τDOM is an extension to standard DOM API to support manipulating temporal XML document. Temporal XML documents store temporal information along with data in a single document. τDOM allows users to view the document from different perspectives. Using τDOM, the user can choose to access all the data, the data valid at an instant, or the data valid during a period of applicability in the document. τDOM frees the user from handling temporal data themselves and provides a convenient and robust tool to filter content of the document according to the temporal constraint specified by the user.
Richard T. Snodgrass
Graduate Student:
Srinivasan Chandrasekharan
Brian Godshall
Previous Graduate Student:
Haitao Liu
Haitao Liu, "τDOM: A Time-Aware API for Managing Temporal XML Documents," TimeCenter TR-74, October 2003. (pdf)
Sample Program and Sample Temporal XML document (Note that xerces 2.2.1 jar file is also needed.)
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