To:,,, From: (Richard Snodgrass) X-url: Subject: draft minutes Date: Mon, 29 Sep 97 16:50:03 -0700 Sender: rts X-Mts: smtp Meral, Eric, Mike and Heather, Here are preliminary minutes. Please send corrections. See questions in [brackets]. Thanks, Rick ********** Attendees: Rick, Meral, Eric, Mike, and Heather We met from 9:30am to 5:45pm in a conference room in the Computer Science Department at the University of Maryland, with everyone present for most of the discussion. Mike and the Department were kind enough to provide lunch and a cookie break to meet faculty and students. ... * Membership initiatives Declining membership is a major problem. Eric listed several possible initiatives. - membership drive - SIGMOD posters, like SIGGraph - Regional student scholarships - Get more members from industry - Get industrial sponsors - co-locate with an industrial vendor show Meral listed some possible initiatives. - promote SIGMOD to undergrad students and student groups - increase web page We then went to lunch. These initiatives need to be discussed further via email. Rick proposed what was termed a "radical plan": - make the web page more of a "publication", with an Editor in Chief and an Editorial Board. Rationale: publishing info via the web is where things are going; we need to distribute this effort; titles and prestige are our currency to pay volunteers - produce an "Anthology" CDRom of all past SIGMOD (and perhaps PODS) conference papers, digitizing the images and allowing full-text search, at a cost of $10-20K. This CDRom would be given to all current members, and would be used to promote new members. There would be an Editor of this on-time publication (similar to the Proceedings Editor). We anticipate that this material would eventually be donated to the ACM Digital Library. (Late breaking news: ACM has donated the current SIGMOD/PODS digitized conferences to this CDRom.) IBM and Microsoft were identified as possible sponsors; ideally this would involve no cost to SIGMOD. - supplement with a yearly "SIGMOD Annum" CDRom with current conference papers, demo software, talks from the conference (e.g., in powerpoint), etc. to be distributed inside Sept issue of SIGMOD record, as a continuing enticement to retain members. This publication would have an EIC and Editorial Board. Content would come primarily from the current conference people: proceedings editor, demo chair, tutorial chair This plan was adopted, subject to further development and budgeting decisions, with the following changes. - The SIGMOD web is now "SIGMOD Online". It will have an "Information Director" and possibly one or more "Associate Information Directors". It will not overlap the material in SIGMOD Record (which will be a separate part of SIGMOD Online). The ID and SIGMOD Record EIC will coordinate to ensure each understands the division of responsibility. The SIGMOD (and PODS?) proceedings will be free to SIGMOD members, and will be put on the web in mid-March, several months *before* the actual conference, so that attendees can read some of the papers and come better prepared for technical discussions. In general, in SIGMOD Online, tables of contents will be world-readable, but recent (and hence more valuable) information, a year or less old, would only be readable by SIGMOD members, as an enticement for continuing membership. - The SIGMOD Annum will have an "Editor" (not EIC) as well as Assistant Editors (or other similar title). ...