The University of Arizona
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About this Website

This website is designed to be a resource for students taking introductory Computer Science courses at the University of Arizona. It was written by Michael LeHew and Jason Rose in Winter 2004.

Much credit goes to Marty Stepp for writing many helpful programs as well as the previous CSc 391 website.

We'd also like to thank all the past coordinators and Section Leaders for their work and dedication in making the program what it is today.

In Fall 2012, Albert Herr IV repurposed the CSc 391 site, which formerly hosted all Section Leader information. Section Leader Program information was branched off from information pertaining to the Section Leader Training class (CSc 391). The resulting Section Leader Program site serves not only as a tool for the Section Leaders but also as an information hub about the Section Leader Program. In an effort to increase the visibility of The Section Leader Program, the new site received its own directory on the Computer Science Department web-server and a link on the the Computer Science Undergraduate page . The CSc 391 web space is now dedicated strictly to the Section Leader Training course.