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tZaman XML Specifications, Table of Contents
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  1. Properties
    1. Locale
    2. Instant Input Format
    3. Instant Output Format
    4. Interval Input Format
    5. Interval Output Format
    6. Now Relative Instant Input Format
    7. Now Relative Instant Output Format
    8. Period Input Format
    9. Period Output Format
    10. Indeterminate Instant Input Format
    11. Indeterminate Instant Output Format
    12. Override Input Epoch
    13. Beginning (deprecated)
    14. Forever (deprecated)
    15. Now (deprecated)
  2. Calendric System
  3. Calendar
  4. Field Value Table
  5. Discussion
    1. Parsing Temporal Constants
    2. Another Discussion on Properties
    3. Description Elements in Specification Files
E-mail questions or comments to Curtis Dyreson