############################################################################ # # File: oldicon.icn # # Subject: Program to update the date in an Icon program header # # Author: Ralph E. Griswold # # Date: September 23, 1996 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # This program updates the date line in a standard Icon program header. # The old file is saved with the suffix ".bak". # # The file then is brought up in the vi editor unless the -f option # is specified. # ############################################################################ # # Requires: system(), vi(1), UNIX # ############################################################################ # # Links: datetime, options # ############################################################################ link datetime link options procedure main(args) local name, input, output, line, opts opts := options(args, "f") name := (args[1] | "foo") if (*name < 4) | (name[-4:0] ~== ".icn") then name ||:= ".icn" if system("cp " || name || " " || name || ".bak >/dev/null") ~= 0 then { if /opts["f"] then system("vi " || name) # if file didn't exist exit() } input := open(name || ".bak") | stop("*** cannot open backup file") output := open(name, "w") | stop("*** cannot open ", name, " for writing") repeat { # to provide a way out ... every 1 to 8 do write(output, read(input)) | break line := read(input) | break line ? { write(output, ="# Date: ", date()) | write(output, tab(0)) } break } while write(output, read(input)) close(output) if /opts["f"] then system("vi " || name) end