An Overview of FAKtory
FAKtory is a software environment for supporting DNA sequencing
projects. FAKtory runs on machines configured with the UNIX
operating system. It is called FAKtory because it employs our
FAKII Fragment Assembly Kernel that is a C-library of routines
incorporating our best algorithms for solving the shotgun assembly
problem. FAKtory is highly configurable and can perform fragment
clipping, prescreening, and tagging functions, shotgun assembly with
or without constraints, and sequence finishing. An extensible
input/output mechanism permits FAKtory to be inserted into
any informatics environment.
This document provides an overview of the concepts and functioning
of FAKtory.
- Customization & Preferences
- Projects Files
- Fragment Database
- Fragments Panel
- The Pipeline
- Input/Output
- Prescreeners
- Constraints
- Layout Edit Panel
- Finishing Panel
FAKtory can be configured with a very large range of options, making
it flexible. The resulting complexity is shielded from end users by
a default scheme which permits a master user to establish a
lab-customized configuration that all end users see by default.
FAKtory has been designed to permit co-operative work on a given
sequencing project.
FAKtory provides a general-purpose fragment database: the type and
format of the data kept for each sequencing reaction is configurable,
one may control the vocabularies for given fields and establish
default values for them, one may sort and view records on any
combination of fields, and one may select sets of fragment records
using an SQL-like query mechanism that supports string searches.
FAKtory provides a fragment pipeline which is a configurable sequence
of processing stages through which fragments must pass. There are stages
for input, overlap detection, assembly, and prescreening activities such
as vector removal, poor-data trimming, and Alu tagging. The FAKtory
supports modes of processing from fully automatic to completely manual,
and further provides a review mechanism for handling processing anomalies.
FAKtory uses the ideas of input and output filters to make it
e.g., handling an unlimited range of input formats and linking to an unlimited
range of post-analysis programs.
The FAKtory prescreener stages employ a very general framework that
permits users to develop sophisticated criteria for clipping or tagging data.
FAKtory provides a mechanism that allows for the automatic association
of constraints for pairs of fragments based on naming conventions. The
constraints can be any combination of overlap, orientation, and distance
constraints as realized by the FAK II assembly kernel.
FAKtory supports the idea of an assembly scratchpad where one can
manipulate and interact with a set of possible alternate solutions to a
given data set.
The FAKtory finisher automatically keeps track of edited regions of a
multi-alignment, organizing the task of editing the penultimate solution.