Software Distribution

The following software is available from the University of Arizona.

Version 3.2 versus 3.3

Version 3.2 has been the main research version of the x-kernel for the last five years. It has been integrated into the Mach microkernel, and has served as a platform for research into OS support for high-speed networking. Many of the protocols we have developed over the last several years have been implemented in Version 3.2, including Psync, MachIPC, and a large collection of security protocols. The Open Software Foundation (OSF) has integrated Version 3.2 in their distribution of the Mach microkernel.

Version 3.3 represents a re-engineering of the x-kernel, including a simplification of the interface and a consolidation of the platforms on which it runs. In doing so, our goal has been to make the x-kernel easier to understand and use. Version 3.3 also includes a network simulator, which allows users to experiment with their protocols on a simulated, wide-area network. Version 3.3 does not yet support as many protocols as Version 3.2, but we hope to port many of the 3.2 protocols to 3.3 in the coming months.

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