A neat way to specify calendars is to give a algebraic specification.
Currently, tZaman only supports partial algebraic specification.
To more fully support algebraic specification, we have developed
a list of operators that should be suppported.
The algebraic
operators list includes an XML specification for each operator.
An example of how these operations would be used to
specify the
Gregorian calendar is available.
Finally, we have also developed an
XML Schema to validate the extended calendar
Kyriacos Pavlou is
specifying in denotational semantics and as a translator in Java these
algebraic operators. When finished, a calendar could be expressed
either with the partial algebraic specification, which requires the
developer to also supply a Java class file, or with the full algebraic
specification, from which the (optimized) Java is generated
automatically, transparently to the application that loads the
This work builds up prior work by
Jessica Miller
Haitao Liu