I have taught at Lund University in Sweden, for five years at the
University of Auckland, New Zealand, and since 1999 at the University
of Arizona, USA. I have taught in both Swedish and in English.
I typically teach classes on Computer Security, Compilers, and Programming Languages.
I view Computer Science as an applied, experimental, utilitarian
science whose ultimate goal it is to create artifacts that improve
peoples' lives. Our goal as Computer Science Educators should
therefore be to provide students with a set of mental tools
(theoretical as well as practical) that will allow them to construct
such artifacts, in a manner that ensures safety, efficiency, and
robustness. In my pedagogical mission I therefore subscribe to the
following two principles:
- Students of Computer Science must be given a good
grounding in basic, universal skills that will serve them
well throughout their working lives.
- Students must be trained in building real systems,
and how to use these systems to test theoretical hypotheses
under real world conditions.
Christian Collberg, Stephen Kobourov, Suzanne Westbrook,
AlgoVista: an algorithmic search tool in an educational setting,
Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE),
pp. 462-466, March 2004.
Christian Collberg,
Data Structures, Algorithms, and Software Engineering,
3rd SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education,
LNCS 376, July 1989.