############################################################################ # # File: gpxtest.icn # # Subject: Program to test graphics procedures # # Author: Gregg M. Townsend # # Date: August 1, 1998 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # This program exercises a wide variety of graphics operations. Several # independent output tests are run in square cells within a window. The # resulting image can be compared with a standard image to determine its # correctness. # # The "Dialog" button brings up an interactive dialog box test; the # "Quit" button exits the program. # # Some variations among systems are expected in the areas of fonts, # attribute values, and availability of mutable colors. The first test, # involving window resizing, produces results that do not exactly fit the # grid pattern of the other tests; that is also expected. # # This program is designed for a color display, but it also works on # monochrome systems. # ############################################################################ # # Requires: Version 9 graphics # ############################################################################ # # Links: button, dsetup, evmux, graphics # ############################################################################ link button link dsetup link evmux link graphics $define CELL 80 # size of one test "cell" $define HALF (CELL / 2) # half a cell $define GAP 10 # gap between cells $define NWIDE 6 # number of cells across $define NHIGH 4 # number of cells down $define WIDTH (NWIDE * (CELL + GAP)) # total width $define HEIGHT (NHIGH * (CELL + GAP)) # total height $define ABET "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz" global cx, cy # current cell indices ############################## Overall control ############################## procedure main(args) local x, y # Start with a medium window; shrink, test defaults, grow. Window("size=300,300", "bg=light-weak-reddish-yellow", args) VSetFont() # The following sequence *should* have no permanent effect WAttrib("drawop=xor", "fillstyle=masked", "pattern=checkers", "linewidth=5") DrawCircle(CELL / 2, CELL / 2, CELL / 3) EraseArea() WAttrib("drawop=copy", "fillstyle=solid", "linewidth=1") # Shrink the window, test defaults, grow to final size. deftest() WAttrib("size=" || WIDTH || "," || HEIGHT) WAttrib("width=" || WIDTH) # should be no-op WAttrib("size=" || WIDTH || "," || HEIGHT) # should be no-op # Make a simple background. if WAttrib("depth") > 1 then Fg("44000,39000,24000") every y := (3 * CELL / 2) to (2 * HEIGHT) by 7 do DrawLine(0, y, 2 * y, 0) Fg("#000") # Run a series of tests confined to small, square cells. cx := cy := 0 # current cell (already filled) cell(simple) cell(lines) cell(rects) cell(star) cell(pretzel) cell(spiral) cell(arcs) cell(copying) cell(rings) cell(fontvars) cell(stdfonts) cell(stdpats) cell(patts) cell(attribs) cell(gamma) cell(balls) cell(slices) cell(details) cell(rainbow) cell(whale) cell(cheshire) # Use the final cell area for Dialog and Quit buttons. buttonrow(&window, WIDTH - CELL - GAP/2, HEIGHT - GAP / 2, CELL, 2 * GAP, 0, - 3 * GAP, "Quit", argless, exit, "Dialog", argless, dltest) quitsensor(&window) sensor(&window, 'Dd', argless, dltest) evmux(&window) end ## cell(proc) -- run a test in the next available cell # # Proc is called with a private graphics context assigned to &window. # Clipping set to cell boundaries and the origin is at the center. procedure cell(proc) local x, y, stdwin if (cx +:= 1) >= NWIDE then { cx := 0 cy +:= 1 } x := integer((cx + .5) * (CELL + GAP)) y := integer((cy + .5) * (CELL + GAP)) stdwin := &window &window := Clone("dx=" || x, "dy=" || y, "bg=white") ClearOutline(-HALF - 1, -HALF - 1, CELL + 1, CELL + 1) Clip(-HALF, -HALF, CELL, CELL) proc() Uncouple(&window) &window := stdwin end ############################## Cell Tests ############################## ## arcs() -- draw a series of arcs forming a tight spiral # # Tests DrawCircle with angle limits. procedure arcs() local r, a, d r := 2 a := 0 d := &pi / 10 while r < HALF do { DrawCircle(0, 0, r, a, d) r +:= 1 a +:= d d +:= &pi / 40 } end ## attribs() -- test WAttrib(). # # For each of several attributes we should be able to inquire the current # setting, set it to that value, and get it back again. If that works, # display some system-dependent attributes in the cell window. procedure attribs() local alist, afail, n, a, f, cw, ch, cl, v1, v2 alist := [ "fg", "bg", "reverse", "drawop", "gamma", "font", "leading", "linewidth", "linestyle", "fillstyle", "pattern", "clipx", "clipy", "clipw", "cliph", "dx", "dy", "label", "pos", "posx", "posy", "size", "height", "width", "canvas", "resize", "echo", "cursor", "x", "y", "row", "col", "pointer", "pointerx", "pointery", "pointerrow", "pointercol", ] afail := [] every a := \!alist do { v1 := WAttrib(a) | { put(afail, a); next } WAttrib(a || "=" || v1) | { put(afail, a || "=" || v1); next } v2 := WAttrib(a) | { put(afail, a); next } v1 == v2 | { put(afail, a || ": " || v1 || "/" || v2); next } } Translate(-HALF, -HALF) GotoRC(1, 1) if *afail > 0 then { Font("sans,bold,10") WWrite("FAILED:") every WWrite(" ", !afail) every write(&errout, "WAttrib() failure: ", !afail) fail } f := WAttrib("font") | "[FAILED]" cw := WAttrib("fwidth") | "[FAILED]" ch := WAttrib("fheight") | "[FAILED]" cl := WAttrib("leading") | "[FAILED]" Font("sans,10") WWrite("display=", WAttrib("display") | "[FAILED]") WWrite(" (", WAttrib("displaywidth") | "????", "x", WAttrib("displayheight") | "????", "x", WAttrib("depth") | "??", ")") every a := "gamma" | "pointer" do WWrite(a, "=", WAttrib(a) | "[FAILED]") WWrite("vfont=", f) WWrite(" (", cw, "x", ch, ", +", cl, ")") end ## balls() -- draw a grid of spheres # # Tests DrawImage using g16 palette. procedure balls() every DrawImage(-HALF + 2 to HALF by 20, -HALF + 2 to HALF by 20, " 16 , g16 , FFFFB98788AEFFFF_ FFD865554446AFFF FD856886544339FF E8579BA9643323AF_ A569DECA7433215E 7569CDB86433211A 5579AA9643222108_ 4456776533221007 4444443332210007 4333333222100008_ 533322221100000A 822222111000003D D41111100000019F_ FA200000000018EF FFA4000000028EFF FFFD9532248BFFFF") end ## cheshire() -- cheshire cat display # # Tests mutable colors, WDelay, various drawing operations. procedure cheshire() local face, eyes, grin, i, g if (face := NewColor("white")) & (eyes := NewColor("black")) & (grin := NewColor("black")) then { Fg("gray") FillRectangle(-HALF, -HALF) Fg(face) FillArc(-HALF, .3 * CELL, CELL, -HALF) FillPolygon(0, 0, -.35 * CELL, -.35 * CELL, -.35 * CELL, 0) FillPolygon(0, 0, .35 * CELL, -.35 * CELL, .35 * CELL, 0) Fg(eyes) WAttrib("linewidth=2") DrawCircle(-.18 * CELL, -.0 * CELL, 3, , , .18 * CELL, -.0 * CELL, 3) Fg(grin) DrawCircle(0, -HALF, .7 * CELL, &pi / 3, &pi / 3) WDelay(500) every i := 0 to 30 by 2 do { WDelay(100) g := i * 65535 / 60 Color(eyes, g || "," || g || "," || g) g := 65535 - g Color(face, g || "," || g || "," || g) } every i := 0 to 26 by 2 do { WDelay(100) g := i * 65535 / 60 Color(grin, g || "," || g || "," || g) } } else { Translate(-HALF + 4, -HALF) GotoRC(1, 1) WWrite("this test\nrequires\nmutable\ncolors") } end ## copying() -- test CopyArea # # Tests hidden canvas, overlapping copies, and generation # of background color for missing source pixels. procedure copying() local win, o, w, h win := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=" || CELL || "," || CELL) | { GotoRC(1, 1) WWrite("Can't get\nhidden\ncanvas") fail } every DrawCircle(win, HALF, HALF, HALF - 2 to sqrt(2) * HALF by 3) o := 5 # offset for copy w := CELL / 4 # width of square to be copied h := w / 2 # half of that, for centering Bg(win, "black") CopyArea(win, -o, -o, w, w, 0, 0) CopyArea(win, HALF - h, -o, w, w, HALF - h, 0) CopyArea(win, CELL + o, -o, -w, w, CELL - w, 0) CopyArea(win, -o, HALF - h, w, w, 0, HALF - h) CopyArea(win, CELL + o, HALF - h, -w, w, CELL - w, HALF - h) CopyArea(win, -o, CELL + o, w, -w, 0, CELL - w) CopyArea(win, HALF - h, CELL + o, w, -w, HALF - h, CELL - w) CopyArea(win, CELL + o, CELL + o, -w, -w, CELL - w, CELL - w) CopyArea(win, o, o, w, w, HALF - w, HALF - w) CopyArea(win, CELL - o, o, -w, w, HALF, HALF - w) CopyArea(win, o, CELL - o, w, -w, HALF - w, HALF) CopyArea(win, CELL - o, CELL - o, -w, -w, HALF, HALF) CopyArea(win, &window, , , , , -HALF, -HALF) close(win) end ## deftest() -- test defaults # # Tests x/y/w/h defaulting by adjusting the window size several times. # Also exercises "drawop=reverse" incidentally. # # This test must be run first. It uses the entire window and leaves # results in the first cell. procedure deftest() WAttrib("drawop=reverse") WAttrib("size=" || CELL || "," || CELL / 2) FillArc() FillArc(, , CELL / 4) FillArc(3 * CELL / 4) WAttrib("height=" || CELL) DrawArc(, CELL / 2) WAttrib("drawop=copy") end ## details() -- test drawing details # # Tests some of the details of filling and stroking. procedure details() Shade("light gray") FillRectangle() WAttrib("linewidth=7", "fg=white") DrawLine(10, 10, 10, 25, 30, 25, 20, 10) WAttrib("linewidth=1", "fg=black") DrawLine(10, 10, 10, 25, 30, 25, 20, 10) Fg("white") DrawRectangle(-5, -5, -25, -30) Fg("black") DrawArc(-5, -5, -25, -30) Fg("white") FillArc(5, -5, 24, -30) Fg("black") DrawArc(5, -5, 24, -30) Shade("light gray") FillCircle(17, -17, 6) Fg("black") DrawCircle(17, -17, 6) Fg("white") FillPolygon(-5,20, -17,23, -20,35, -23,23, -35,20, -23,17, -20,5, -17,17) Fg("black") DrawPolygon(-5,20, -17,23, -20,35, -23,23, -35,20, -23,17, -20,5, -17,17) end ## fontvars() -- test font variations # # Tests various font characteristics combined with standard font names. # Also exercises Shade, GoToXY, WWrites. procedure fontvars() Translate(-HALF + 4, -HALF) Shade("gray") FillRectangle(-4) Shade("black") GotoXY(0, 0) WWrites("\nFonts...") WWrites("\n", if Font("mono,12") then ABET else "no mono 12") WWrites("\n", if Font("serif,italic") then ABET else "no SF ital") WWrites("\n", if Font("sans,bold,18") then ABET else "no SN B 18") WWrites("\n", if Font("fixed") then ABET else "no fixed!") end ## gamma() -- test gamma correction # # Draws 50%-gray bars with various values of the gamma attribute, beginning # with the system default. Incidentally tests some font attributes. procedure gamma() local g GotoXY(0, -HALF + WAttrib("leading") - WAttrib("descent")) every g := &null | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.2 | 3.3 | 5.0 | 7.5 do { Shade("gray") WAttrib("gamma=" || \g) FillRectangle(-4, WAttrib("y") + WAttrib("descent"), -HALF, -WAttrib("leading")) Shade("black") WWrite(WAttrib("gamma")) } end ## lines() -- test line drawing # # Tests proper drawing and joining of lines of various widths. There # once were problems here in Icon, and there still are in some X servers. procedure lines() local i, y y := -HALF - 6 every WAttrib("linewidth=" || (0 to 4)) do tline(-HALF + 10, y +:= 15) end procedure tline(x, y) DrawLine(x + 1, y, x + 3, y) DrawLine(x - 1, y, x - 3, y) DrawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + 3) DrawLine(x, y - 1, x, y - 3) x +:= 15 DrawLine(x - 3, y - 3, x + 3, y - 3) DrawLine(x + 3, y - 3, x + 3, y + 3) DrawLine(x + 3, y + 3, x - 3, y + 3) DrawLine(x - 3, y + 3, x - 3, y - 3) x +:= 15 DrawLine(x - 3, y - 3, x + 3, y + 3) DrawLine(x - 3, y + 3, x + 3, y - 3) x +:= 15 DrawLine(x, y - 4, x + 4, y) DrawLine(x + 4, y, x, y + 4) DrawLine(x, y + 4, x - 4, y) DrawLine(x - 4, y, x, y - 4) x +:= 15 DrawRectangle(x - 4, y - 4, 8, 8) end ## patts() -- test custom patterns # # Tests custom patterns in hex and decimal forms; tests fillstyle=masked. procedure patts() local i, j, s, w WAttrib("linewidth=4") DrawCircle(0, 0, 0.38 * CELL) # circle should persist after patts WAttrib("linewidth=1") Translate(-HALF, -HALF) w := (CELL + 2) / 3; WAttrib("fillstyle=masked") s := ["8,#01552B552B552BFF", "8,#020E070420E07040", "8,31,14,68,224,241,224,68,14", "8,#2020FF020202FF20", "4,#5A5A", "8,#0ABBA0BE82BAAAEA", "8,#E3773E383E77E383", "8,#4545C71154547C11", "8,#FF7F3F1F0F070301"] every i := 0 to 2 do every j := 0 to 2 do { WAttrib("pattern=" || s[3 * i + j + 1]) FillRectangle(w * j, w * i, w, w) } end ## pretzel() -- draw a pretzel # # Tests DrawCurve. procedure pretzel() WAttrib("linewidth=3") DrawCurve(20, -20, -5, 0, 20, 20, 35, 0, 0, -20, -35, 0, -20, 20, 5, 0, -20, -20) end ## rainbow() -- draw a rainbow # # Tests several color naming variations. procedure rainbow() local r, c, l Shade("moderate blue-cyan") FillRectangle() WAttrib("fillstyle=solid") r := 20 l := ["pink", "pale orange", "light yellow", "pale green", "pale blue", "light bluish violet", " pale violet"] WAttrib("linewidth=3") every Fg(!l) do DrawCircle(0, 20, r +:= 3, 0, -&pi) end ## rects() -- draw rectangles # # Tests rectangles specified with positive & negative width & height. procedure rects() local r, a WAttrib("drawop=reverse") r := HALF every a := 1 to 19 by 2 do DrawRectangle(0, 0, r * cos(0.33 * a), r * sin(0.33 * a)) end ## rings() -- draw a pile of rings # # Tests linewidth and DrawCircle in combination. procedure rings() local x, y Translate(-HALF, -HALF) FillRectangle() every 1 to 15 do { x := ?CELL y := ?CELL WAttrib("fg=black", "linewidth=5") DrawCircle(x, y, 30) # draw ring in black WAttrib("fg=white", "linewidth=3") DrawCircle(x, y, 30) # color with white band } end ## simple() -- an easy first test # # Tests DrawString, DrawCircle, FillRectangle, EraseArea, linestyles. procedure simple() DrawCircle(0, 0, CELL / 3) DrawString(-HALF + 4, -HALF + 12, "hello,") DrawString(-HALF + 4, -HALF + 25, "world") FillRectangle(0, 0) EraseArea(10, 4, CELL / 5, CELL / 3) WAttrib("linestyle=dashed") DrawLine(HALF - 3, HALF, HALF - 3, -HALF) WAttrib("linestyle=striped") DrawLine(HALF - 6, HALF, HALF - 6, -HALF) end ## slices() -- draw a pie with different-colored slices # # Tests RandomColor, Shade, FillArc. procedure slices() local n, a, da, ov n := 10 da := 2 * &pi / n # change in angle a := -&pi / 2 - da # current angle ov := &pi / 1000 # small overlap FillRectangle(-HALF, -HALF) every 1 to n do { Shade(RandomColor()) FillArc(-HALF, -CELL / 3, CELL, 2 * CELL / 3, a +:= da, da + ov) } end ## spiral() -- draw a spiral, one point at a time # # Tests DrawPoint. procedure spiral() local r, a, d r := 3 # initial radius a := 0 # initial start angle while r < HALF do { DrawPoint(r * cos(a), r * sin(a)) d := 1.0 / r a +:= d r +:= 2 * d } end ## star() -- draw a five-pointed star. # # Tests FillPolygon and the even-odd winding rule. procedure star() FillPolygon(-40, -10, 40, -10, -25, 40, 0, -40, 25, 40) end ## stdfonts() -- test standard fonts # # Shows the default font (the header line), standard fonts, and "fixed". procedure stdfonts() Translate(-HALF + 4, -HALF) Shade("gray") FillRectangle(-4) Shade("black") GotoRC(1, 1) WWrite(if Font("mono") then "mono" else "no mono!") WWrite(if Font("typewriter") then "typewriter" else "no typewriter!") WWrite(if Font("sans") then "sans" else "no sans!") WWrite(if Font("serif") then "serif" else "no serif!") WWrite(if Font("fixed") then "fixed" else "no fixed!") end ## stdpats() -- test standard patterns # # Tests standard pattern names; tests fillstyle=textured. procedure stdpats() local i, j, s, x, y WAttrib("fillstyle=textured") s := [ "black", "verydark", "darkgray", "gray", "lightgray", "verylight", "white", "vertical", "diagonal", "horizontal", "grid", "trellis", "checkers", "grains", "scales", "waves"] every i := 0 to 3 do every j := 0 to 3 do { WAttrib("pattern=" || s[4 * i + j + 1]) x := -HALF + j * CELL / 4 y := -HALF + i * CELL / 4 FillRectangle(x, y) # depends on opacity of patterns to work } end ## whale() -- draw a whale # # Tests transparent and regular images, Capture, Zoom. procedure whale() local s Fg("moderate greenish cyan") FillRectangle() Translate(-HALF, -HALF) DrawImage(3, 3, "32, c1, _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~000~~~~~~00~~~~~~~00_ ~~~~~~~~~~~0JJJ00~~~~0J00~~~00J0_ ~~~~~~~000000JJJJ0~~~0J0J000J0J0_ ~~~~~000iiiii000JJ0~~0JJJ0J0JJi0_ ~~~~06660ii000ii00J0~~00JJJJJ00~_ ~~~066000i06600iii00~~~~0iii0~~~_ ~~0066000i06000iiii0~~~~~0i0~~~~_ ~~0i0000iii000iiiiii0~~~~0i0~~~~_ ~0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0~~0ii0~~~~_ ~00000iii0000iiiiiiiii00iiii0~~~_ 0AAAAA000AAAA00iiiiiiiiiiiii0~~~_ 0AAAAAAAAAAAAAA0iiiiiiiiiiii0~~~_ ~0000AAAAA0000AA0iiiiiiiiiiii0~~_ ~06060000060600AA0iiiiiiiiiii0~~_ ~060606060606000A0iiiii00iiii0~~_ ~~0~006060000000AA0iiiiiJ0iii0~~_ ~~~~~~00000000000A0iiii0JJ0ii0~~_ ~~~~~~00000000000A0iiiiJ0J0ii0~~_ ~~~0~~00000000000A0iii0JJ00i0~~~_ ~~060000000000000A0i0JJ0JJ0i0~~~_ ~~06060600000600AA0ii0JJ00ii0~~~_ ~00006060606060AA0iiii000ii0~~~~_ 0AAA0000060600AAA0iiiiiiiii0~~~~_ 0AAAAAAAA000AAAA0iiiiiiiiii0~~~~_ ~000AAAAAAAAAAA0iiiiiiiiii0~~~~~_ ~~0i0000AAAAA00iiiiiiiiiii0~~~~~_ ~~0iiiii00000iiiiiiiiiiii0~~~~~~_ ~~~0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0~~~~~~~_ ~~~~0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii00~~~~~~~~_ ~~~~~00iiiiiiiiiiiii00~~~~~~~~~~_ ~~~~~~~000iiiiiii000~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ~~~~~~~~~~0000000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") s := Capture(, 0, 0, 36, 36) DrawImage(0, 40, s) Zoom(0, 0, 36, 36, 40, 20, 72, 72) end ############################## Dialog test ############################## ## dltest() -- dialog test # # Present a dialog box with "Validate" and "Cancel" buttons. # For "Validate", check all values, and repeat dialog if incorrect. # For "Cancel", return immediately. procedure dltest() while dlog() ~== "Cancel" do { if dialog_value["button"] ~=== 1 then { Notice("The button was not left dark."); next } if dialog_value["xbox"] ~=== 1 then { Notice("The checkbox was not checked."); next } if dialog_value["slider"] < 0.8 then { Notice("The slider was not set."); next } if map(dialog_value["text"]) ~== "icon" then { Notice("The text did not say `Icon'"); next } Notice("All values were correct.") return } end #===<>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line procedure dlog(win, deftbl) static dstate initial dstate := dsetup(win, ["dlog:Sizer::1:0,0,370,220:",], ["button:Button:regular:1:291,21,56,21:button",], ["cancel:Button:regular::198,174,100,30:Cancel",], ["label1:Label:::20,25,252,13:Click this button and leave it dark:",], ["label2:Label:::20,55,105,13:Check this box:",], ["label3:Label:::20,85,238,13:Move this slider to the far right:",], ["rule:Line:::20,157,350,157:",], ["slider:Slider:h::273,86,76,15:0.0,1.0,0.5",], ["text:Text::6:20,115,214,17:Enter the word `Icon': \\=here",], ["validate:Button:regular:-1:75,174,100,30:Validate",], ["xbox:Button:xbox:1:131,54,16,16:",], ) return dpopup(win, deftbl, dstate) end #===<>=== end of section maintained by vib