The University of Arizona

  τBench: Temporal Benchmark


τBench is a temporal extension of the XBench benchmark. It is also a restructuring, into a benchmark framework (see the description of the concept of benchmark framework in the Software---Practice and Experience paper listed below.) τBench consists of a suite of temporal and non-temporal benchmarks, all derived from XBench, as well as a suite of tools for generating and validating each benchmark. Figure 1 depicts the relationship between the benchmarks. We define a benchmark as a trio of data, schemas for the data, and workloads to perform on the data.

Figure 1. Overview of the benchmark suite.

In addition to a suite of benchmarks, τBench can as mentioned be viewed as a general framework for creating benchmarks, as it provides a simple and robust mechanism for the creation and validation of new benchmarks from existing benchmark components. A cornerstone of the τBench tool suite is a temporal data generation tool,τGenerator, which can randomly generate time-varying documents in several data formats.

A cornerstone of the τBench tool suite is a temporal data generation tool, τGenerator, which can randomly generate time-varying documents in several data formats.


Package Contents

  • data/: directory holding the datasets
  • benchmarks/: contains each of the five benchmarks
  • docs/: contains the technical report.
  • tools/: tools for generating (XBench, τGenerator) and testing benchmarks


  • Alpha release (v0.2, 2013 March 22)
    (Includes τXSchema v2.1, XBench V1.0)
    download v0.2
  • Alpha release (v0.1, 2010 December 4) - Some benchmarks still under development
    (Includes τXSchema v2.1, XBench V1.0)
    download v0.1


Richard T. Snodgrass

Industrial Collaborators:
Stephen Thomas (Primary Designer)
Rui Zhang (Teradata Corporation)


msr Sequenced Stored Procedures in SQL
Microsoft Corporation unrestricted grant
August 2003 to July 2004 (R. T. Snodgrass, PI)


Stephen W. Thomas, Richard T. Snodgrass, and Rui Zhang, "Benchmark Frameworks and τBench," to appear in Software---Practice and Experience, Wiley Interscience, 29 pages, 2013. (pdf)

Stephen W. Thomas, Richard T. Snodgrass, and Rui Zhang, τBench: Extending XBench with Time, TimeCenter TR-92, revised March 2013, 63+vi pages. (pdf)

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