The University of Arizona

mHealth projects

In the past couple of years I've been involved with new projects targeting the use of mobile computing (applications and services) targeting health applications. After a very good training provided by NIH (2012 Mobile Health Institute), I decided to invest my efforts in the area because of the importance of providing new solutions that can improve people's lives.

Some mHealth projects I'm involved with:

Project 1: Tobacco cessation with guided-imagery
Goals: The present project aims to develop and test the feasibility of a mobile health application using guided imagery in order to increase smoking cessation, healthy eating, and physical activity among a population of weight-concerned women smokers.

Intervention website:

Collaboration: PI - Dr. Judith Gordon (Family and Community Medicine Dept.)
CoI, Dr. Melanie Hingle (Nutritional Sciences Dept.)
CoI, Dr. Peter Giacobbini (West Virginia University)

Status: NCI (National Cancer Institute) Grant awarded! 2014-2015.

Project 2: Foodtracker
Goals: Nutritional advice for healthier food intake

Collaboration: Dr. Melanie Hingle (Nutritional Sciences Dept.)

Status: Prototype working.
Working on new research problems.
Funded by CREU/CRA-W, 2012-2013. website:

Thienne JOHNSON, Jorge Vergara, Chelsea Doll, Madison Kramer, Gayathri Sundararaman, Harsha Rajendran, Alon Efrat, Melanie Hingle. A Mobile Food Recommendation System Based on The Traffic Light Diet. (pdf) CREU extended report, 2013.

Project 3: Emotion detection with smart devices
Goals Use smart devices (smartphones, smart watches) for emotion detection.
Collaboration: Drs. Chris Gniady and Beichuan Zhang (Computer Science), Prof. Jo Ueyama (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
Status: Application design and development

Project 4: Transitions of care from hospital to home
Goals: Improve treatment adherence with mobile computing and interactive devices.

Collaboration: Drs. Chris Gniady and Beichuan Zhang (Computer Science), Dr. Kathie Insel, PhD., RN. (Nursing Dept.) and Dr. Jeannie Lee, PharmD, BCPS, CGP (Pharmacy Dept.)

Status: We are investigating user interfaces design and user interaction, targeting older adults and medication adherence.

Project 5: Chains of trust for on-demand exchange of medica records
Goals: Establish on-demand trust among EHR providers.

Collaboration: Student Jorge Vergara.

Status: Honors thesis completed. Prototype working.

Vergara, J.; JOHNSON, T. Chains of Trust for On-Demand Requests of Electronic Health Records. In Proc. WCNC 2015.