############################################################################# # USER CONFIGURATIONS # # This section contains options that MUST be changed in order for you to # make full use of Stork. If you are are a new Stork user, you very likely # need to make the changes suggested in this section. ############################################################################# # The username is the name you chose when creating your key. # Change this from 'default' to your username. username = default # The publickeyfile is the public key you created. You do NOT need to # change the path, but rather ONLY replace the word 'default' with # the same username you entered above. publickeyfile = /usr/local/stork/var/keys/default.publickey # Pacman packages file to use. Remove or comment out this line. The default # setting here is only for Stork users who are not making full use of Stork. pacmanpackagefile = default.MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAKgZCjfKDl9ISoclfBuZsQze6bXtu+QYF64TLQlI9fgEg2CDyGQVOsZ2CaX1ZEZ_O69AYZp8nj+YJLIJM3+W3DMCAwEAAQ.packages.pacman ############################################################################# # SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS # # This section contains options that do NOT normally need to be changed. # You will know if there is something below that needs to be changed (e.g. # you were advised to make a change by a member of the Stork support team). ############################################################################# # Set the verbosity. # Options are: veryquiet, quiet, verbose, veryverbose, or ultraverbose veryverbose # Configure the repository to use. See stork --help for more info. repositorypath = https://stork-repository.cs.arizona.edu/user-upload/ repositorypackagedir = stork-repository.cs.arizona.edu/packages/PlanetLab/V3/Testing,stork-repository.cs.arizona.edu/packages/PlanetLab/V3/Distribution,stork-repository.cs.arizona.edu/packages/PlanetLab/V4/Distribution repositorypackageinfo = stork-repository.cs.arizona.edu/packageinfo # Bittorrent settings. bittorrenttrackerhost = stork-repository.cs.arizona.edu bittorrenttrackerport = 6880 bittorrentuploadrate = 0 bittorrentseedlookuptimeout = 30 # Order of preference for tagged packages. tagprefrules = %ARCH%