############################################################################ # # File: itrcsum.icn # # Subject: Program to give summary of trace output # # Author: Ralph E. Griswold # # Date: July 14, 1997 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # This program provides a summary of Icon trace output. # ############################################################################ # # Links: itrcline, numbers # ############################################################################ link itrcline link numbers $define CountWidth 10 procedure main() local line, file_tbl, call_tbl, return_tbl, fail_tbl, suspend_tbl local resume_tbl, max, ave, count, file, bars, depth, keys, width file_tbl := table(0) call_tbl := table(0) return_tbl := table(0) suspend_tbl := table(0) fail_tbl := table(0) resume_tbl := table(0) max := 0 ave := 0 count := 0 while line := itrcline(&input) do { line ? { file := move(13) | break # line after trace output? count +:= 1 if trim(file) == "" then file := "(none) " file_tbl[file] +:= 1 move(8) # line number field if bars := tab(many('| ')) then { # depth bars depth := *bars / 2 # recursion depth max <:= depth # maximum depth ave +:= depth # cumulative depth } name := tab(upto('( ')) # procedure name tab(bal(' ') | 0) # skip arguments (faulty) if pos(0) then { call_tbl[name] +:= 1 next } if =" returned" then return_tbl[name] +:= 1 else if =" failed" then fail_tbl[name] +:= 1 else if =" suspended" then suspend_tbl[name] +:= 1 else if =" resumed" then resume_tbl[name] +:= 1 } } if count = 0 then { write("no trace output") exit() } write("maximum recursion depth = ", max) write("average recursion depth = ", fix(ave, count, 5, 3)) write() write("File references:\n") file_tbl := sort(file_tbl, 3) while write(get(file_tbl), right(get(file_tbl), 10)) write("\nprocedure activity:\n") keys := [] every put(keys, key(call_tbl)) width := 0 every width <:= *!keys width +:= 2 write( left("name", width), right("call", CountWidth), right("return", CountWidth), right("suspend", CountWidth), right("fail", CountWidth), right("resume", CountWidth), "\n" ) every name := !sort(keys) do write( left(name, width), right(call_tbl[name], CountWidth), right(return_tbl[name], CountWidth), right(suspend_tbl[name], CountWidth), right(fail_tbl[name], CountWidth), right(resume_tbl[name], CountWidth) ) end