" Who the hell are you ? " a reporter asked .The inmate smiled , then shrugged ." There are so many answers , " he said ." There 's the textbook answer .There 's the military answer .And there 's the real answer . "With that , David Michael Pecard maintained his inscrutable veneer , even while granting a jailhouse interview .During an hourlong chat , the military police officer who finagled his way into several Arizona law-enforcement agencies refused to reveal much about his identity or past .But he insisted that he is not guilty of felony charges returned by a Maricopa County grand jury .And he hinted that some epic mystery , rather than an old-fashioned con , is behind his strange charade ." I can't tell you why right now , " Pecard said ." And I can't tell you how ...-LRB- But I did not , by free choice , create this situation .It 's a complexity of many events and many people . "Wearing jailhouse blues and handcuffs , Pecard promised to reveal the whole story after he retains a lawyer .Meanwhile , he explained , " I 'm in a damned delicate situation right now . "Pecard , also known as Wayne Devonne Simms , faces charges of fraud , theft , forgery , computer fraud and sexual abuse in connection with his reputed impersonation of various military and law-enforcement officials .Officials say he has served in the Army under different names , each time becoming a deserter .He also spent time in an Oregon prison for fraud .And investigators found evidence of several marriages without a divorce .Pecard 's latest Army tour was as an MP at Fort Huachuca , the military 's intelligence base near Sierra Vista .He secured a medical transfer to Phoenix and , posing as a Department of Defense investigator , began working with the Sheriff 's Office , the FBI and other agencies .Pecard befriended Sheriff Joe Arpaio and offered to help the Sheriff 's Office with translations and military-surplus needs .Arpaio , in turn , gave Pecard a badge , as well as access to records and jail inmates .That arrangement , and Pecard 's dubious background , began to unravel when two female inmates said Pecard had taken them outside the jail and fondled them .The father of a third inmate said Pecard bilked him out of $ 7,500 by promising to get his daughter released from jail .Amid the scandal , Arpaio declared that Pecard was his No. 1 priority , and officials unearthed a trail of aliases , criminal charges and bogus military careers .In his interview Tuesday , Pecard said people will realize he is no felon once the truth comes out .He suggested that there is documentation to verify his story , but expressed concern that he may not get a fair trial ." I don't like to admit being scared , " Pecard said ." But there 's a part of me that has a fear of not having the support of a legal system and the adequate representation to get a fair trial .I believe if I 'm given a fair trial , I will not be found guilty . "Pecard spoke elliptically throughout the conversation , often referring to himself in the third person with a curious mixture of eloquence , caution and humor .Without adding details , he said there is a reasonable explanation for the chameleonlike lifestyle that began more than 20 years ago ." David Pecard did not become David Pecard to rob banks or commit forgeries or whatever , " he added ." None of these alleged people his many aliases has a criminal history ....There 's a logical , legal or justifiable reason for anything that occurred or allegedly occurred . "Pecard said he had to withhold much of his story because he has not been given a defense lawyer despite spending a month in custody .He complained that the Maricopa County Public Defender 's Office has failed to represent him , and that jail officials have refused to let him phone a private attorney ." I think they're afraid I'll take the legal system and wrap it around their throats , which I intend to do , " he said .Pecard said he has filed a civil claim against the county for deprivation of legal rights , and intends to file a lawsuit on his own behalf .When asked about his Chicago family , especially his 21-year-old daughter , Lee Simms , Pecard grew melancholy ." I think my little girl knows I love her very much , " he said ." I am very sorry for any embarrassment I 've caused anyone , whether that be family or somebody who allegedly knew me as someone else .And I 'm very sorry to my family for the years of stolen memories . "Pecard denied that he has multiple wives .He said he has been divorced from every woman he married except one : Monica Rios , a Sheriff 's Office records clerk who remains loyal to him ." My wife understands I 'm in a very , very bad situation , " he said ." As painful as it may be for her , she has been far more supportive than anyone could expect .And I 'm grateful for that fact . "Pecard dodged most questions about his access to law-enforcement information , but noted that his trial could be " a very enlightening event . "During the past two years , he said , he 's worked not just with the Sheriff 's Office , but with at least a half-dozen other Phoenix-area law-enforcement agencies , including the FBI and the U.S. Attorney 's Office .Asked about more than 100 inquiries he posted through the FBI 's national crime computer , Pecard said , " Anything that was run was in conjunction with a legitimate investigation . "Pecard also denied accusations that he sexually abused female inmates after checking them out of jail ." Anyone who knows me as whoever I 'm alleged to be will know that this is not a human possibility , " he said ." I have not , did not and never will sexually abuse , assault , rape or pillage anyone .I have always been respectful and courteous to any woman I 've had contact with , professionally or personally . "Pecard also spoke in oblique terms of his military service .He said he 's had a very long career , but would not say how many stints he served under various names ." Actually , I 'm a pretty highly decorated soldier , " he said , laughing .