University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSc 120: Shuffle a Dictionary

Expected Behavior

Write a function shuffle_dict(somedict) that behaves as follows. Its argument somedict is a dictionary. This function returns a new dictionary constructed as follows:

  1. Let sorted_keys be the sorted list of the keys of somedict.
  2. Let sorted_vals be the sorted list of the values that these keys are mapped to in somedict.
  3. Construct a dictionary shuffled_dict that maps sorted_keys[0] to sorted_vals[0], sorted_keys[1] to sorted_vals[1], sorted_keys[2] to sorted_vals[2], ... sorted_keys[n] to sorted_vals[n].
  4. Return the dictionary shuffled_dict so constructed.

Note: You can get the set of values in a dictionary somedict using somedict.values(). This is analogous to the keys() method that gives the keys in a dictionary. In each case, you then need to use list() to obtain a list.


  1. Suppose somedict = { 'a' : 12, 'b' : 93, 'c' : 47}. Then, sorted_keys is the list of keys of this dictionary in sorted order, so
    sorted_keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'].
    sorted_vals is the sorted list of values that these keys are mapped to, i.e.,
    sorted_vals = [12, 47, 93].
    Then the value returned by the function shuffle_dict is the dictionary
    { 'a' : 12, 'b' : 47, 'c' : 93 }
  2. Let somedict = { 345:'pqr', 456:'abc', 123:'wxy', 234:'ijk'}. Then:
    sorted_keys = [123, 234, 345, 456]
    sorted_vals = ['abc', 'ijk', 'pqr', 'wxy']
    So the value returned by this function is the dictionary
    {123:'abc', 234:'ijk', 345:'pqr', 456:'wxy'}.
  3. Let somedict = { (11,22,33):'uvw', (11,43,27):'abc', (22,11,19):'lmn' }. Then:
    sorted_keys = [(11, 22, 33), (11, 43, 27), (22, 11, 19)]
    sorted_vals = ['abc', 'lmn', 'uvw']
    So the value returned by this function is the dictionary
    {(11,22,33):'abc', (11,43,27):'lmn', (22,11,19):'uvw'}.