Hey , they're right , you really can't believe everything you read .And if you're reading the predictions for the coming year in the supermarket tabloids , you can't believe anything ." O.J. Simpson will break down and admit he killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman , " the " National Enquirer " declared in December 1995 when publishing predictions for 1996 .Not even close .Simpson , while testifying in the wrongful-death civil trial , denied even ever hitting his wife , despite graphic photographs suggesting otherwise .The " Globe " predicted that Tom Hanks , winner of two Oscars for best actor , would win a third for his work in " Apollo 13 . "The award went to Nicolas Cage for playing an alcoholic who drinks himself to death in " Leaving Las Vegas . "Some seers quoted in this newspaper blew the call , too .Tempe astrologer Richard Nolle , who has appeared on the television show " Sightings , " predicted that a major earthquake , measuring around a 7 , would hit California in 1996 .Nope .Warren Freiberg , a psychic from the Midwest who correctly predicted arrests in the Buddhist-temple slaying case in 1991 , said a meteor would land in Texas near a major metropolitan area .Didn't happen .But Nolle did say in December 1995 that the Phoenix Suns were " going to make big personnel changes after the end of the season . "Charles Barkley was traded to the Houston Rockets in August .