All most people want from American Family Publishers is a big check delivered by Ed McMahon , but Geraldine Biggs would like an apology as well .While Biggs awaits word of a dying sister in Illinois , she is being besieged by phone calls from people across the country who think she is connected to the Andy Biggs of Phoenix who won $ 10 million from the sweepstakes .As part of their advertising campaign , American Family sent out notices encouraging people to call Andy Biggs of Phoenix to learn how he got the big payoff .Trouble is , Andy Biggs is not listed in the phone book but G.A. Biggs Geraldine is ." I 've got people calling me all the time .I tell them that I 'm not that person but they still call me , " she said .The Phoenix woman said she had a sprinkling of calls for a couple of weeks but the deluge started last week .Sweepstakes operators usually start marketing their contests heavily after Christmas ." That doesn't always sweeten my disposition , " she said .Biggs has been called from New Hampshire , Ohio , South Carolina , Georgia , Kentucky , Arkansas , Florida , California and Oregon .The calls have ranged from the touching to the conniving , including one fellow who tried to convince her he was Andy Biggs ' cousin ." He didn't know anything about the family , " she said ." He was very young and very stupid and hadn't prepared his answers very well . "Other calls were more heartwarming .One came from a little girl whose mother had cancer and whose father couldn't work because he had injured his back .All the girl wanted was some advice on how to win the sweepstakes .Biggs , who doesn't really believe in the power of the sweepstakes , told her to fill out the form carefully and make sure she put a stamp on it .But the callers that really frost Briggs are those who don't believe her when she says she doesn't know Andy Biggs ." They act like I 'm hiding something from them , but I 'm not .But if I knew him , would I be here ? I 'd own my own Lear jet and not be here . "Sure Biggs would like Andy Biggs ' money but she also covets his anonymity .She has called the Better Business Bureau , the Arizona Attorney General 's Office , US West and direct-mail associations to get the phones to stop ringing ." They all tell me there 's nothing to do . "American Family Publishers didn't return phone calls from the media .By now , Biggs isn't so so sure there 's an Andy Biggs out there and she 's not too keen on the sweepstakes , either .On Saturday , she got her own " Wait , you could already be a winner " invitation to the American Family 's sweepstakes .She threw it away ." I want to be left alone , " she said ." No , I want a letter of apology from those two ugly baboons on television McMahon and Dick Clark , American Family spokesmen .If it 's not bad enough , with the phone ringing I 've got to see them on television . "Biggs realizes she sounds cross but she is frustrated by the calls .There 's only one phone call she is interested in : news of her sister who is expected to die soon .