University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSc 120: List to String (Version 1)

Expected Behavior

Write a function concat_elements(list, startpos, stoppos), where list is a list of strings and startpos and stoppos are integers, that concatenates the elements of list starting at position startpos and ending at position stoppos (inclusive) and returns the resulting string.

Your code should behave reasonably for all values of startpos and stoppos: if startpos is negative, concatenation should start with the first element of list; if stopposlen(list), concatenation should stop at the last element of list. If startpos > stoppos it should return the empty string. See the examples below.

Programming Requirements

Solve this problem using a loop to iterate over the list.


  1. concat_elements(['aa','bb','cc','dd'], 1, 3)
    return value: 'bbccdd'

  2. concat_elements(['aa','bb','cc','dd'], -1, 1)
    return value: 'aabb'

  3. concat_elements(['aa','bb','cc','dd'], -9, 9)
    return value: 'aabbccdd'

  4. concat_elements(['aa','bb','cc','dd'], 3, 3)
    return value: 'dd'

  5. concat_elements(['aa','bb','cc','dd'], 3, 1)
    return value: ''