[i][j]
scale_matrix(mult,M) : L - is a synonym for scale_matrix(M,mult).

floor_matrix(M,min) : L  - produces a matrix R that is a copy of M except
                           each element is increased to min if necessary:
                               R[i][j] := min <= M[i][j] | min
floor_matrix(min,M) : L  - is a synonym for floor_matrix(M,min).

ceil_matrix(M,max) : L   - produces a matrix R that is a copy of M except
                           each element is increased to max if necessary:
                               R[i][j] := max <= M[i][j] | max
ceil_matrix(max,M) : L   - is a synonym for ceil_matrix(M,max).

sumsquares_matrix(M) : n - produces the sum of the squares
                           of all terms in a matrix
                               sum(for every i,j) (M[i][j])^2

sumsquaresdiff_matrix(M1,M2) : n - produces the sum of the squares of all
                           terms in the difference between two matrices
                               sum(for every i,j) (M1[i][j] - M2[i][j])^2

normalize_rows(M,t) : L  - produce a row-scaled matrix such that,
                           for every row i, the sum of the values in
                           all columns is 1
                               R[i][j] /:= sum(for every J) M[i][J]
                           t is a required minimum magnitude
                           for row sums to avoid divide-by-zero errors
normalize_rows(t,M) : L  - synonym for normalize_rows(M,t)

normalize_columns(M,t) : L - produce a column-scaled matrix such that,
                             for every column i, the sum of the values
                             in all rows is 1
                             such that their sum is 1
                               R[i][j] /:= sum(for every I) M[I][j]
                             t is a required minimum magnitude for
                             column sums to avoid divide-by-zero errors
normalize_columns(t,M) : L - synonym for normalize_columns(M,t)

sprintf_matrix(f,M)      - produces a matrix R of strings whose elements
                           are formatted (by the IPL sprintf routine)
                           from the elements of M:
                               R[i][j] := sprintf(f,M[i,j])

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

memlog.icn: Procedure to log memory usage

memlog(f) writes a message to file f recording the current memory
usage in the string and block regions.  For each, three figures are
written:  amount in use, amount reserved, and number of collections.

memlog does not perturb the figures: it requires no allocation itself.
f defaults to &output.  memlog() returns the total current usage.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

memrfncs.icn: Procedures for recursive functions using memory

These procedures implement commonly referenced ``text-book''
recursively defined functions using memory to avoid redundant calls.

     acker(i, j)      Ackermann's function
     fib(i)           Fibonacci sequence
     q(i)             "Chaotic" sequence

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

mixsort.icn: Procedure to sort tables with case mixing

This procedure sorts tables like sort(T, i), except that the keys
that are strings are sorted with case mixed.  That is, keys such
as "Volvo" and "voluntary" come out sorted "voluntary" followed by
"Volvo" as if it were "volvo" instead (assuming ASCII).

If a string appears in two case forms, as in "Volvo" and "volvo", one key
is lost.

At present, this procedure applies only to keys (i = 1 or 3).  It could
be extended to handle values (i = 2 or 3).

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

models.icn: Procedure to model Icon functions

These procedures model built-in Icon functions.  Their purpose is
primarily pedagogical.

See Icon Analyst 11, pp. 5-7.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

morse.icn: Procedures to convert string to Morse code

This procedure converts the string s to its Morse code equivalent.

The version used is known both as International Morse Code and as
Continental Code, and is used by radio amateurs (hams).

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

mset.icn: Procedures for multi-sets

The idea of the mset type is that no two identical data-structures can be
present in a set, where identity is defined as "containing the same

Definitions implicit in the procedure same_value(..,..):


all types            ===          and if this test fails...

integer               =
real                  =
cset, string          ==
record            all fields have same value
list              all elements are the same, including ordering
table             same keys, and every key has the same associated value
set               contain the same elements

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

namepfx.icn: Procedure to produce prefix portion of name

Produces the "name prefix" from a name in standard form -- omitting
any title, but picking up the first name and any initials.

There are a lot more titles that should be added to this list.

Obviously, it can't always produce the "correct" result.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

nestlist.icn: Procedures to interconvert strings and nested lists

Procedure s_list(L) produces a string-representation of a nested

Procedure l_list(s) produces a nested list from s, its string

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

ngrams.icn: Procedures to produce n-grams

   The procedure ngrams(s, n, c, t) generates a tabulation of the n-grams
in the specified string.  If c is non-null, it is used as the set of
characters from which n-grams are taken (other characters break n-grams).
The default for c is the upper- and lowercase letters.  If t is non-null,
the tabulation is given in order of frequency; otherwise in alphabetical
order of n-grams.

   For backward compatibility, the first argument may be a file, in
which case, it is read to provide the string.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

noncase.icn: Procedures for case-independent matching

Kit of case-independent versions of Icon's built-in string-analysis

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

numbers.icn: Procedures related to numbers

These procedures deal with numbers in various ways:

adp(i)          additive digital persistence of i

adr(i)          additive digital root of i (same as digred())

amean ! L       returns arithmetic mean of numbers in L.

ceil(r)         returns nearest integer to r away from 0.

commas(s)       inserts commas in s to separate digits into groups of

decimal(i, j)   decimal expansion of i / j; terminates when expansion
                terminates or the end of a recurring period is reached.
                The format of the returned value is <integer>.<seq>,
                where <seq> is a string a decimal digits if the
                expansion is finite but <pre>[<recurr>] if it
                is not, where <pre> is a string of decimal digits
                (possibly empty) before the recurring part.

decipos(r, i, j)
                positions decimal point at i in real number r in
                field of width j.

digprod(i)      product of digits of i

digred(i)       reduction of number by adding digits until one digit is

digroot(i)      same as digred().

digsum(i)       sum of digits in i.

distseq(i, j)   generates i to j in distributed order.

div(i, j)       produces the result of real division of i by j.

fix(i, j, w, d) formats i / j as a real (floating-point) number in
                a field of width w with d digits to the right of
                the decimal point, if possible. j defaults to 1,
                w to 8, and d to 3. If w is less than 3 it is set
                to 3. If d is less than 1, it is set to 1. The
                function fails if j is 0 or if the number cannot
                be formatted.

floor(r)        nearest integer to r toward 0.

frn(r, w, d)    format real number r into a string with d digits
                after the decimal point; a result narrower than w
                characters is padded on the left with spaces.
                Fixed format is always used; there is no exponential
                notation.  Defaults:  w 0, d  0

gcd(i, j)       returns greatest common divisor of abs(i) and abs(j).

gcdl ! L        returns the greatest common divisor of the integers
                in list L.

gmean ! L       returns geometric mean of numbers in L.

hmean ! L       returns harmonic mean of numbers in L.

large(i)        succeeds if i is a large integer but fails otherwise.

lcm(i, j)       returns the least common multiple of i and j.

lcml ! L        returns the least common multiple of the integers
                in the list L.

mantissa(r)     mantissa (fractional part) of r.

max ! L         produces maximum of numbers in L.

mdp(i)          multiplicative digital persistence of i

mdr(i)          multiplicative digital root of i

min ! L         produces minimum of numbers in L.

mod1(i, m)      residue for 1-based indexing.

npalins(n)      generates palindromic n-digit numbers.

qmean ! L       returns quadratic mean (RMS) of numbers in L.

residue(i, m, j)
                residue for j-based indexing.

roman(i)        converts i to Roman numerals.

round(r)        returns nearest integer to r.

sigma(i)        synonym for digroot(i)

sign(r)         returns sign of r.

spell(i)        spells out i in American English.

sum ! L         sum of numbers in list L

trunc(r)        returns nearest integer to r toward 0

unroman(s)      converts Roman numerals to integers.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

openchk.icn: Procedure to aid in open/close debugging



Subsequent opens and closes will write diagnostic information to &errout
Useful for diagnosing situations where many files are opened and closed
and there is a possibility that some files are not always being closed.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

opnames.icn: Procedure to produce opcode/names table

opnames() produces a table that maps virtual-machine instruction numbers
to instruction names.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

opsyms.icn: Procedures to produce table to map opcodes to symbols

opsyms() produces a table that maps virtual-machine instruction numbers
for operators to operator symbols.  The suffixes 1 and 2 are used
for symbols that have both a unary and binary meaning.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

options.icn: Procedure to get command-line options

options(arg, optstring,errproc) removes command options from the
argument list of an Icon main procedure, returning a table of
option values.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

outbits.icn: Procedure to write variable-length characters

In any number of instances (e.g. when outputting variable-length
characters or fixed-length encoded strings), the programmer must
fit variable and/or non-byte-sized blocks into standard 8-bit
bytes.  Outbits() performs this task.

Pass to outbits(i, len) an integer i, and a length parameter (len),
and outbits will suspend byte-sized chunks of i converted to
characters (most significant bits first) until there is not enough
left of i to fill up an 8-bit character.  The remaining portion is
stored in a buffer until outbits() is called again, at which point
the buffer is combined with the new i and then output in the same
manner as before.  The buffer is flushed by calling outbits() with
a null i argument.  Note that len gives the number of bits there
are in i (or at least the number of bits you want preserved; those
that are discarded are the most significant ones).

A trivial example of how outbits() might be used:

    outtext := open("","w")
    l := [1,2,3,4]
    every writes(outtext, outbits(!l,3))
    writes(outtext, outbits(&null,3))           # flush buffer

List l may be reconstructed with inbits() (see inbits.icn):

    intext := open("")
    l := []
    while put(l, inbits(intext, 3))

Note that outbits() is a generator, while inbits() is not.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

packunpk.icn: Procedures to pack and unpack decimal strings

    Integers written directly as strings occupy much more space
than they need to.  One easy way to shrink them a bit is to "pack"
them, i.e.  convert each decimal digit into a four-byte binary
code, and pack these four-bit chunks into eight-bit characters,
which can be written to a file.

    Interestingly, packing decimal strings in this manner lends
itself to unpacking by treating each character as a base-10
integer, and then converting it to base-16.  Say we have an input
string "99."  Pack() would convert it to an internal representation
of char(16*9 + 9), i.e. char(153).  Unpack would treat this
char(153) representation as a base-10 integer, and convert it to
base 16 (i.e. 10r153 -> 16r99).  The 99 is, of course, what we
started with.

    Note that two unpack routines are provided here:  The first, by
Tanaglia, utilizes convert.icn from the IPL.  The second, by
Goerwitz, does not.  They utilize very different methods, but both
amount to basically the same thing.  Goerwitz's routine returns an
integer, though, and has no "width" argument.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

parscond.icn: Procedure to condense parse tree

   Procedure to condense a parse tree produced by the output of pargen.icn
and produce the string that was parsed.

   The necessary record declaration is provided by the program with which
is linked.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

partit.icn: Procedures to partition integer

partit(i, min, max) generates, as lists, the partitions of i; that is the
ways that i can be represented as a sum of positive integers with
minimum and maximum values.

partcount(i, min, max) returns just the number of partitions.

fibpart(i) returns a list of Fibonacci numbers that is a partition of i.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

pascal.icn: Procedure to write Pascal triangles

This procedure writes numeric triangles as "carpets".

The argument determines the number of rows written, default 16.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

pascltri.icn: Procedure to compute a row of Pascal's Triangle

    The procedure, when invoked by a call to PascalsTriangle(n), returns
the nth row of Pascal's Triangle in list form.  Pascal's Triangle is a
mathematical structure in which each element of a row is the sum of the
two elements directly above it.  The first few levels are:

   Row 1:          1           Triangle stored as: [[1],
       2:        1   1                              [1, 1],
       3:      1   2   1                            [1, 2, 1],
       4:    1   3   3   1                          [1, 3, 3, 1],
       5:  1   4   6   4   1                        [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]]

For example, PascalsTriangle(4) would return the list [1, 3, 3, 1].

    The procedure fails if n is not an integer or if it is less than one.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

patch.icn: Procedures for UNIX-like patch(1)

This procedure produces a sequence of edited items, reading a source
stream (from) and a stream of difference records (diffs), as generated
by dif.icn.

An optional parameter (rev) causes the edits to be made in reverse.
This allows an old stream to be regenerated from a new stream and an
appropriate stream of difference records.

The original patch(1) utility was written by Larry Wall, and is used
widely in the UNIX community.  See also diffu.icn and patchu.icn, the
utility program versions of dif.icn and patch.icn.

Usage:       patch(old, diff)        # patch old to new via diff
             patch(new, diff, rev)   # patch new to old via diff

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

patterns.icn: Procedures for SNOBOL4-style pattern matching

These procedures provide procedural equivalents for most SNOBOL4
patterns and some extensions.

Procedures and their pattern equivalents are:

     Any(s)         ANY(S)

     Arb()          ARB

     Arbno(p)       ARBNO(P)

     Arbx(i)        ARB(I)

     Bal()          BAL

     Break(s)       BREAK(S)

     Breakx(s)      BREAKX(S)

     Cat(p1,p2)     P1 P2

     Discard(p)     /P

     Exog(s)        \S

     Find(s)        FIND(S)

     Len(i)         LEN(I)

     Limit(p,i)     P \ i

     Locate(p)      LOCATE(P)

     Marb()         longest-first ARB

     Notany(s)      NOTANY(S)

     Pos(i)         POS(I)

     Replace(p,s)   P = S

     Rpos(i)        RPOS(I)

     Rtab(i)        RTAB(I)

     Span(s)        SPAN(S)

     String(s)      S

     Succeed()      SUCCEED

     Tab(i)         TAB(I)

     Xform(f,p)     F(P)

   The following procedures relate to the application and control
of pattern matching:

     Apply(s,p)     S ? P

     Mode()         anchored or unanchored matching (see Anchor
                    and Float)

     Anchor()       &ANCHOR = 1  if Mode := Anchor

     Float()        &ANCHOR = 0  if Mode := Float

In addition to the procedures above, the following expressions
can be used:

     p1() | p2()    P1 | P2

     v <- p()       P . V  (approximate)

     v := p()       P $ V  (approximate)

     fail           FAIL

     =s             S  (in place of String(s))

     p1() || p2()   P1 P2  (in place of Cat(p1,p2))

Using this system, most SNOBOL4 patterns can be satisfactorily
transliterated into Icon procedures and expressions. For example,
the pattern

        SPAN("0123456789") $ N "H" LEN(*N) $ LIT

can be transliterated into

        (n <- Span('0123456789')) || ="H" ||
           (lit <- Len(n))

Concatenation of components is necessary to preserve the
pattern-matching properties of SNOBOL4.

Caveats: Simulating SNOBOL4 pattern matching using the procedures
above is inefficient.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

patword.icn: Procedures to find letter patterns

   The procedure patword(s) returns a letter pattern in which each
different character in s is assigned a letter.  For example,
patword("structural") returns "abcdebdcfg".

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

pbkform.icn: Procedures to process HP95 phone book files

Icon procedure set to read and write HP95LX phone book (.pbk) files.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

pdco.icn: Procedures for programmer-defined control operations

These procedures use co-expressions to used to model the built-in
control structures of Icon and also provide new ones.

 AddTabbyPDCO{e, i}  adds tabby to treadling sequence

 AllparAER{e1,e2, ...}
                     parallel evaluation with last result
                     used for short sequences

 AltPDCO{e1,e2}      models e1 | e2

 BinopPDCO{op,e1,e2} produces the result of applying op to e1 and e2

 CFapproxPDCO{e}     produce sequence of approximations for the
                     continued-fraction sequence e

 ComparePDCO{e1,e2}  compares result sequences of e1 and e2

 ComplintPDCO{e}     produces the integers not in e

 CondPDCO{e1,e2, ...}
                     models the generalized Lisp conditional

 CumsumPDCO{e}       generates the cumulative sum of the terms of e

 CycleparAER{e1,e2, ...}
                     parallel evaluation with shorter sequences

 DecimatePDCO{e1, e2}
                     "decimate" e1 by deleting e2-numbered terms
                     (e2 is assumed to be an increasing sequence).

 DecimationPDCO{e}   produce a decimation sequence from e1 by
                     deleting even-valued terms and replacing
                     odd-valued terms by their position.

 DecollatePDCO{e, i} decollate e according to parity of i

 DeltaPDCO{e1}       produces the difference of the values in e1

 ElevatePDCO{e1, m, n}
                     elevate e1 mod n to n values

 EveryPDCO{e1,e2}    models every e1 do e2

 ExtendSeqPDCO{e1,i} extends e1 to i results

 ExtractAER{e1,e2, ...}
                     extract results of even-numbered arguments
                     according to odd-numbered values

 FifoAER{e1,e2, ...} reversal of lifo evaluation

 FriendlyPDCO{m, k, e3}
                     friendly sequence starting at k shaft mod m

 GaltPDCO{e1,e2, ...}
                     produces the results of concatenating the
                     sequences for e1, e2, ...

                     models generalized conjunction: e1 & e2 & ...

 The programmer-defined control operation above shows an interesting
 technique for modeling conjunction via recursive generative

 HistoPDCO{e,i}      generates histogram for e limited to i terms;
                     default 100.

 IncreasingPDCO{e}   filters out non-increasing values in integer

 IndexPDCO{e1,e2}    produce e2-th terms from e1

 InterPDCO{e1,e2, ...}
                     produces results of e1, e2, ... alternately

 LcondPDCO{e1,e2, ...}
                     models the Lisp conditional

 LengthPDCO{e}       returns the length of e

 LifoAER{e1,e2, ...} models standard Icon "lifo" evaluation

 LimitPDCO{e1,e2}    models e1 \ e2

 ListPDCO{e,i}       produces a list of the first i results from e

 LowerTrimPDCO{e}    lower trim

 MapPDCO{e1,e2}      maps values of e1 in the order they first appear
                     to values of e2 (as needed)

 OddEven{e}          forces odd/even sequence

 PalinPDCO{e}        x produces results of concatenating the
                     sequences for e and then its reverse.

 ParallelPDCO{e1,e2, ...}
                     synonym for InterPDCO{e1, e2, ...}

 ParallelAER{e1,e2, ...}
                     parallel evaluation terminating on
                     shortest sequence

 PatternPalinPDCO{e, i}
                     produces pattern palindrome.  If i is given,
                     e is truncated to length i.

 PeriodPDCO{e, i}    generates the periodic part of e; i values are
                     used to find the period

 PermutePDCO{e1,e2}  permutes each n-subsequence of e1 by the
                     n positional values in lists from e2.  If a list does
                     not consist of all the integers in the range 1 to
                     n, "interesting" things happen (see the use
                     of map() for transpositions).

 PivotPDCO{e, m}     produces pivot points from e % m; m default 100

 PosDiffPDCO{e1,e2}  produces positions at which e1 and e2 differ

 PositionsPDCO{e, i} generates the positions at which i occurs in e.

 RandomPDCO{e1,e2, ...}
                     produces results of e1, e2, ... at random

 ReducePDCO{op, x, e}
                     "reduces" the sequence e by starting with the value x
                     and repetitively applying op to the current
                     value and values from e.

 RemoveDuplPDCO{e}   removes duplicate adjacent values.

 RepaltPDCO{e}       models |e

 RepeatPDCO{e1, e2}  repeats the sequence for e1 e2 times

 ReplPDCO{e1,e2}     replicates each value in e1 by the corresponding
                     integer value in e2.

                     models every e1 \ e2 do e3

 ReversePDCO{e, i}   produces the results of e in reverse order. If i
                     is given, e is truncated to i values.

 RotatePDCO(e, i)    rotates the sequence for e left by i; negative
                     i rotates to the right

 SelfreplPDCO{e1,i}  produces e1 * i copies of e1

 SeqlistPDCO{e1, i}  produce list with first i values of e1; i
                     defaults to all values

 SimpleAER{e1,e2, ...}
                     simple evaluation with only success or

 SkipPDCO{e1,e2}     generate e1 skipping each e2 terms

 SmodPDCO{e1,e2}     reduce terms in e1 (shaft) modulus e2

 SpanPDCO{e,m}       fill in between consecutive (integer) values in
                     e % m; m default 100

 SumlimitPDCO{e, i, j}
                     produces values of e until their sum exceeds
                     i.  Values less than j are discarded.

                     produces the result of applying op to e1, e2, and e3

 UndulantPDCO{e}     produces the undulant for e.

 UniquePDCO{e}       produces the unique results of e in the order
                     they first appear

 UnopPDCO{e1,e2}     produces the result of applying e1 to e2

 UpperTrimPDCO{e}    upper trim

 ValrptPDCO{e1,e2}   synonym for ReplPDCO

 WobblePDCO{e}       produces e(1), e(2), e(1), e(2), e(3), e(2), ...


 Because of the handling of the scope of local identifiers in
 co-expressions, expressions in programmer-defined control
 operations cannot communicate through local identifiers.  Some
 constructions, such as break and return, cannot be used in argu-
 ments to programmer-defined control operations.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

periodic.icn: Procedures related to periodic sequences

Sqrt(i, j) produces a rational approximation to the square root of i
with j iterations of the half-way method.  j defaults to 5.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

permutat.icn: Procedures for permutations

Links:  lists, seqops

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

phoname.icn: Procedures to generate letters for phone numbers

   This procedure generates the letter combinations corresponding to the
digits in a telephone number.


   The number of possibilities is very large. This procedure should be
used in a context that limits or filters its output.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

plural.icn: Procedures to produce plural of English noun

   This procedure produces the plural form of a singular English noun.
The procedure here is rudimentary and does not work in all cases.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

polynom.icn: Procedures to manipulate multi-variate polynomials

The format for strings omits symbols for multiplication and
exponentiation.  For example, 3*a^2 is entered as 3a2.

A polynomial is represented by a table in which each term, such as 3xy,
the xy is #  a key and the corresponding value is the coefficient, 3 in
this case.  If a variable is raised to a power, such as x^3, the key
is the product of the individual variables, xxx in this case.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

polyseq.icn: Procedure to generate Dietz sequence

The procedure poly2seq(str) generates the Dietz sequence for the
polynomial str.  See Ada Dietz, "Algebraic Expressions in Handweaving".

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

polystuf.icn: Procedures for manipulating polynomials

    These procedures are for creating and performing operations on single-
variable polynomials (like ax^2 + bx + c).

    poly (c1, e1, c2, e2, ...)  - creates a polynomial from the parameters
                                  given as coefficient-exponent pairs:
                                  c1x^e1 + c2x^e2 + ...
    is_zero (n)                 - determines if n = 0
    is_zero_poly (p)            - determines if a given polynomial is 0x^0
    poly_add (p1, p2)           - returns the sum of two polynomials
    poly_sub (p1, p2)           - returns the difference of p1 - p2
    poly_mul (p1, p2)           - returns the product of two polynomials
    poly_eval (p, x)            - finds the value of polynomial p when
                                  evaluated at the given x.
    term2string (c, e)          - converts one coefficient-exponent pair
                                  into a string.
    poly_string (p)             - returns the string representation of an
                                  entire polynomial.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

popen.icn: Procedures for pipes


popen(command, mode)
     mode == "w" writes to a pipe
     mode == "r" reads from a pipe


On systems without real pipes (ms-dos), popen and pclose imitate
pipes; pclose must be called after popen.  The code should run
faster on ms-dos if dir in tempfile() points to a directory on a
virtual disk.

On systems with real pipes, popen & pclose open and close a pipe.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

pqueue.icn: Procedures for manipulating priority queues

These procedures manipulate priority queues.

pq(L)           returns a priority queue containing the elements
                in L.  L is a list (or table or set) of pqelem
                records, each containing a data and priority field.
                If L is &null, pq() returns an empty priority queue.

pqget(Q)        returns and removes the highest priority element
                from Q.  Q is a priority queue returned by pq().

pqput(Q, e)     adds element e (a pqelem record) to Q.

pqgen(Q)        generates the elements in Q in priority order.

pqelem(d, p)    constructs a record with data d and priority p.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

printcol.icn: Procedure to format columnar data

   This procedure deals with with the problem of printing tabular
data where the total width of items to be printed is wider than
the page.  Simply allowing the data to wrap to additional lines
often produces marginally readable output.  This procedure facil-
itates printing such groups of data as vertical columns down the
page length, instead of as horizontal rows across the page.  That
way many, many fields can be printed neatly.  The programming of
such a transformation can be a nuisance.  This procedure does
much of the work for you, like deciding how many items can fit
across the page width and ensuring that entire items will be
printed on the same page without page breaks (if that service is

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

printf.icn: Procedures for printf-style formatting

   This procedure behaves somewhat like the standard printf.
Supports d, e, s, o, and x formats like printf.  An "r" format
prints real numbers in a manner similar to that of printf's "f".
Though "e" differs from printf in some details, it always produces
exponential format.

   Left or right justification and field width control are provided
as in printf.   %s, %r, and %e handle precision specifications.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

prockind.icn: Procedure to indicate kind of procedure

prockind(p) produces a code for the kind of the procedure p as follows:

     "p"     (declared) procedure
     "f"     (built-in) function
     "o"     operator
     "c"     record constructor

It fails if p is not of type procedure.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

procname.icn: Procedure to produce name of procedure

procname(p, x) produces the name of a procedure from a procedure value.
Here, the term "procedure" includes functions, operators, and
record constructors.

If x is null, the result is derived from image() is a relatively
straightforward way.  In the case of operators, the number of
arguments is appended to the operator symbol.

If x is nonnull, the result is put in a form that resembles an Icon

procname() fails if p is not of type procedure.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

progary.icn: Procedure to place program in a array

This procedure creates an array with one element for each program token.
The program is read from file.  The  initial value of each element is value.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

pscript.icn: Procedure for explicitly writing PostScript

This file contains procedures for writing PostScript output explicitly,
as contrasted with the procedures in psrecord.icn that write PostScript
as a side effect of normal graphics calls.

epsheader(f, x, y, w, h, flags) writes an Encapsulated PostScript
file header and initializes the PostScript coordinate system.

psprotect(s) adds escapes to protect characters that are special in
PostScript strings, notably parentheses and backslash.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

ptutils.icn: Procedures relating to objects in 3-space

These procedures provide various operations on 3-dimensional objects
in 3-space.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

random.icn: Procedures related to random numbers

This file contains procedures related to pseudo-random numbers.

     choose(k, n)    produces a set of k distinct integers in [1..n]

     rand_num()      is a linear congruential pseudo-random number
                     generator.  Each time it is called, it produces
                     another number in the sequence and also assigns it
                     to the global variable random.  With no arguments,
                     rand_num() produces the same sequence(s) as Icon's
                     built-in random-number generator.  Arguments can be
                     used to get different sequences.

                     The global variable random serves the same role that
                     &random does for Icon's built-in random number

     rand_int(i)     produces a randomly selected integer in the range 1
                     to i.  It models ?i for positive i.

     randomize()     sets &random to a "random" value, using /dev/urandom
                     if available, otherwise based on the date and time.

     randrange(min, max)
                     produces random number in the range min <= i <= max.

     randrangeseq(i, j)
                     generates the integers from i to j in random order.

     randseq(seed)   generates the values of &random, starting at seed,
                     that occur as the result of using ?x.

     rng(a, c, m, x) generates a sequence of numbers using the linear
                     congruence method.  With appropriate parameters, the
                     result is a pseudo-random sequence.  The default
                     values produce the sequence used in Icon.

     shuffle(x)      shuffles the elements of x

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rational.icn: Procedures for arithmetic on rational numbers

These procedures perform arithmetic on rational numbers (fractions):

addrat(r1,r2) Add rational numbers r1 and r2.

divrat(r1,r2) Divide rational numbers r1 and r2.

medrat(r1,r2) Form mediant of r1 and r2.

mpyrat(r1,r2) Multiply rational numbers r1 and r2.

negrat(r)     Produce negative of rational number r.

rat2real(r)   Produce floating-point approximation of r

rat2str(r)    Convert the rational number r to its string

real2rat(v,p) Convert real to rational with precision p.
              The default precision is 1e-10.
              (Too much precision gives huge, ugly factions.)

reciprat(r)   Produce the reciprocal of rational number r.

str2rat(s)    Convert the string representation of a rational number
              (such as "3/2") to a rational number.

subrat(r1,r2) Subtract rational numbers r1 and r2.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

readcpt.icn: Procedure to read produce "carpet" from file

This procedure reads a "carpet" file and returns a corresponding matrix.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

readtbl.icn: Procedures to read user-created stripsgml table

This file is part of the strpsgml package.  It does the job of read-
ing option user-created mapping information from a file.  The purpose
of this file is to specify how each code in a given input text should
be translated.  Each line has the form:

    SGML-designator  start_code      end_code

where the SGML designator is something like "quote" (without the quota-
tion marks), and the start and end codes are the way in which you want
the beginning and end of a <quote>...<\quote> sequence to be transla-
ted.  Presumably, in this instance, your codes would indicate some set
level of indentation, and perhaps a font change.  If you don't have an
end code for a particular SGML designator, just leave it blank.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

reassign.icn: Procedures to access RE groupings and format into a string


ReAssign( s ) : s2

   Replaces sequences of \n in s with the corresponding parenthesis
   groups from the last regular expression match/find (if one exists).

   Special characters:
   \n     use nth parenthesis group
   \\     escaped \
   \n.i   nth group followed by a number

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rec2tab.icn: Procedure to write record as string

This procedure writes fields of a record as tab-separated string.
Carriage returns in files are converted to vertical tabs.
(Works for lists too.)

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

recog.icn: Procedure for recognition

   This procedure serves as a main procedure for the output of

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

records.icn: Procedures to manipulate records

field(R, i)  returns the name of the ith field of R.

fieldnum(R, s)  returns the index of the field named s in record R.

movecorr(R1, R2) copies values from the fields of record R1 into
fields of the same names (if any) in record R2, and returns R2.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

recrfncs.icn: Procedures for recursive functions

These procedures implement commonly referenced ``text-book''
recursively defined functions.

     acker(i, j)     Ackermann's function
     fib(i)          Fibonacci sequence
     g(k, i)         generalized Hofstader nested recurrence
     q(i)            chaotic sequence

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

recurmap.icn: Procedure to map recurrence declarations to procedures

This procedure maps a recurrence declaration of the form

     if expr11 then expr12
     if expr21 then expr22
     else expr

The declaration if passed to recurmap() in the form of a list.
The result is returned as a string constituting an Icon procedure

into an Icon procedure that compute corresponding values.

At present there is no error checking and the most naive form of
code is generated.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

reduce.icn: Procedure to perform operation on list of arguments

reduce(op, init, args[]) applies the binary operation op to all the
values in args, using init as the initial value.  For example,

     reduce("+", 1, args[])

produces the sum of the values in args.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

regexp.icn: Procedure for regular-expression pattern matching

This is a kit of procedures to deal with UNIX-like regular expression

These procedures are interesting partly because of the "recursive
suspension" (or "suspensive recursion" :-) technique used to simulate
conjunction of an arbitrary number of computed expressions (see
notes, below).

The public procedures are:

ReMatch(pattern,s,i1,i2) : i3,i4,...,iN
ReFind(pattern,s,i1,i2) : i3,i4,...,iN
RePat(s) : pattern list

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

repetit.icn: Procedure to find smallest repetition pattern in list

This procedure returns the length of the smallest range of values
that repeat in a list.  For example, if

     L := [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

repetit(L) returns 3.  If there is no repetition, repetit() returns
the length of the list.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

revadd.icn: Procedure to generate reverse-summed integers

This procedure is designed to help explore the number-theory problem
in which an integer is added to its (digit) reversal until a
palindrome appears.

It is unknown if this process terminates for all integers.  For
example, for 196, it appears not to, but no proof, to our
knowledge, exists for nontermination.  The radix used is important.
For bases that are powers of 2, it can be proved that there are
integers for which the process does not terminate in a palindrome.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rewrap.icn: Procedures for advanced line rewrap

The procedure rewrap(s,i), included in this file, reformats text
fed to it into strings < i in length.  Rewrap utilizes a static
buffer, so it can be called repeatedly with different s arguments,
and still produce homogenous output.  This buffer is flushed by
calling rewrap with a null first argument.  The default for
argument 2 (i) is 70.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

rng.icn: Procedure to generate random numbers

This procedure generates a sequence of numbers using the linear
congruence method.  With appropriate parameters, the result is
a pseudo-random sequence.  The default values produce the sequence
used in Icon.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

sandgen.icn: Procedures for "evaluation sandwiches" code

This program is designed to be linked with the output of the meta-
translator.  These procedures produce "evaluation sandwiches"
so that program execution can be monitored.

See "Evaluation Sandwiches", Icon Analyst 6, pp. 8-10, 1991.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

scan.icn: Procedures related to scanning

This module contains procedures related to string scanning:

     balq(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, s, i1, i2)
             like bal() with quoting from characters in c5.

     balqc(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, s1, s2, s3, i1, i2)
             like balq() with the addition that balanced characters within
             "comments", as delimited by the strings s1 and s2, are also
             excluded from balancing.  In addition, if s1 is given and s2

     limatch(L, c)
             matches items in list L delimited by characters in c

     slashbal(c1, c2, c3, s, i, j)
             like bal() with escape processing

     slashupto(c, s, i, j)
             like upto() with escape processing

             synonym for slashupto()

     snapshot(title, len)
             snapshot of string scanning with optional title and
             maximum length.

More extensive documentation proceeds each procedure.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

scanmodl.icn: Procedures to model string scanning

These procedures model string scanning:

     e1 ? e2 -> Escan(Bscan(e1, e2)

See Icon Analyst 6, pp. 1-2.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

scanset.icn: Procedures setup for string scanning procedures

Procedure to set up for user-written string-scanning procedures that
are in the spirit of Icon's built-ins.

The values passed are the s, i1, i2 parameters which are the last
three arguments to all Icon scanning functions (such as
upto(c,s,i1,i2)).  scan_setup() supplies any appropriate defaults and
returns needed values.

The value returned is a "scan_setup_result" record consisting of two

     1.  The substring of s to be scanned (ss).
     2.  The size of the substring of s that precedes the
         substring to be scanned (offset).

scan_setup() fails if i1 or i2 is out of range with respect to s.

The user-written procedure can then match in the string ss to compute
the position within ss appropriate to the scan (p).  The value
returned (or suspended) to the caller is p + offset (the position
within the original string, s).

For example, the following function finds two words separated by

     procedure two_words(s,i1,i2)
        local x,p
        x := scan_setup(s,i1,i2) | fail      # fail if out of range ? suspend {
           tab(upto(&letters)) &
           pos(1) | (move(-1) & tab(any(~&letters))) &
           p := &pos &               # remember starting position
           tab(many(&letters)) &
           tab(many(' ')) &
           tab(many(&letters)) &
           p + x.offset              # return position in original s

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

segment.icn: Procedures to segment string

   These procedures segment a string s into consecutive substrings
consisting of characters that respectively do/do not occur in c.
segment(s,c) generates the substrings, while seglist produces a list
of the segments.  For example,

        segment("Not a sentence.",&letters)


        " "
        " "
        seglist("Not a sentence.",&letters)


        ["Not"," ","a","sentence","."]

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

senten1.icn: Procedure to generate sentences

sentence(f) generates the English sentences encountered in a file.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

sentence.icn: Procedure to generate sentences in file

sentence(f)   - suspends sentences from file f

A lot of grammatical and stylistic analysis programs are predicated
on the notion of a sentence.  For instance, some programs count the
number of words in each sentence.  Other count the number and length
of clauses.  Still others pedantically check for sentence-final par-
ticles and prepositions.

This procedure, sentence(), is supposed to be used as a filter for
ASCII text files, suspending everything that looks remotely like a
sentence in them.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

seqfncs.icn: Procedures for designing with sequences

Links:  genrfncs, lterps, math, numbers, partit, pdco, seqops, strings,

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

seqimage.icn: Procedures to produce string image of Icon result sequence

   The procedure Seqimage{e,i,j} produces a string image of the
result sequence for the expression e. The first i results are
printed. If i is omitted, there is no limit. If there are more
than i results for e, ellipses are provided in the image after
the first i.  If j is specified, at most j results from the end
of the sequence are printed after the ellipses.  If j is omitted,
only the first i results are produced.

   For example, the expressions

   Seqimage{1 to 12}
   Seqimage{1 to 12,10}
   Seqimage{1 to 12,6,3}

produce, respectively,

   {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}
   {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...}
   {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ..., 10, 11, 12}

Warning: If j is not omitted and e has an infinite result sequence,
Seqimage{} does not terminate.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

seqops.icn: Procedures to manipulate T-sequences

These procedures perform operations related to T-Sequences and to
analyze T-Sequences.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

serial.icn: Procedure to return serial number of structure

Procedure to return the serial number of a structure.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

sername.icn: Procedure to produce serialized names

sername(p, s, n, i) produces a series of names of the form
p<nnn>s.  If n is given it determines the number of digits in
<nnn>.  If i is given it resets the sequence to start with i.  <nnn> is
an right-adjusted integer padded with zeros.

Ordinarily, the arguments only are given on the first call. Subsequent
calls without arguments give the next name.

For example, sername("image", ".gif", 3, 0) produces "image000.gif",
and subsequently, sername() produces "image001.gif", image002.gif",
and so on.

The defaults, if sername() is first called without any arguments is
as for the call sername("file", 3, 0, "").

If any argument changes on subsequent calls, all non-null arguments are

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

sets.icn: Procedures for set manipulation

cset2set(c)     returns a set that contains the individual
                characters in cset c.

domain(T)       returns the domain of the function defined by the
                table T.

inverse(T, x)   returns the inverse of the function defined by the
                table T.  If x is null, it's the functional inverse.
                If x is an empty list, it's the relational inverse.
                If x is an empty set, it the relational inverse, but
                with each table member as a set instead of a list.

pairset(T)      converts the table T to an equivalent set of ordered

range(T)        returns the range of the function defined by the
                table T.

seteq(S1, S2)   tests equivalence of sets S1 and S2.

setlt(S1, S2)   tests inclusion of set S1 in S2.

simage(S)       string image of set

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

showtbl.icn: Procedure to show contents of a table

showtbl(title, tbl, sort_type, limit, sort_order, posit,
  w1, w2, gutter, f1, f2) displays tbl according to the arguments given.

The arguments are:

position     name            meaning                 default/alternative

   1         title           heading title           ""
   2         tbl             table to be shown
   3         sort_type       type of sorting         "ref"/"val"
   4         limit           lines of table output   essentially infinite
   5         sort_order      increasing/decreasing   "incr"/"decr"
   6         posit           first column            "val"/"ref"
   7         w1              width of 1st column     10
   8         w2              width of 2nd column     10
   9         gutter          width between columns   3
  10         f1              function of 1st column  left
  11         f2              function of 2nd column  right

showtbl() returns a record with the first element being a count of
the size of the table and the second element the number of lines

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

shquote.icn: Procedures to quote word for UNIX-like shells

The following procedures are useful for writing Icon programs that
generate shell commands.  Certain characters cannot appear in the
open in strings that are to be interpreted as "words" by command
shells.  This family of procedures assists in quoting such strings so
that they will be interpreted as single words.  Quoting characters
are applied only if necessary -- if strings need no quoting they are
returned unchanged.

shquote(s1, s2, ..., sN) :  s -- Produces a string of words s1, s2,
..., sN that are properly separated and quoted for the Bourne Shell

cshquote(s1, s2, ..., sN) :  s -- Produces a string of words s1, s2, ..., sN
that are properly separated and quoted for the C-Shell (csh).

mpwquote(s1, s2, ..., sN) :  s -- Produces a string of words s1, s2,
..., sN that are properly separated and quoted for the Macintosh
Programmer's Workshop shell (MPW Shell).

dequote(s1,s2) : s3 -- Produces the UNIX-style command line word s1
with any quoting characters removed. s2 is the escape character
required by the shell (s2 defaults the the usual UNIX escape
character, the backslash "\\").

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

signed.icn: Procedure to put bits into signed integer

signed(s,n) -- Puts raw bits of characters of string s into an
integer.  The value is taken as signed.

If large integers are supported, this routine will work for integers
of arbitrary size.

If large integers are not supported, the following are true:

  If the size of s is the same as or greater than the size of an
  integer in the Icon implementation, the result will be negative or
  positive depending on the value of the integer's sign bit.

  If the size of s is less than the size of an integer, the bytes are
  put into the low order part of the integer, with the remaining high
  order bytes filled with sign bits (the high order bit of the first
  character of the string).  If the string is too large, the most
  significant bytes will be lost.

This procedure is normally used for processing of binary data read
from a file.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

sort.icn: Procedures for sorting

isort(x, p)
        customized sort in which procedure p is used for

sortff(L, fields[])
        like sortf(), except takes an unlimited number of field

sortgen(T, m)
        generates sorted output in a manner specified by m:

                "k+"    sort by key in ascending order
                "k-"    sort by key in descending order
                "v+"    sort by value in ascending order
                "v-"    sort by value in descending order

sortt(T, i)
        like sort(T, i) but produces a list of two-element records
        instead of a list of two-element lists.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

sortt.icn: Procedure to sort table into records

This program sorts a table in the manner of sort(T, i) but produces a
list of two-element records instead of a list of two-element lists

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

soundex.icn: Procedures to produce Soundex code for name

This procedure produces a code for a name that tends to bring together
variant spellings.  See Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,
Vol.3; Searching and Sorting, pp. 391-392.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

soundex1.icn: Procedures for Soundex algorithm

When names are communicated by telephone, they are often transcribed
incorrectly.  An organization that has to keep track of a lot of names has
a need, therefore, for some system of representing or encoding a name that
will mitigate the effects of transcription errors.  One idea, originally
proposed by Margaret K. Odell and Robert C. Russell, uses the following
encoding system to try to bring together occurrences of the same surname,
variously spelled:

Encode each of the letters of the name according to the
following equivalences:

      a, e, h, i, o, u, w, y -> *
      b, f, p, v             -> 1
      c, g, j, k, q, s, x, z -> 2
      d, t                   -> 3
      l                      -> 4
      m, n                   -> 5
      r                      -> 6

If any two adjacent letters have the same code, change the code for the
second one to *.

The Soundex representation consists of four characters: the initial letter
of the name, and the first three digit (non-asterisk) codes corresponding
to letters after the initial.  If there are fewer than three such digit
codes, use all that there are, and add zeroes at the end to make up the
four-character representation.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

speedo.icn: Procedure to indicate percentage of completion

speedo -- a "percentage complete" graphic indicator for
command-line-oriented user interfaces.

This is a general facility that can function for anything, and a
specific implementation for input files.

The general implementation consists of two procedures:

      SpeedoNew -- Starts a speedo
      SpeedoValue -- Sets a new value for the speedo (non-decreasing)

See FileSpeedo for an example of using the general facility.

FileSpeedo is especially for input files.  Here is how to use it, by

  f := open("input_file") | stop("!!!")
  FileSpeedo(f,75,&errout)            # Start a file speedo, specifying
                                      # length and output file
  while read(f) do {
     FileSpeedo(f)                    # Keep it updated while reading file
  FileSpeedo()                        # Finish up

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

spin.icn: Procedure to spin cursor

This little procedure came from a discussion about how to produce
a spinning cursor.  The argument, if supplied, limits the number
of cycles.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

statemap.icn: Procedure for table of states and abbreviations

   This procedure produces a "two-way" table to map state names (in
 the postal sense) to their postal abbreviations and vice-versa.

   The list is done in two parts with auxiliary procedures so that this
procedure can be used with the default constant-table size for the
translator and linker.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

step.icn: Procedure to generate in real increments

step(r1, r2, r3) generates real values from r1 to r2 in increments of
r3 (default 1.0).  It is the real equivalent of i to j by k.
If r2 is null, the sequence is infinite and is the real equivalent
of seq().

Beware the usual problems of floating-point precision.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

str2toks.icn: Procedures to convert string to tokens

str2toks:  cset x string x integer x integer -> strings
           (c, s, i, j)                      -> s1, s2, ...

    Suspends portions of s[i:j] delimited by characters in c.  The
    usual defaults for s, i, and j apply, although str2toks is not
    meant as a primitive scanning function (note that it suspends
    strings, and not integer positions).


        c     ~(&letters ++ &digits)
        s     &subject
        i     &pos if s is defaulted, otherwise 1
        j     0

Basically, this file is just a very simple piece of code wrapped up
with some sensible defaults, and isolated in its own procedure.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

strings.icn: Procedures for manipulating strings

These procedures perform operations on strings.

     cat(s1, s2, ...)   concatenates an  arbitrary number of strings.

     charcnt(s, c)      returns the number of instances of characters in
                        c in s.

     collate(s1, s2)    collates the characters of s1 and s2.  For example,
                            collate("abc", "def")
                        produces "adbecf".

     comb(s, i)         generates the combinations of characters from s
                        taken i at a time.

     compress(s, c)     compresses consecutive occurrences of charac-
                        ters in c that occur in s; c defaults to &cset.

     coprefix(s1, s2, ...)
                        produces the common prefix of its arguments:
                        the longest initial substring shared by all,
                        which may be the empty string.

     cosuffix(s1, s2, ...)
                        produces the common suffix of its arguments:
                        the longest trailing substring shared by all,
                        which may be the empty string.

     csort(s)           produces the characters of s in lexical order.

     decollate(s, i)    produces a string consisting of every other
                        character of s. If i is odd, the odd-numbered
                        characters are selected, while if i is even,
                        the even-numbered characters are selected.
                        The default value of i is 1.

     deletec(s, c)      deletes occurrences of characters in c from s.

     deletep(s, L)      deletes all characters at positions specified in

     deletes(s1, s2)    deletes occurrences of s2 in s1.

     diffcnt(s)         returns count of the number of different
                        characters in s.

     extend(s, n)       replicates s to length n.

     fchars(s)          returns characters of s in order of decreasing

     interleave(s1, s2) interleaves characters s2 extended to the length
                        of s1 with s1.

     ispal(s)           succeeds and returns s if s is a palindrome

     maxlen(L, p)       returns the length of the longest string in L.
                        If p is given, it is applied to each string as
                        as a "length" procedure.  The default for p is
                        proc("*", 1).

     meander(s, n)      produces a "meandering" string that contains all
                        n-tuples of characters of s.

     multicoll(L)       returns the collation of the strings in L.

     ochars(s)          produces the unique characters of s in the order
                        that they first appear in s.

     odd_even(s)        inserts values in a numerical string so that
                        adjacent digits follow an odd-even pattern.

     palins(s, n)       generates all the n-character palindromes from the
                        characters in s.

     permutes(s)        generates all the permutations of the string s.

     pretrim(s, c)      trims characters from beginning of s.

     reflect(s1, i, s2)
                        returns s1 concatenated s2 and the reversal of s1
                        to produce a palindroid; the values of i
                        determine "end conditions" for the reversal:

                             0       pattern palindrome; the default
                             1       pattern palindrome with center duplicated
                             2       true palindrome with center not duplicated
                             3       true palindrome with center duplicated

                        s2 defaults to the empty string, in which case the
                        result is a full palindrome

     replace(s1, s2, s3)
                        replaces all occurrences of s2 in s1 by s3; fails
                        if s2 is null.

     replacem(s, ...)   performs multiple replacements in the style of
                        of replace(), where multiple argument pairs
                        may be given, as in

                             replacem(s, "a", "bc", "d", "cd")

                        which replaced all "a"s by "bc"s and all
                        "d"s by "cd"s.  Replacements are performed
                        one after another, not in parallel.

     replc(s, L)        replicates each character of c by the amount
                        given by the values in L.

     rotate(s, i)       rotates s i characters to the left (negative i
                        produces rotation to the right); the default
                        value of i is 1.

     schars(s)          produces the unique characters of s in lexical

     scramble(s)        scrambles (shuffles) the characters of s randomly.

     selectp(s, L)      selects characters of s that are at positions
                        given in L.

     slugs(s, n, c)     generates column-sized chunks (length <= n)
                        of string s broken at spans of cset c.

                        Defaults:    n       80
                                     c       ' \t\r\n\v\f'

                        Example:  every write(">  ", slugs(msg, 50))

     starseq(s)         sequence consisting of the closure of s
                        starting with the empty string and continuing
                        in lexical order as given in s

     strcnt(s1, s2)     produces a count of the number of non-overlapping
                        times s1 occurs in s2; fails is s1 is null

     substrings(s, i, j)
                        generates all the substrings of s with lengths
                        from i to j, inclusive; i defaults to 1, j
                        to *s

     transpose(s1, s2, s3)
                        transposes s1 according to label s2 and
                        transposition s3.

     words(s, c)        generates the "words" from the string s that
                        are separated by characters from the cset
                        c, which defaults to ' \t\r\n\v\f'.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

strip.icn: Procedure to strip characters from a string

strip(s,c)    - strip characters c from string s

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

stripcom.icn: Procedures to strip comments from Icon line

Strip commented-out portion of a line of Icon code.  Fails on lines
which, either stripped or otherwise, come out as an empty string.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

stripunb.icn: Procedures to strip unbalanced material

This routine strips material from a line which is unbalanced with
respect to the characters defined in arguments 1 and 2 (unbalanced
being defined as bal() defines it, except that characters preceded
by a backslash are counted as regular characters, and are not taken
into account by the balancing algorithm).

One little bit of weirdness I added in is a table argument. Put
simply, if you call stripunb() as follows,


and if t is a table having the form,

    key:  "bold"        value: outstr("\e[2m", "\e1m")
    key:  "underline"   value: outstr("\e[4m", "\e1m")

then every instance of "<bold>" in string s will be mapped to
"\e2m," and every instance of "</bold>" will be mapped to "\e[1m."
Values in table t must be records of type output(on, off).  When
"</>" is encountered, stripunb will output the .off value for the
preceding .on string encountered.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tab2list.icn: Procedure to put tab-separated strings in list

   This procedure to takes tab-separated strings and inserts them
into a list.

Vertical tabs in strings are converted to carriage returns.

(Works for lists too.)

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tab2rec.icn: Procedure to put tab-separated strings in records

   This procedure to takes tab-separated strings and inserts them
into fields of a record.

Vertical tabs in strings are converted to carriage returns.

(Works for lists too.)

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tables.icn: Procedures for table manipulation

keylist(T)        produces list of keys in table T.

kvallist(T)       produces values in T ordered by sorted order
                  of keys.

tbleq(T1, T2)     tests equivalences of tables T1 amd T2.

tblunion(T1, T2)  approximates T1 ++ T2.

tblinter(T1, T2)  approximates T1 ** T2.

tbldiff(T1, T2)   approximates T1 -- T2.

tblinvrt(T)       produces a table whose keys are T's values and
                  whose values are T's keys.

tbldflt(T)        produces the default value for T.

twt(T)            produces a two-way table based on T.

vallist(T)        produces list of values in table T.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tclass.icn: Procedure to classify values as atomic or composite

tclass(x) returns "atomic" or "composite" depending on the type of x.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

title.icn: Procedure to produce title portion of name

  This procedure produces the "title" of a name, as "Mr." from
"Mr. John Doe".

  The process is imperfect.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

titleset.icn: Procedure to produce set of titles

   This procedure produces a set of strings that commonly appear as
titles in names.  This set is (necessarily) incomplete.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tokgen.icn: Procedures for token counting

These procedures are for use with code produced by a meta-translator.
The result of linking these procedures with a program
translated by standard the meta-translator and executing the
result is a tabulation of the tokens in the program.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

trees.icn: Procedures for manipulating trees and dags

depth(t)        compute maximum depth of tree t

ldag(s)         construct a dag from the string s

ltree(s)        construct a tree from the string s

stree(t)        construct a string from the tree t

tcopy(t)        copy tree t

teq(t1,t2)      compare trees t1 and t2

visit(t)        visit, in preorder, the nodes of the tree t

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

tuple.icn: Procedure to process n-tuples

   This procedure implements a "tuple" feature that produces the effect
of multiple keys.  A tuple is created by an expression of the

     tuple([exrp1, expr2, ..., exprn])

The result can be used in a case expression or as a table subscript.
Lookup is successful provided the values of expr1, expr2, ..., exprn
are the same (even if the lists containing them are not).  For example,
consider selecting an operation based on the types of two operands.  The

     case [type(op1), type(op2)] of  {
        ["integer", "integer"]:  op1 + op2
        ["string", "integer"] :  op1 || "+" || op2
        ["integer", "string"] :  op1 || "+" || op2
        ["string", "string"]  :  op1 || "+" || op2

does not work, because the comparison in the case clauses compares lists
values, which cannot be the same as control expression, because the lists
are different, even though their contents are the same.  With tuples,
however, the comparison succeeds, as in

     case tuple([type(op1), type(op2)]) of {
        tuple(["integer", "integer"]):  op1 + op2
        tuple(["string", "integer"]) :  op1 || "+" || op2
        tuple(["integer", "string"]) :  op1 || "+" || op2
        tuple(["string", "string"])  :  op1 || "+" || op2

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

typecode.icn: Procedures to produce letter code for Icon type

typecode(x) produces a one-letter string identifying the type of
its argument. In most cases, the code is the first (lowercase)
letter of the type, as "i" for the integer type. Structure types
are in uppercase, as "L" for the list type. All records have the
code "R".  The code "C" is used for the co-expression type to avoid
conflict for the "c" for the cset type. In the case of graphics, "w"
is produced for windows.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

unsigned.icn: Procedure to put bits unsigned integer

unsigned() -- Puts raw bits of characters of string s into an
integer.  The value is taken as unsigned.

If large integers are supported, this routine will work for integers
of arbitrary size.

If large integers are not supported, the following are true:

  If the size of s is the same as or greater than the size of an
  integer in the Icon implementation, the result will be negative or
  positive depending on the value of the integer's sign bit.

  If the size of s is less than the size of an integer, the bytes are
  put into the low order part of the integer, with the remaining high
  order bytes filled with zero.  If the string is too large, the most
  significant bytes will be lost.

This procedure is normally used for processing of binary data read
from a file.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

usage.icn: Procedures for service functions

These procedures provide various common services:

Usage(s)          stops executions with a message concerning the
                  expected form of usage of a program.

Error(L[])        writes arguments to &errout and returns.

ErrorCheck(l,f)   reports an error that has been converted to

Feature(s)        succeeds if feature s is available in the running
                  implementation of Icon.

Requires(s)       terminates execution is feature s is not available.

Signature()       writes the version, host, and features support in
                  the running implementation of Icon.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

varsub.icn: Procedure to perform UNIX-shell-style substitution

Variable values are obtained from the supplied procedure, "varProc",
which returns the value of its variable-name argument or fails if
there is no such variable.  "varProc" defaults to the procedure,

As with the UNIX Bourne shell and C shell, variable names are
preceded by $.  Optionally, the variable name can additionally be
surrounded by curly braces {}, which is usually done when necessary
to isolate the variable name from surrounding text.

As with the C-shell, the special symbol ~<username> is handled.
Username can be omitted, in which case the value of the variable
"HOME" is substituted.  If username is supplied, the /etc/passwd file
is searched to supply the home directory of username (this action is
obviously not portable to non-UNIX environments).

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

verncnt.icn: Procedure to compute number of n-digit versum numbers

This procedure produces an approximation to the number of n-digit
versum numbers, using a recurrence described in "Versum Numbers" in
Icon Analyst 35.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

version.icn: Procedures to produce Icon version number

   This procedure produces the version number of Icon on which a
program is running.  It only works if the &version is in the
standard form.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

vhttp.icn: Procedure for validating an HTTP URL

vhttp(url) validates a URL (a World Wide Web link) of HTTP: form
by sending a request to the specified Web server.  It returns a
string containing a status code and message.  If the URL is not
in the proper form, or if it does not specify the HTTP: protocol,
vhttp fails.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

vrml.icn: Procedures to support creation of VRML files

This file contains procedures for producing VRML files.

     point_field(L)  create VRML point field from point list L

     u_crd_idx(i)    create VRML coordinate index for 0 through i - 1

     render(x)       render node x

     vrml1(x)        produces VRML 1.0 file for node x

     vrml2(x)        produces VRML 2.0 file for node x

     vrml_color(s)   convert Icon color specification to vrml form


  Not all node types have been tested.

  Where field values are complex, as in vectors, these must be built
  separately as strings to go in the appropriate fields.

  There is no error checking.  Fields must be given in the
  order they appear in the node record declarations and field values
  must be of the correct type and form.

The introduction of record types other than for nodes will cause
bogus output.  A structural loop will produce output until the
evaluation stack overflows.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

vrml1lib.icn: Procedures to support construction of VRML 1.0 files

This file contains record declarations for VRML 1.0 nodes.

Note: Although VRML 1.0 allows node fields to be given in any order,
they must be specified in the order given in the record declarations
that follow.

Omitted (null-valued) fields are ignored on output.

Group nodes require list arguments for lists of nodes.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

vrml2lib.icn: Procedures to support construction of VRML 2.0 files

This file contains record declarations for VRML 2.0 nodes.

Note: Although VRML 2.0 allows node fields to be given in any order,
they must be specified in the order given in the record declarations
that follow.

Group nodes require list arguments for lists of nodes.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

wdiag.icn: Procedure to write values with labels

widag(s1, s2, ...) writes the values of the global variables named s1, s2,
... with s1, s2, ... as identifying labels.

It writes a diagnostic message to standard error output if an
argument is not the name of a global variable.

Note that this procedure only works for global variables; there is
no way it can access the local variables of the procedure from which
it is called.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

weavgenr.icn: Links to procedures related to sequence drafting


[ Full documentation | Source code ]

weaving.icn: Procedures to implement weaving expressions

These procedures implement the weaving expressions supported by Painter
and described in the PDF document "Advanced Weaving" that accompanies
that application.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

weavutil.icn: Procedures to support numerical weavings

Links:  expander, tables

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

weighted.icn: Procedure to shuffle list with randomness

    WeightedShuffle returns the list "sample" with only a portion of the
elements switched.  Examples:

    L := WeightedShuffle (X, 100)   - returns a fully shuffled list
    L := WeightedShuffle (X, 50)    - every other element is eligible to
                                      be switched
    L := WeightedShuffle (X, 25)    - every fourth element is shuffled
    L := WeightedShuffle (X, 0)     - nothing is changed

    The procedure will fail if the given percentage is not between 0 and
100, inclusive, or if it is not a numeric value.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

wildcard.icn: Procedures for UNIX-like wild-card pattern matching

This is a kit of procedures to deal with UNIX-like filename wild-card
patterns containing *, ?, and [...].  The meanings are as of the
pattern characters are the same as in the UNIX shells csh and sh.
They are described briefly in the wild_pat() procedure.

These procedures are interesting partly because of the "recursive
suspension" technique used to simulate conjunction of an arbitrary
number of computed expressions.

The public procedures are:

wild_match(pattern,s,i1,i2) : i3,i4,...,iN
wild_find(pattern,s,i1,i2) : i3,i4,...,iN

wild_match() produces the sequence of positions in "s" past a
substring starting at "i1" that matches "pattern", but fails if there
is no such position.  Similar to match(), but is capable of
generating multiple positions.

wild_find() produces the sequence of positions in "s" where
substrings begin that match "pattern", but fails if there is no such
position.  Similar to find().

"pattern" can be either a string or a pattern list -- see wild_pat(),

Default values of s, i1, and i2 are the same as for Icon's built-in
string scanning procedures such as match().

wild_pat(s) : L

Creates a pattern element list from pattern string "s".  A pattern
element is needed by wild_match() and wild_find().  wild_match() and
wild_find() will automatically convert a pattern string to a pattern
list, but it is faster to do the conversion explicitly if multiple
operations are done using the same pattern.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

word.icn: Procedure to scan UNIX-style command line words

word(s) -- Produces the position past a UNIX-style command line

dequote(s) -- Produces the UNIX-style command line word s with any
quoting characters removed.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

wrap.icn: Procedures to wrap output lines

wrap(s,i) -- Facilitates accumulation of small strings into longer
     output strings, outputting when the accumulated string would
     exceed a specified length (e.g. outputting items in multiple

     s -- string to accumulate
     i -- width of desired output string

Wrap fails if the string s did not necessitate output of the buffered
output string; otherwise the output string is returned (which never
includes s).

s defaults to the empty string (""), causing nothing to be
accumulated; i defaults to 0, forcing output of any buffered string.
Note that calling wrap() with no arguments produces the buffer (if it
is not empty) and clears it.

Wrap does no output to files.

Here's how wrap is normally used:

     wrap()                  # Initialize (not really necessary unless
                             # a previous use might have left stuff in
                             # the buffer).

     every i := 1 to 100 do  # Loop to process strings to output --
       write(wrap(x[i],80))  # only writes when 80-char line filled.

     write(wrap())           # Output what's in buffer -- only outputs
                             # if something to write.

wraps(s,i) -- Facilitates managing output of numerous small strings
     so that they do not exceed a reasonable line length (e.g.
     outputting items in multiple columns).

     s -- string to accumulate
     i -- maximum width of desired output string

If the string "s" did not necessitate a line-wrap, the string "s" is
returned.  If a line-wrap is needed, "s", preceded by a new-line
character ("\n"), is returned.

"s" defaults to the empty string (""), causing nothing to be
accumulated; i defaults to 0, forcing a new line if anything had been
output on the current line.  Thus calling wraps() with no arguments
reinitializes it.

Wraps does no output to files.

Here's how wraps is normally used:

     wraps()                 # Initialize (not really necessary unless
                             # a previous use might have left it in an
                             # unknown condition).

     every i := 1 to 100 do  # Loop to process strings to output --
       writes(wraps(x[i],80))# only wraps when 80-char line filled.

     writes(wraps())         # Only outputs "\n" if something written
                             # on last line.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

writecpt.icn: Procedure to write a "carpet" file

write_cpt(output, carpet) writes the carpet with heading information to
the specified file.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

xcode.icn: Procedures to save and restore Icon data


   These procedures provide a way of storing Icon values in files
and retrieving them.  The procedure xencode(x,f) stores x in file f
such that it can be converted back to x by xdecode(f).  These
procedures handle several kinds of values, including structures of
arbitrary complexity and even loops.  The following sequence will
output x and recreate it as y:

     f := open("xstore","w")
     f := open("xstore")
     y := xdecode(f)

For "scalar" types -- null, integer, real, cset, and string, the
above sequence will result in the relationship

     x === y

   For structured types -- list, set, table, and record types --
y is, for course, not identical to x, but it has the same "shape" and
its elements bear the same relation to the original as if they were
encoded and decoded individually.

   Files, co-expressions, and windows cannot generally be restored in any
way that makes much sense.  These objects are restored as empty lists so
that (1) they will be unique objects and (2) will likely generate
run-time errors if they are (probably erroneously) used in
computation.  However, the special files &input, &output, and &errout are

   Not much can be done with functions and procedures, except to preserve
type and identification.

   The encoding of strings and csets handles all characters in a way
that it is safe to write the encoding to a file and read it back.

   xdecode() fails if given a file that is not in xcode format or it
the encoded file contains a record for which there is no declaration
in the program in which the decoding is done.  Of course, if a record
is declared differently in the encoding and decoding programs, the
decoding may be bogus.

   xencoden() and xdecoden() perform the same operations, except
xencoden() and xdecoden() take the name of a file, not a file.

   xencodet() and xdecodet() are like xencode() and xdecode()
except that the trailing argument is a type name.  If the encoded
decoded value is not of that type, they fail.  xencodet() does
not take an opt argument.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

xcodes.icn: Procedures to save and restore Icon data

Note:  This version handles the encoding of records using canonical
names:  record0, record1, ... . This allows programs to decode files
by providing declarations for these names when the original declarations
are not available.  This version also provides for procedures and
files present in the encoded file that are not in the decoding program.

This version should be merged with the ordinary version.


   These procedures provide a way of storing Icon values in files
and retrieving them.  The procedure xencode(x,f) stores x in file f
such that it can be converted back to x by xdecode(f).  These
procedures handle several kinds of values, including structures of
arbitrary complexity and even loops.  The following sequence will
output x and recreate it as y:

     f := open("xstore","w")
     f := open("xstore")
     y := xdecode(f)

For "scalar" types -- null, integer, real, cset, and string, the
above sequence will result in the relationship

     x === y

   For structured types -- list, set, table, and record types --
y is, for course, not identical to x, but it has the same "shape" and
its elements bear the same relation to the original as if they were
encoded and decoded individually.

   Files, co-expressions, and windows cannot generally be restored in any
way that makes much sense.  These objects are restored as empty lists so
that (1) they will be unique objects and (2) will likely generate
run-time errors if they are (probably erroneously) used in
computation.  However, the special files &input, &output, and &errout are

   Not much can be done with functions and procedures, except to preserve
type and identification.

   The encoding of strings and csets handles all characters in a way
that it is safe to write the encoding to a file and read it back.

   xdecode() fails if given a file that is not in xcode format or it
the encoded file contains a record for which there is no declaration
in the program in which the decoding is done.  Of course, if a record
is declared differently in the encoding and decoding programs, the
decoding may be bogus.

   xencoden() and xdecoden() perform the same operations, except
xencoden() and xdecoden() take the name of a file, not a file.

   xencodet() and xdecodet() are like xencode() and xdecode()
except that the trailing argument is a type name.  If the encoded
decoded value is not of that type, they fail.  xencodet() does
not take an opt argument.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

xforms.icn: Procedures to do matrix transformations

These procedures produce matrices for affine transformation in two
dimensions and transform point lists.

A point list is a list of Point() records.  See gobject.icn.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

ximage.icn: Procedures to produce string image of structured data

ximage(x) : s

Produces a string image of x.  ximage() differs from image() in that
it outputs all elements of structured data types.  The output
resembles Icon code and is thus familiar to Icon programmers.
Additionally, it indents successive structural levels in such a way
that it is easy to visualize the data's structure.  Note that the
additional arguments in the ximage procedure declaration are used for
passing data among recursive levels.

xdump(x1,x2,...,xn) : xn

Using ximage(), successively writes the images of x1, x2, ..., xn to

Some Examples:

The following code:
     t := table() ; t["one"] := 1 ; t["two"] := 2
     xdump("A table",t)
     xdump("A list",[3,1,3,[2,4,6],3,4,3,5])

Writes the following output (note that ximage() infers the
predominant list element value and avoids excessive output):

     "A table"
     T18 := table(&null)
        T18["one"] := 1
        T18["two"] := 2
     "A list"
     L25 := list(8,3)
        L25[2] := 1
        L25[4] := L24 := list(3)
           L24[1] := 2
           L24[2] := 4
           L24[3] := 6
        L25[6] := 4
        L25[8] := 5

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

xrotate.icn: Procedure to rotate values in list or record

xrotate(X, i) rotates the values in X right by one position.  It works
for lists and records.

This procedure is mainly interesting as a recursive version of

     x1 :=: x2 :=: x3 :=: ... xn

since a better method for lists is

     push(L, pull(L))

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

zipread.icn: Procedures for reading files from ZIP archives

These Unix procedures read files from ZIP format archives by
opening pipes to the "unzip" utility.  It is assumed that
"unzip" is in the shell search path.

iszip(zname) succeeds if zname is a ZIP archive.
zipdir(zname) opens a ZIP archive directory.
zipfile(zname, fname) opens a member of a ZIP archive.

[ Full documentation | Source code ]

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