With Jasvir Nagra, I am the author of the first comprehensive textbook on software protection, Surreptitious Software: Obfuscation, Watermarking, and Tamperproofing for Software Protection, published in Addison-Wesley's computer security series.

Surreptitious Software has also been translated into Portuguese and Chinese:


  1. Christian Collberg, Jasvir Nagra, Surreptitious Software --- Obfuscation, Watermarking, and Tamperproofing for Software Protection, Addison-Wesley Software Security Series, Editor: Gary McGraw, 792 pages, ISBN: 0-321-54925-2, August 2009. buy
  2. Christian Collberg, Jasvir Nagra, Sub-Reptício Software - Ofuscamento, Aplicaçăo de Marcas D´Água e Resistęncia a Alteraçőes para Proteçăo de Software, 832 pages, ISBN: 8573939117, 2010, Brazilian Portuguese Translation of Surreptitious Software. buy
  3. Christian Collberg, Jasvir Nagra, Simplified Chinese Translation of Surreptitious Software.