The University of Arizona

Gregg Townsend's Genealogy Page

Timothy Ingram Killam Jr. and family

Miscellaneous Documentation

Origination and Genealogy of a Name, by Rufus Townsend, enumerates the descendants of my GGG-grandfather Elihu Townsend (1812-1883) of New York and Michigan.

The Scottish poet John Black included a history of The Blacks of Breich Water in his 1909 book Melodies and Memories.

See a Townsend Plan quilt.

My Concise Family Tree

    Cuish:                            /Celia,John,Anna,Joshua,Philip
   Shelly:                       Pearl\James,John,Simeon
    Morgan:                      |    /Nancy,James
  Dibble:                  Helen,Harry\Leonard
   Stephens:               |             Charlotte
    Honeywell:             |             |         /Rebecca
 Mallory:         Margaret,GeorgeStanley,GeorgeJohn\CalebRobin,Caleb,Capt.John
   Kramer:        |          /Aukje,Lammert
  DuHoux:         |     Clara\Rochus
   Lundberg:      |     |   /Selma
    Tedman:    |        |      |    \LauraEliza,James
   Jones:      |        |      Emma/Moses,Peter
    Garfield:  |        |          \MaryAnn,Billy,Daniel,Ebenezer,Daniel,Ephrm
  Gilkinson:   |        Freda/Alexander,Samuel
   Thornton:   |             \Helen,John,Peter,Patrick,Patrick
     Black:    |                    |   \Helen,James,John,William,James
    McDonald:  |                    Anna,James
 Killam:       Ruth,Earl,Tim2/Tim1,George,Eliphalet,Lot,James,Lot,Austin,Henry
    Billings:       |    |   \Henrietta
   Smith:           |    Minerva/James,George,Thomas
    Stubbs:         |           \Sarah,William
  Celley:           Henrietta,Henry/Ben,Aaron,Ben3,Ben2,Benjamin1,Benoni,Thomas
    Voodrey:                  |    \MaryAnn,Lewis,Lewis
   Rohde:                     Sophie/Ferdinand
    Dahlke:                         \Henrietta,Johann

Most Wanted

Please write to me if you have additional information on the ancestry of:

Gregg Townsend   (