Somebody must have given a little whistle .Jiminy Cricket , in the form of three rare celluloid paintings , had been hiding behind a framed family photograph for more than 30 years when Michell EDITORS : CORRECT SPELLING Foster discovered him recently in her north Phoenix home .Now the family 's wishing upon this Disney star to make their dreams come true .The Fosters are trying not to count their cricket before it 's cashed .But , it 's tempting ." Right now , my mind is racing of all the things that could happen , " Foster said ." People have quoted us as much as $ 20,000 . "It might also be worth just a few hundred dollars .But that would still help with the bare necessities .Auction houses and collectors tell the Fosters they need to see pictures of the cel to determine its worth .Until then , all the numbers are just guesses ." Right now , it 's kind of nice not knowing , " Foster said .Their find is three pieces of celluloid : One has Jiminy Cricket 's head hand-painted on it , the second has his body , and the third , a background of a meadow .On the back is a gold sticker that says the cel is " an original hand-painted celluloid drawing actually used in a Walt Disney production . "It also says it was released exclusively through the Art Corner at Disneyland .Charlie Foster Jr. , Michell 's husband , has been describing the find to New York auction houses Christie 's and Sotheby 's , and he has been quoted prices that range from $ 2,000 to $ 200,000 .Meanwhile , the family 's has placed the potential meal ticket in a safe deposit box at a bank .That 's left a bare spot amid two dozen family photos hung on a wall in the Foster home .The Jiminy Cricket cell was hung there , tucked away safely behind a baby photo of Michell and her sister , Kim .Michell got the photo after the death of her grandmother , who lived in Santa Barbara , Calif. .She figures her grandmother probably picked up the picture at an area thrift store , maybe just for the frame ." Since I was a little girl , that picture was hanging on grandmother 's wall , " the 36-year-old said .Foster was supposed to bring a baby photo to work for a contest .She toted the picture to work and cracked open the frame , revealing the decades-old treasure ." I really didn't know what it was at first , " she said ." My boss said , ` That 's worth some money . "'She called up her husband and excitedly told him the news .And he got himself a quick introduction to the animation art trade and a history of Jiminy Cricket .The tuxedoed green insect made his debut , of course , in " Pinocchio , " singing his theme song , " When You Wish Upon a Star . "Charlie Foster figures the cel is from " Fun and Fancy Free , " a full-length 1947 cartoon .The cel will fetch the most cash if it is from that film and still has the original background .If that is the case , said Dana Hawks , director of the collectables department at Sotheby 's , it could be worth $ 1,500 to $ 15,000 .But if it is from one of the television films , Sotheby 's will not handle it , she said .Dave Smith , archives director for the Walt Disney Co. in Burbank , said that because the cel was sold through Disneyland , it is probably from television and not worth that much .In the late '50s , cels were plentiful .Because several were used for each second of film , there were a lot lying around to put in the Art Corner , which opened in Fantasyland in 1958 ." They were $ 2 , $ 3 , $ 4 apiece , " he said , adding that the Fosters ' cel could probably fetch $ 200 to $ 600 .She 's letting her conscience be herguide .